zimleague:22900 Digest for zimleague@googlegroups.com - 25 Messages in 23 Topics

Group: http://groups.google.com/group/zimleague/topics

    Tapiwa Muzvondiwa <tcmuzvondiwa@gmail.com> Jun 05 02:57PM +0200  

    Used Samsung Galaxy S2 ($550) (As good as new) for sell, email me for pics!!
    Unlimited stock........Order yours today!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We also have many other phones that you might require,make your inquiry
    today Call me on 0773446938 or email me on tctechnologies@lavabit.com


    tracey chitende <calvarysales2@gmail.com> Jun 05 02:43PM +0200  

    AMD® Dual-Core® 1.65 GHz), 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVD +/-RW, , Loaded Windows 7
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    Finger print security, Wireless, Card reader, Webcam
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    *$400.00 Only*
    *5. Samsung 19" TFT Monitors only $100.00
    *For orders call: Tracey on 0772 964 546, *
    *or Email us on calvarysales2@gmail.com *


    Blessing Watadza <blessingwatadza@gmail.com> Jun 05 04:54AM -0700  

    Need a point of sale till slip printer and cash drawer, email quote to
    info@esport.co.zw / 743499


    "Florence Bumhira" <fbumhira@royalbank.co.zw> Jun 05 01:49PM +0200  

    Applications are invited for the above position within an Internet Service
    Provider. View more details on our website www.strategicsynergy.co.zw. Only
    candidates with IAP/ISP experience will be considered.


    "Weight Professional" <edgeahead@zol.co.zw> Jun 05 01:41PM +0200  

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    "Mr R Shumba" <rshumba@zol.co.zw> Jun 05 01:32PM +0200  

    If you have viable, new and existing business projects, that require
    financing, we can prepare a bankable business proposal within 24 hours.
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    "Mr R Shumba" <rshumba@zol.co.zw> Jun 05 01:28PM +0200  


    Selling boxed Nissan PG720 Starter. Phone 0774605748/0777440635 or reply via



    "Mr R Shumba" <rshumba@zol.co.zw> Jun 05 01:31PM +0200  


    Selling boxed Nissan PG720 Starter. Phone 0774605748/0777440635 or reply via



    "rumbie shumba" <rumbie@revive.co.zw> Jun 05 01:04PM +0200  

    I am looking for a bench top pH meter. Mail me a qoutation on
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    "evelyn maforo" <evemaforo@zils.co.zw> Jun 05 12:34PM +0200  

    I hev a Nadia to swop with any small nice car

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    Mukunda Lohani <lohanimukunda@gmail.com> Jun 05 03:25AM -0700  

