[MTC Global] Profile of a Global Manager

Dear colleagues

Global managerial traits keep changing fast .I have been developing modules & involvd in Making of a Glbal Manager for past  2 years. It is a rough road.
Students of Management colleges are from different places, varied background, diverse upbringing, exposed to multiple class room teaching methodologies.
Majority of them do not have the potential to become Global Manager ; 
It is not that easy or an overnight affair -- easier said than done. Some do not develop the Global thinking even after 20 years of working.
Only 10 to 15 % can become real Global pros; for others, it is a process & takes time. 
All the traits listed in earlier mails are essential -- listing down is one part but getting the into action is the crux. Almost all the Mgt faculty are focussing on completing the syllabus wherein time is always short. The process of making a Global Manager has to start from day 1 of the program & a host of industry managers have to be associated.,

Ramesh Vemuganti  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NAGARAJA K <nagrajkk@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Profile of a Global Manager
To: join_mtc@googlegroups.com

I wish to add one more quality of a global manager

Cultural appreciation, cultural adaptability and building up new culture

Nagaraja K

On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <bnath.dutta@gmail.com> wrote:

Profile of a Global manager


·         Meeting stakeholders' expectations

·         Personal Integrity / Honesty

·         Loyalty to India / Host Country

·         Genuinely immerse themselves in the host country's customers and appreciate their Social, Economic, Political and Technological milieu

·         Sharp business thinking / intelligence  – win-win for home country / host country

·         Managing Self, People and Operations - To be adored even after he /she has left

·         Emotional Intelligence


What B-schools can do


·         Computer Literacy

·         Internet & Library 24x7 mode

·         Language Proficiency

·         Interaction with foreign students / faculty/ practicing global executives

·         Demanding Course Work – Cutting edge Syllabus

·         Demanding out-of-class projects (Projects, Seminars, Workshops, Quizzes, Competitions, Foreign Tours, etc.)


Finally, what MBA students can do to become global managers:


·         Live 20 hours a day (+ 4 hours sleep)

·         Only one thought – of becoming an Effective Global Manager – No other focus

·         Draw all possible inputs from Faculty (25%), Fellow Students (25%), Internet

·         (25%), Library Books, Business Magazines & Business Newspapers (25%)

·         Heightened sense of constructive business curiosity, especially at global level

·         Watch as much as possible of CNBC, TV18, NDTV Profit & BBC Business

·         Reports…and only them! 

·         Develop polished manners, dress well—be presentable!



Bholanath Dutta

Founder, President & Convener: MTC Global

Web Link: www.mtcglobal.org Email: bnath.dutta@gmail.com/president@mtcglobal.org

Cell: + 91 96323 18178



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