Re: Understanding Nfor Susungi

Barrister Mbeseha,
Thanks for your wise counsel. Discussing Susingi's confessed ignorance on this matter is pure waste of time. There exist a plethora of scholarly legal and historical material on the subject including  correspondences with the UN office of legal counsel, the ultimate authority on the matter. A number of thesis have lately been defended on the subject. La Republique du Cameroun's Scholars have written copiously on this subject. Indeed, this was one of the subjects taught in the Univesity of Yaounde while we were there. Emile Mbarga taught " Institutions du Cameroun". while Joseph Owona taught " Droit consitutionelle". Professor Ayangwe has listed a number of  English and French experts who studied and published works on the so-called Cameroon Federation.  None of these came to the pitiable inferences  that Nfor Susungi is drawing from reading a few documents out of context. A researcher usually will make his conclusions based on a number of credible sources. Even an elementary school child will  not pick one or two documents, read them outm of  a holistic context and draw laughable conclusions.
I find it laughable and a frivolous attempt to ascribe legal meaning to just any document without indeed, without the fear of being absurd.
The material Susungi is pointing to and concluding that a union treaty existed between La Republique du Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons existed have been there for long. They have been subject of critical legal analysis and commentary by legal experts and scholars. How does Susungi explain the fact that the so-called Foumban Constitution was but a revised edition of the Constitution of La Republique du Cameroon as Professors Fabien Nkot, Lekene Donfack and lately Kamto have pointed out and that the illegality of the said constitution flows from the fact that it became operational in September 19961 prior to October 1, 1961?   How could that Constitution validly create a union under such legal circumstances?
 Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude, that the illegality of 1972, so-called "peaceful revolution" was intended to correct these acts of illegality but as Fon Dinka, has pointed out, in 1984, Paul Biya finding out that the 1972 contraption had still not produced a union treaty to enable compliance with articles 102 and 103 of the UN Charter, simply put an end to this legal anormaly by reverting to his country at independence; for this legal absurdity and/or adventure endangered even La Republique's hard faught independence and territorial integrity in international law. Hence, its symbols of state deposited at the UN at independence have never changed. Even if they did, there still is no treaty of union filed at the UN as required by the UN Charter.
Susungi therefore has to look for some better subject to contribute to in his attempt to join a sinking ship. May be he can revive and refine his NASPROC and sell the ideas therein to La Republique. That way, he can safely get a comfortable place in the sinking ship, enough to get a piece of cake from a failed regime in plain implosion and at the very evening of its life.
 Chief C.Taku

--- On Wed, 7/4/12, Timothy Mbeseha <> wrote:

From: Timothy Mbeseha <>
Subject: Re: Understanding Nfor Susungi
To: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, July 4, 2012, 7:09 PM

My brother, in the most elementary legal language, one will say that British Southern Cameroons has made a prima facie case against La Republique du Cameroun. It is for them to come up with their defense/evidence to counter what their accusers (British Southern Cameroons) are saying. Not for the same accusers to look for defenses as we are doing. I think we have been debating Nfor Susungi long enough for any reasonable person to understand that he (Susungi) is on the side of the defense, no more no less. If Nfor Susungi himself has not by now recognized that he is acting in the interest of the defense, I am sorry to say he must try to reevaluate his ability to understand the issue at stake. Turning on ourselves and insulting one another only makes pleasure to La Republique du Cameroun because they have no defense. They ventured to spawn out some defense at the African Human Rights commission and it fell like a pack of cards. They think the best thing is to keep silent, in the hope that it will go away after we have fought ourselves to death. That is not going to happen, world without end. Amen.

From: kaavi melchizedek <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: Understanding Nfor Susungi

Why are you people cracking your heads over?
You have asked a question and Hon Paul Ayah
has challenged the UN with the same question.
Do you now want to give the answer your self?
If you ask me its LRDC and the UN who need
to be fainting under the weight of this question not
          I thought that when a man is growing he does
a lot of bad things. But runs to God and confesses as
age comes by. For fear of a sinful death he try to live a
good and truthful little life he hard left. But this is not the
case with Dr Susungi. So we can not even pray for him for
instead he was once praying and now he prays no more.
People let him be.
. mk

Chairman SCNC Belgium
Melchizedek Kaavi
Melim City(LGA)
Northern Zone Bui
County Southern Cameroon

From: thomas sama achoa <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: Understanding Nfor Susungi

Mr Greig Batey even if Foncha Sign any damn thing with Ahidjo does it mean we of today cannot correct the
error of our elders or what are you trying to tell me here?
Do you mean to tell me that does who fought against slave trade were wrong or what is all this bruhaha about?
Greig Batey let LRDC showed a duly signed document that Foncha and the then Southern Cameroons Assemly
signed which means that was a treaty that will not still stop me or any Southern Cameroonian of today from correcting
the wrong of yesterday.
Mr Greig Batey if i am not mistaken can you please clarify some of us here who never went to school the difference between
a communique and a treaty.
Mr Greig Batey if i am not mistaken you are a member of the SDF and as from 1990 the SDF as a party had issued morethan
500 communiques have those communiques of the SDF replaced the constitution of the SDF?
Greig Batey if you fail to prove the contrary here then you are a real coward as you have described me to be and might accept
it without shame for i never went to school but it will be a disgrace on your part who went to school but cannot differentiate your
left hand from the right one.
Greig Batey since when in this world have communiques become treaty's?

