[MTC Global] Watch this before it is taken off, or the guy is jailed...

" You dont stop laughing because you grow old; You grow old because you stop laughing".

Let us have few moments of relief in this gloomy state of affairs all around.


Virendra Goel



Nitin Gupta (Rivaldo) is a stand-up comedian & is an alumnus of IIT Bombay (Chemical Engg) and founder of Entertainment Engineers.

Here he is seen performing for the students at the S. P. Jain College and the subject is the CWG, 2G and other scams - the Archimedes Principle and Newton laws are a brilliant take why nobody gets caught in the scams in India – this can be explained by the Archimedes Principle for corruption "Any minister fully or partially immersed in corruption is pushed up by a buoyant force which is equal to the weight of the money displaced by him in the scams".

Laws of corruption should be passed – similar to Newton laws of motion
1)    Black money at rest will remain at rest, scams in motion will remain in motion, until unless an external force like the Jan Lokpal Bill is applied to them by people outside the parliament ….

See the hilarious video for more - unfortunately its not a laughing matter, the current state of affairs in India. 
















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