    Project Proposal : Sample Format
    How to write a Project Proposal
    A Project Proposal on Human Rights & World Peace
    The institute named " Human Rights & World Peace" has been established
    with the intention of mobilizing project proposal for eliminating
    anarchism and guaranteeing human rights in the universal level
    according to the Institution Registration Act 2034. Specially, it has
    been activating as a non-profitable social organization. The central
    office of this institute is located at Putalisadak, KT M, Nepal. Its
    branch office is also situated at Pulchowk, Lalitpur. It has aimed to
    open branch offices all over the world later.
    Context and Rationale : -
    The concept of this institute has been adopted in context of
    preserving human rights and eliminating terrorist activities in the
    universal level. especially, the rationale of establishing this
    institute is to arouse public awareness for the actual implementation
    of human rights and maintain tranquility.
    Planning Process : -
    This institute will go forward on the basis of the following planning
    To assemble grant and cooperation in national and international level
    for the great mission of universal tranquility.
    To mobilize people's participation all over the world so as to
    guarantee human rights in true sense.
    Goal : -
    The main goal of this institute is as follows:-
    To minimize terrorism universally.
    To run an important campaign throughout the world for the actual
    implementation of human right and peace.
    Objectives : -
    The major objectives of this institute are the following:-
    To manipulate various informative seminars for the guarantee of human
    rights universally.
    To conduct prominent programs based on public awareness in every
    sector as a perpetual and responsible self- governing agency for the
    universal tranquility.
    To formulate innovative and scientific procedures for systematizing
    the peace and human rights in the universal level.
    To remain selflessly active in the direction to guarantee universal
    declaration of peace and human rights in true sense.
    Strategy : -
    The major strategies of this institute are as follows:-
    To establish reliable contact with social organizations of native and
    foreign lands with common target for guaranteeing actual universal
    To encourage persons and organizations in order to abolish universal
    To initiate different groups for world peace and progress.
    Major Activities : -
    On the basis of above-mentioned strategies, this institute will do the
    following major activities:-
    To give special priority for the development and conservation of
    those factors as universal peace and human rights are complementary
    with each other.
    To cause to support in the development of world peace, relationship
    and brotherhood by issuing commitment against the discriminatory
    behavior and deprivation of human rights to be happened in any part of
    the world.
    To run the effective programs based on the innovative thinking for the
    sustainable development of universal human rights and tranquility.
    To organize trainings, workshops and orientated classes for this great
    Co-ordination : -
    This institute will formulate and apply effective schemes all over the
    world for this deep work by coordinating and cooperating with N Gos,
    activated in national and international sector. Furthermore, it will
    also go forward on the basis of the coordination of various native and
    foreign social organizations, working in the field of social service.
    Thus, it has aimed to raise coordination with diverse groups in
    universal level for making this project successful.
    Program Area and Duration : -
    The program area and duration of this institute are as following:-
    To maintain the program area throughout the world.
    To institutionalize peace and human rights in universal level as its
    main scope.
    To determine the duration of five years for this great project.
    Anticipated Results : -
    This institute will anticipate the following results from the actual
    implementation of this project:-
    Minimization of terrorism in the world.
    Guaranteeing human rights universally.
    Maintaining peace and order over-ally.
    Raising the feeling of universal unity and brotherhood.
    For achieving above-mentioned expected results, this institute will go
    forward in the direction of its terms and references by considering
    various probable risks and potential dangers like heavy rain, storm,
    flood and landslide as natural calamities.
    Along with this, it will anticipate high level of co-operation and
    favor from every sector for the successful implementation of this
    challenging project.
    Program Management : -
    Indeed, skilled human power is needed for the successful
    implementation of any project. For this purpose, this institute needs
    competent personalities. So, the structure of program management will
    be as follows:-
    Chief Executive Director
    Assistant Director
    Assistant Manager
    Assistant Administrative Officer
    Account Officer
    Office Assistant
    Field Officer
    Assistant Field Officer
    Reporting : -
    This institute will submit the report for the working progress of
    project. For this purpose, it will do the following tasks:-
    To supervise its branch offices, activated all over the world
    To observe their regular activities.
    To evaluate the challenges, created in course of working.
    To revise positive and negative aspects of working.
    Along with this, on the basis of monthly report of the progress
    details of the project, this institute will prepare annual report as
    final report. For preparing a good report, it will mobilize human
    resources all over the world.
    As far as positive and negative impacts are concerned, it will give
    necessary instruction to various groups in order to make the best
    report. In this way, this institute will prepare an effective report
    by making deep supervision of the project.
    Budget : -
    Any project depends on the systematic management of budget. Without
    this, no program can be gone forward. So, this institute has managed
    the budget in following ways in order to prove the project
    successful :-
    Subject & Amount Category
    Group A
    Educative Program
    Research Co-ordination
    Group B
    Regular Supervision
    Systematic Survey
    Social Mobilization
    Perfect Management
    Conclusion and Evaluation : -
    While making deep evaluation of this institutional project, it seems
    completely effective and contextual. However, it is necessary to
    emphasize on systematic implementation of this project. It will be
    centered in those people and groups, who are deprived of human rights
    and victimized by the terrorism. As this project is a mixture of the
    guarantee of human rights and universal peace and order, it is
    believed to be entirely successful. So, this project will be proved to
    be beneficial for raising universal unity, brotherhood and
    implementing the principle of human rights in forth-coming days.
    Project Proposal : Theoretical Background
    Plan : -
    A plan is an image, map, or vision to represent the forms and/or
    features of desired situation(s). "It is a means to build a
    constituency for change. It is also evidence of an explicit allocation
    of resources to the task- and the means to mobilize additional,
    external resources" (UNDP, 2000). It is equally applicable in terms of
    understanding the 'concept of plan' be it in community or national
    level context.
    Of course, a plan prepared to develop a certain community is
    understood as Community Development Plan whereas a plan prepared to