From: Greig Batey <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Understanding Nfor Susungi

Thomas Sama Achoa
You are the coward who fear telling the truth.
Did Foncha sign a document with Ahidjo and Charles Assale?....if the answer is YES. ( the text Dr. Susungi just released from the UK records office London)
That is the sales certificate of Southern Cameroons to LRC.
Our struggle for statehood should be based on a solid foundation of TRUTH not on a feeble foundation of FALSEHOOD. We the citizens of Southern Cameroons have the right to know what took place before our unholy union with LRC.
Batey Greig.
Southern Cameroonian by Right of Birth.
You can't take it from me.
Moh Ossing, Mamfe Division. 

--- On Wed, 7/4/12, thomas sama achoa <> wrote:

From: thomas sama achoa <>
Subject: Re: Understanding Nfor Susungi
To: "" <>
Received: Wednesday, July 4, 2012, 6:33 AM

It is but true that till this world will one day comes to an end cowards will continue to live till the
end of time, this guy who wrote this nonsense below here and Mr dokta are real cowards.

From: Dennis Tambe <>
To:;; camnetwork Camnetwork <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 12:00 PM
Subject: RE: Understanding Nfor Susungi

"Considering the paramount importance of the issues involved, coupled with the respective strength of the two major parties in the Southern Cameroons House of Assembly, we consider it a matter of profound regret that neither H.M Government in the United Kingdom nor the government of the Southern Cameroons considered it appropriate to invite the Opposition to take part in the Yaoundé discussions before the so-called "Constitution for a Federal United Kamerun Republic" was signed by Premier J.N Foncha, 'for and on behalf of the government of the Southern Cameroons', and President Ahmadou Ahidjo and Prime Minister Asale, 'for and on behalf of the Cameroun Republic'.  Since the territory of the Southern Cameroons is still held in trust by H.M government in the United Kingdom, we question very strongly the competence of Premier J.N Foncha to conclude and sign an international agreement of such magnitude 'for and on behalf of the government of the Southern Cameroons"'.

Dr Susungi,

Well done.
Thanks for posting this. 
This is ample proof of the beginnings of the "hush hush" politics of spoils that bedeviled West Cameroon
and is forever seared in the memories of many Anglophones.  PM Foncha and his cohorts rode rough shod over our common destiny without as much as blinking an eye. 

As the enlightened and benevolent British have observed above, PM Foncha engaged Anglophones in a fait accompli  without the benefit of a discussion with our civil society, including government Opposition. PM Foncha and his KNDP party contrived to get on the reunification bandwagon before anyone else with the hope of benefiting from the grace and favour of President Ahidjo.  And yes, Yaounde was El dorado for them and their crowd. They developed a bitter taste for reunification only after they were evinced from the feasting table.

Today, apologists for this intrepid and selfish politics (the SCNC and those who profited from it by design or chance) proffer Foncha's  "naivete" and his subsequent feigned "apology" as grounds for Anglophones returning to the status quo ante under the aegis of a "Republic of Southern Cameroons". Once bitten, twice shy.

The moribund and dastardly politics of West Cameroon is behind us.  We now live in The Republic of Cameroon that Messrs Foncha and Muna bestowed on us. The way forward now is regionalization within The Republic of Cameroon. We must get off this mushy-headed nostalgia about the intrepid politics of yesteryear that many knew nothing about but have no qualms romanticizing  about.  Anglophones must stop playing Russian roulette with their futures.

Mukefor Dennis Besong Tambe
Gubernatorial Aspirant
SW Region.

> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 11:24:31 +0200
> Subject: Understanding Nfor Susungi
> From:
> To:
> Nfor Susungi's piece on the alleged « reunification » of the
> Cameroons, should be looked at through lenses that monitor the
> political game of Le Republique du Cameroun within the frame work of
> RDPC politics.
> When a certain Mbono Samba woman who was a political bureau member of
> the RDPC died some years ago, there was that internecine fight amongst
> the elite looters of the South Province to replace her at that high
> looting table. Jacques fame Ndongo finally outsmarted older people to
> grab the position.
> Of course, it is no secret that Nkambe is an RDPC political orphan
> since the demise of politburo member Samuel Ngeh Tamfu. That vacuum
> has created a political playground where retirees believe they can
> bring their wit to play for a dual objective: grab that position or
> get one in a Government very soon to be announced by Paul Biya. And
> Nfor Susungi cannot be said to be not aware of this. Is writing is
> timing and calculative.
> By so doing, he thought that he was going to arouse a lot of sympathy
> to his opinion and make him a credible person for Biya in the place of
> Philemon Yang, why not! By that token, Biya would have found in
> Susungi, that missile that will destroy the restoration of Southern
> Cameroon urge.
> But what the likes of Nfor Susungi fails to understand is that
> Southern Cameroonians are more politically alert than he will think
> and can forecast political weather than the people he intend to serve
> by his strategy and action. Tamfu's place is open, all Susungi has to
> do is openly declare for the RDPC. He should then call Fidelis Nji by
> his side so they move around singing that "Biya is the cleverest
> person, the only leader, the greatest person and the wisest person
> that can lead La republique du Cameroun, till the world will come to
> an end".
> That is a workable piece of advice. I will not charge him for that.
> However, King Constantinople did won the Romans that "woe betides he
> who is laughing when Rome is burning"
> Nyangkwe Agien
> --
> Aaron Agien Nyangkwe
> Journalist-OutCome Mapper
> P.O.Box 5213
> Douala-Cameroon


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