Re: [cameroon_politics] Bamenda-missing FCFA 230milion

Bamenda is in the North West and by that Bamenda can not be the North West. Is there something in being pastor that make you see a region in individual persons and in individual towns? Please reconsider your strange pastoral vision of the "Coming New Jerusalem".

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From: "Taku A. A. Moses" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 21:30:04 -0700 (PDT)
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Bamenda-missing FCFA 230milion


North West Elites,
The news is very pathetic to be read over the internet as it is a disgrace to the NWters.
How come a large and well set council as the Bamenda Council will be associated with that type of huge sum that can not be accounted for. It is but normal that the master you follow, the anointing of his behaviours will surely be rubbing on you. That is why the same attitude of the Gov't of Paul Biya will be rubbed upon Bamenda Council as an arm that is in full support, full honour, full adoration, full admiration, full defense, full praises and or full worship of the man on the seat of control Mr.Biya whom the NW have been playing open love deals with him by raising cfa 350 million to support his fraudulent and oppressive  Gov't even as captives.
Secret dealings too by the so called opposition members and also the ones that style themselves as freedom fighters for the liberation of their land, have equally poluted the NW in all that they do as a people on their land. We were brought up with sincere and God fearing attitudes from our fore-fathers as a people who eschewed sin and loved righteousness even if they did not know God but they feared the Thunder of the Wum or Oku people that reveals evildoers in the villages and or neighbouring cities. Where is the honour now to the Chiefs and Fons of old that was being expressed by these brothers from graffi as we popularly called them.
The chietaincy in the NW has visibly lost its salt of authority as they no longer fear,honour and or respect their Fons as the Fons have sold their respect or dignity to the politics that has no honour to cultures handed to them by their ancestors or fathers. They have even sold what is regarded as SACRED in the land to a foreigner as Biya by giving or wearing on him a Traditional garment meant for citizens and or nobbles of the land of NW. My Bible states that;Evil communication (association) corrupts good or righteous manners-1 Corint. 15:33. That is why we are not allowed to let our children hang out with bad boys or girls as they can be easily corrupted from good to bad. They have been the highest rated province of blacklegs in our struggle for restoration. They join you in the light of the day to sing WOE to our captors but in the night they perform quite opposite of what they did in the day. This is witchcraft of the highest standard because it is not done by illitrates but by very literate folks of high academic standing. Holders of MAs and or PHDs in academic disciplines.
That is what has happened to the NW as they have without reservations, sold all to a Foreigner-Biya and Biya has hynoptized all of the NW-a people with very visible and highly respected cultures. They now wear those (formally) highly respected hand woven gowns(with many colours) for only fun-no honour on them again. No class distinction again in NW as they had in years past, claimed that the Manyu man had no respect to her kings as they do not bow and or drink from the same glass in Ekpe house. The culture of the NW has fallen from grace and honour to grass and dishonour. Bamenda women and their men hardly heard or saw divorce with their natural eyes-but to day they are at the center now with divorces. Go back to your first love of Tradition as the Jews did.
After all these illustrations and or revelations, what is the way out? I have to state here that when some body sins in any way, and recognises his sins, he is given a chance to repent as repentance is what we are asked to do inorder to ender the Kingdom of God. As we go back to our restored nation-SC we shall all wash our filthily soiled garments (with sin) from Babylon as we  cross our Jordan-Mungo to our Restored land. We will not cross with dirt which is sin we inhabitted or collected from the life-styles in Egypt or Babylon.
We have been corrupted by their demonic activities and we have lost our handed over honour and dignity from our fathers and or Missionaries. Prov.14:34 and 2 Chron.7:14 will restore our dignity and prosper our nation and people again.
Bamenda Urban Council is surffering from evil communication and rubbed evil spirits as Biya has been to NW more times just to hypnotize that vibrant Anglophone Province that used to be Firebrand but now a Bulldog that backs and does not bite. Their teeth have been extracted by the demonic Dentist-Mr.Biya Bi Mvondo of Beti tribe in Babylon. NW fight for your restoration of lost dignity/glory as I am fighting as a freedom fighter for the whole nation. Righteousness exalts a nation or a people BUT sin is a Reproach to all.... As there si no accountibility in LRDC so is it too in all its affiliates-eg Bamenda Urban Council.
May your council be saved from this dilema you have found yourselves-Amen.
Yours freedom fighter(not with human weapons but with spiritual Missiles)
Rev.Taku-Ayuk Moses (alias Daniel/D.M.Tutu of Southern cameroons)

--- On Tue, 5/29/12, Elkanah Mukoi <> wrote:

From: Elkanah Mukoi <>
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Bamenda-missing FCFA 230milion
To: "camnet work" <>, "Cameroon Politics" <>
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 9:11 AM



Bamenda City Council still to account for missing FCFA 230milion
By Jude Abanseka
B,da City Council G.D. Vincent Ndumu Nji
It has been revealed during a Bamenda City Council, BCC, ordinary session of Wednesday, May 16, 2012, dedicated to examine BCC accounts for 2011 that FCFA 230million is allegedly missing from the council coffers.
The missing money was surplus carried forward from the 2010 budget. It is accounted for only in figures but is nowhere to be found. While opening the session BCC Government Delegate, Vincent Ndumu Nji, stressed that account sessions are important because without them council activities will not be carried out.

Mr. Ndumu said the missing money was attributed to the management of the former treasurers that was brought to his attention. He said it must be accounted for. The government delegate pointed out he was not in a position to conclude the money had been embezzled and explained that will be done in the appropriate quarters.

He said the money is supposed to be in a bank in the Bamenda City Council account. At the moment there is no finance controller in Bamenda City Council
Talking to L'Effort Camerounais the Government Delegate said the monthly clean up campaign has been suspended because the equipment for loading the garbage collected after the clean-up was bad. He promised that as soon as another is bought within three to four months the clean-up campaigns will resume.

The suspension is already posing a serious problem as heaps of garbage are already piling up in the streets. There are fears they may cause an outbreak of diseases in Bamenda. Mr. Ndumu pleaded with the population to ensure their immediate environment is kept clean regularly till the monthly clean-up campaigns resume.

The Government Delegate said in 2012 the Bamenda City Council plans to improve revenue collection, facilitate access to some areas in Bamenda the garbage collection team has not been to in 15 years, put in place proper structures and reduce excessive expenditures noticed in the last council session. The next BCC session shall hold in 4 months. 

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