[MTC Global] Profile of a Global Manager

Profile of a Global manager


·         Meeting stakeholders’ expectations

·         Personal Integrity / Honesty

·         Loyalty to India / Host Country

·         Genuinely immerse themselves in the host country’s customers and appreciate their Social, Economic, Political and Technological milieu

·         Sharp business thinking / intelligence  – win-win for home country / host country

·         Managing Self, People and Operations - To be adored even after he /she has left

·         Emotional Intelligence


What B-schools can do


·         Computer Literacy

·         Internet & Library 24x7 mode

·         Language Proficiency

·         Interaction with foreign students / faculty/ practicing global executives

·         Demanding Course Work – Cutting edge Syllabus

·         Demanding out-of-class projects (Projects, Seminars, Workshops, Quizzes, Competitions, Foreign Tours, etc.)


Finally, what MBA students can do to become global managers:


·         Live 20 hours a day (+ 4 hours sleep)

·         Only one thought – of becoming an Effective Global Manager – No other focus

·         Draw all possible inputs from Faculty (25%), Fellow Students (25%), Internet

·         (25%), Library Books, Business Magazines & Business Newspapers (25%)

·         Heightened sense of constructive business curiosity, especially at global level

·         Watch as much as possible of CNBC, TV18, NDTV Profit & BBC Business

·         Reports…and only them! 

·         Develop polished manners, dress well—be presentable!



Bholanath Dutta

Founder, President & Convener: MTC Global

Web Link: www.mtcglobal.org Email: bnath.dutta@gmail.com/president@mtcglobal.org

Cell: + 91 96323 18178



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