    develop a district or region is called the District Development Plan
    or the Regional Development Plan. On the other hand, depending upon
    different sectors (agriculture, education, forestry, health and so on)
    there may be different sector-specific plans and we call each of them
    ' Sectoral Development Plan'. And finally, we have the National
    Development Plan, which should be understood as an integration of all
    levels, and sector-based development plans.
    Programme : -
    A program-me is the extensive and consistent set of action units
    stating the needs of interrelated activities to achieve the plan's
    objectives and goal. There could be several program-mes within a plan
    or a development plan.
    In fact, the success of a PLAN necessarily depends upon the accuracy
    and clarity shown in its program formulation followed by clear action
    outlines on one hand and the establishment of inter-sectoral and inter-
    organizational sound coordination and cooperation mechanisms, on the
    Project : -
    Projects are the specific schemes or action units designated for the
    investment of given resources and skills with an aim of attaining some
    predetermined objective/s. Projects involve real actions as per the
    direction of program-me outlines. So, a program-me may consist of
    several projects.
    In other words, projects are the specific action units within the
    framework of a program-me and program-mes are the integrated blocks of
    development plan. Therefore, proper formulation of sector-specific
    plan, program-me and project necessarily indicate the pace and
    direction of development process of any community, district, and
    thereby of an economy. Projects remain themselves at the bottom level
    of any plan.
    Type and Nature of Projects : -
    In broad, for a simple understanding, categorization of different
    types and natures of projects can be done on the following basis.
    However, it should not be taken as a comprehensive or complete
    Classification of Projects
    Basis Type and Nature of Projects
    Sector non-industrial or industrial
    Ownership private or public
    Output goods producing or service providing
    Motto profit or non-profit oriented
    Scale small, medium, large (depends on
    Project Characteristics in Common : -
    Despite the different types and natures of projects we observe in
    different sectors and in different levels, all of those necessarily
    reflect a set of common characteristics.
    Common Characteristics of all Projects
    each and every project needs to be guided to achieve an objective or a
    set of objectives.
    every project requires certain investment of resources (money,
    material, time, information or technology, manpower,etc.)
    Every project needs space be it physical, aerial, aesthetic,
    political, cultural etc
    all projects need to undergo a system of inputs- process - outputs.
    every project will have its own phase-based cycle. In other words,
    every project starts from its identification and ends up with
    evaluation. Depending upon the type and scale of a project, phases of
    project cycle may vary from project to project.
    Project Approach in Planning : -
    It has been already said above that a plan is a representation of
    vision and projects are the real action units undertaken in order to
    achieve the goal envisioned in the plan. Hence a plan vision may be
    based either on top-down or bottom-up approach.
    The practice of formulating plan, program-mes and projects at central
    level and pushed down to the field level for its implementation is
    known as top-down approach. Here the requirements and interest of
    local people while selecting and implementing projects are not taken
    into consideration, in general. Local people, in such case become just
    onlookers rather than the actors in doing development works. Usually,
    projects designed under top-down approach are experienced to face
    failure from a number of reasons. Some of the key reasons for their
    failures are as follows.
    Reasons for Top-Down Project Failures : -
    Ambiguous project objectives set on the basis of insufficient
    information and unreliable data while planning the project and
    designing its M &E system;
    Conflicts in set objectives of different projects that are working to
    achieve the common goal of a program-me;
    Absence of field-based experienced and/or qualified personnel to
    design and carry out projects;
    Lack of proper communication between project planning (central) and
    project implementing (local) agencies;
    corruption at higher levels in the name of local level development;
    No timely release of budget from the cent-re;
    Project and Project Proposal : -
    * Interlink
    A proposal is the guiding document of a project. Virtually, success of
    a project is largely determined by its project proposal document. In
    other words, a well-designed project proposal may leave no room for
    confusion and convulsions while undertaking and performing project
    activities. So there is a close interlink between the future goings-on
    of a project and its proposal document.
    * Uniqueness
    Depending upon the type, scale, and nature of projects each and every
    project will have its own uniqueness from different dimensions. So it
    is not possible to provide a standard format for improving the project
    proposal writing skills equally applicable for all types and natures
    of projects. We have to develop our individual project proposal
    writing skills by ourselves.
    Project Identification and their Sources : -
    Once we get a clear understanding about the concept of projects, our
    next step will be to identify the potential and useful projects that
    could be helpful to expedite the development process. Paradoxically,
    projects may be lying here and there in different sectors
    (agriculture, health, education etc.) and in varying levels or ranging
    from grass roots to national levels.
    Usually, project identification ideas come out from various sorts of
    problems those we face in our day to day life. Problems we face in our
    daily life may be looked from the perspectives of improving the
    existing situation of people, community, and organization at varying
    levels. On the other land, project ideas also may pop up to exploit
    promising opportunities which are either directly observed in
    different fields or are recommended by research studies, workshops,
    seminars, reports etc. Anyhow, most of the projects may be identified
    in relation to
    Sources to Projects : -
    The above discussions give a broad idea about the origin of different
    types, nature, and scale of projects. Alternatively, we may call them
    as the sources of projects.
    Sources to project, on the other hand, refer to those individuals or
    organizations that give life to an identified project. In other words,
    each and every identified project, if it is to be implemented, needs
    the involvement of certain amount of investment (financial and non-
    financial) to be committed by someone else. So any person or
    organization taking interest to invest and manage a project may be
    alternatively called as project animator or project sponsor or "
    Sources to Projects".
    Steps in Project Selection/Screening : -
    Since the focus of this guidebook centers around to improve the skills
    in writing project proposal, the identification and selection process
    of a candidate project with a view to write proposal thereon is listed
    below in a point-wise basis rather than in details.
    Recognize the types and natures of projects you have identified
    Establish operational nature of your project
    Do basic homework (whatever is needed )
    Find out the funding agency or sources to


    Prudence chikumene <prudencechikumene@gmail.com> Jun 05 12:43PM +0200  

    Big Chickens For Sale. Please call on 0712589568.


    Cain Ndhlovu <cain.ndhlovu@gmail.com> Jun 05 12:26PM +0200  



    Tapiwa Muzvondiwa <tcmuzvondiwa@gmail.com> Jun 05 12:09PM +0200  

    For sell used Nokia X6 ($275), email me for pics!!
    Unlimited stock........Order yours today!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We also have many other phones that you might require,make your inquiry
    today Call me on 0773446938 or email me on tctechnologies@lavabit.com


    Tafadzwa Chirigo <tafadzwa123@gmail.com> Jun 05 12:04PM +0200  


    Tafadzwa Chirigo <tafadzwa123@gmail.com> Jun 05 12:04PM +0200  


    "easyway@fausym.com" <easyway@fausym.com> Jun 05 11:34AM +0200  

    i am selling 12 kg blankets.
    phone 0772661669 or 0736579982


    Marlene Chanetsa <marlene@barkersogilvy.co.zw> Jun 05 11:16AM +0200  

    Silver in Colour
    Mileage: 84000kms
    Year: 1999
    2.0lt Engine
    Imported Mid 2011
    pics available on request


    Tapiwa Muzvondiwa <tcmuzvondiwa@gmail.com> Jun 05 11:15AM +0200  

    Hie All,
    I sell cars on commission,if you have a car that you are selling and
    you don't want the hustles of looking around for buyers,you can get in
    touch with me and i'll try sell it for you!!!
    Dispose of it within days!!!!
    Call me on 0773446938 or email me back on tctechnologies@lavabit.com


    Adeela Khan <cookerischool@gmail.com> Jun 05 11:13AM +0200  

    Let's continue our culinary journey in BASIC COOKERY 2 and expand our
    skills. In these lessons we will be learning about Braising, Poaching,
    steaming, stewing, pudding, pastry and Light meals. As with all our
    classes, the idea is to have fun, keep it simple and enjoy good food.
    The food cooked during each class is served up for tasting (sufficient for
    a light meal) or take away.
    *Preparing Meat & Fish*- Skinning Fish Fillets, Dis jointing Chicken & More
    on Beef cuts.
    *Sauces Contd *- Brown Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Hollandaise,Mayonnaise & tartare
    *Fancy Breakfast*: American Pancakes, Steamed Eggs, Baked Eggs, Eggs
    Benedict, Macon, Sausages, tomatoes.
    *Light Lunches: * - Quiche, Chicken & Beef Sandwiches, Wraps.
    *Chicken Contd*- *Chicken Breast Stuffed with Spinach & Feta*, *Chicken
    Fricassee* – A French Stew. Delicious and EASY. *Chicken Parmesan* - This
    dish consists of chicken breast coated with crumbs, herbs and parmesan then
    cooked to perffection.
    *Beef Contd* – *Pot Roast* - a braised beef roast slow-cooked in beef stock
    in a sealed pot. served with some vegetables. *Beef Pies*,
    *Beef Bourguignon *- lightly floured beef cubes (not strips) sautéed,
    sauced with stock & red wine. Finished off with Sautéed Mushrooms, onions &
    Fish contd* – *Fish & Chips , Fish in Black bean sauce
    *Vegetables Contd* - Mushy peas, Steamed Brocolli, Potato Gratin, Sauteed
    Potatoes, Stuffed gem squash & roasted butternutt.
    *Rice Contd* – Vegetable Rice, Spanish Rice & Plain Pulao
    *Baking *: Banana Loaf, Victorian Sandwich & Madeira Cake
    *Bread & Pastry *: Puff Pastry, Short Crust Pastry & Tortilla
    *Desserts*: Self Saucing Chocolate Pudding, Apple Crumble, Custard & Jelly,
    Crepe Suzette
    Cost: $150/person
    *Venue: 18 Bishop Gaul Avenue, Belvedere.*
    Times: 9am to 12pm or 2pm to 5pm
    Dates: 16.6.12 to 21.7.12
    Contact: akhan12399@gmail.com/ Adeela - 0772 335 773*
    Installment Plan Scheme Available*


    Adeela Khan <cookerischool@gmail.com> Jun 05 11:12AM +0200  

    During this course will you will learn kitchen techniques and most styles
    of cooking.
    It is designed to teach the essential cooking skills needed to become a
    confident, capable, efficient cook. It is designed for the interested
    amateur and the potential professional.
    Students will become proficient in family and party cooking, learn to
    understand recipes, plan time efficiently and cook with relaxed confidence.
    Please Note that all attending will receive certificate when completeing
    this course.
    Vegetable & Meat pre-cooking preparations
    Simple Foundation Sauces - White, Cheese & Parsley
    Basic Stocks - Beef, Chicken & Vegetable
    Simple Soups - Cream of Chicken Soup, Chunky Minestrone & Butternut
    How to make eggs - Fried, Scrambled, Omelette w/ stuffings.
    Fast foods - Chicken Fingers, Burgers (Chicken & Beef), Fries.
    Main Courses* - Chicken Dishes - Roast Chicken, Chicken Stir fry & Chicken
    A la King.
    Beef Dishes - Grilled Steak, Shepards Pie & Beef w/ Vegetable Stew
    Fish - Fish in lemon butter sauce, Fish curry
    Pasta - Tuna Casserole. Beef Lasagne & Macaroni Cheese.
    Salads Plus dressings - *French, Greek & Pasta
    Sides - Vegetables (Carrots, Sautteed Green Beans, Crusted Cauliflower, &
    Creamed Spinach), Potatoes (Mash, Roast) . Bread Rolls & Rice.
    Basic Teatime Treats* - Scones, Cupcakes, Muffins and Sandwiches.


    "easyway@fausym.com" <easyway@fausym.com> Jun 05 11:08AM +0200  

    i am selling navy blue trousers ( girls slacks ) grade 3 to 5.
    long sleeved sky blue shirts grade 1 to 3.
    phone 0772661669 or 0736579982


    "easyway@fausym.com" <easyway@fausym.com> Jun 05 11:01AM +0200  

    i am selling maroon blazers grade 5 to 7.
    phone 0772661669 or 0736579982


    "Kara Lombard" <kara@zol.co.zw> Jun 05 09:00AM  

    Come and visit our divine little Lingerie Shop
    No: 18 VanPragh Avenue Kensington(The Old Pearlites)
    Times: Mon-Fri 9-5pm
    Saturdays 9-3pm
    Contact Nomsa: 0772 813365 We Sell: Winter Pajamas, Winter Robes, Warm
    Sexy Baby Dolls, Bra's & Pants. Shoes, Clothing,
    New Born Baby Clothes...


    Tapiwa Muzvondiwa <tcmuzvondiwa@gmail.com> Jun 05 10:59AM +0200  

    iPhone 4s White Colour
    Charger + Earphones
    Asking Price: $875 negotiable
    Fully Unlocked
    The phone is Brand New
    Call me on 0773446938 or email me back on tctechnologies@lavabit.com


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