Fw: God,we forgive these SW/NW Chiefs and their families.

 My Honourable Freedom- Fighter- Brother  Rev. Ayuk Moses, Good day!
    How are you and H.E. Mr.PM doing now? Indeed, it's quite long I did not send you some heartfelt greetings due to some unforeseen circumstances surrounding our very lofty desire which is the Restoration of the Statehood of  our God-given territory -The Southern Cameroons State. In fact ,it was very hard to convince me that really the so  dangerous Fon Doh of all so-call chiefs of the so-call south west and north west regions of La Republique du Cameroun could die like a fly. How comes it that chiefs should die too other than H. E. Ambassador Henry Fossung and his diehard Councillors whom all their demonic motions of support to a fellow tyrant have been soliciting their extra-judicial killing?
  Again, one of La Republique's spy also gave up the ghost last month in Buea, after one of his brothers on his way back from France asked if he knew that the French Parliament was discussing the Southern Cameroons' Statehood since he was spying against the Southern Cameroons? Remembering how much he had invested on our land and had also wrapped himself in such nasty linen, he kicked the bucket even though he was just convalescing. He was popularly known as Andre. Origin: Bamileke. Many more are soon going that way upon the forthcoming proclamation on the D-Day. Even the so-call chiefs and  fons are not excluded, knowing fully well that they all endorsed the giving away of our beloved land to the demons for the love of their protruded pregnant stomachs."Truth, Legality and Trust are already Prevailing"
  My Dear Brother,there is a lot to say and and write, but there's no time again to waste on very inconsequential matters with the most wicked chiefs in this world all other auxiliaries. "We have fought the fight, we have won it" Praise be to our most  fatherly Leader H. E. Ambassador Henry Fossung and also to The Almighty God who has so well guided him all along this arduous struggle. Amen!
               Yours Lovingly, Ayuk-Echa Mathias Eno, National Information Officer of The Council Of State (COS)of The Southern Cameroons State.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Taku A. A. Moses <>
To: "ambasbay@googlegroups.com" <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>; "camnetwork@yahoogroups.comcameroon" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; Henry Fossung <hfossung@gmail.com>; ATANGA HENRIETTA LEM <atangalem@yahoo.co.uk>; Chief Charles Taku <charto_us@yahoo.com>; NFORNFOR <nnyamngaisc@gmail.com>; "nsusungi@yahoo.com DR. NFORSUSUNGI" <nsusungi@yahoo.com>; Feko Nkwutio <nkwut@yahoo.com>; Njoh Litumbe <njohlitumbe@ymail.com>; Rev. Dr. Ikome Samuel <anointed4greatness@gmail.com>
Cc: Paul Ayah <presidentayah@gmail.com>; Chief Ayamba Otun <chiefayambaeo@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 2:20 AM
Subject: Re: God,we forgive these SW/NW Chiefs and their families.

Sons and Daughters of Southern Cameroons,
Sincere greetings to you all.as this is time of actual war now as those who have provoked the war are very learned chiefs in the S.W and NW. Be ready for casualties as the War is now hot-man no run.
Their allegiants to the oppressors is not unconnected to the soft demonic monies being handed to them at various times by the owner of the money-Mr.Biya. Those who have uttered words in that meeting of the SW chiefs conference are all as at now duly booked and or registered as blacklegs. Birds of the same feathers flock together as they all are worshippers of Satan and Biya is a senior agent and they can not be different from their NW counterparts. Brother Kaavi, do not be worried as there is a God in Heaven who sees the affairs of man here on earth as we have to hand the matters to Him thru the pronuncement of Forgiveness as the Lord had asked us to forgive our enemies so that He can be allowed to take vengeance on our behalf. Vengeance belongeth to the Lord as he says He will avenge our enemies as He did in the time of Israel. Watch out for heads will surely role.
I am at this moment adding their hither to now suspended names to the list of them that are styled and condermned as blacklegs. Isa.5: 20-25 has now been released to them for God's Angry rewards-WOES. The newly arrived agent from NW by the name Nebafuh, who has come to do the evil contacts is highly welcomed.
He should be warned to be careful as he is travelling from one place to another to do harm. All the chiefs that have spoken one word or the other should be informed that I am not going to sleep until their words have been rewarded. I could not fight the NW Fons very detailly because I do not know them as I do my own of the SW. I know how they snore at night and what they do in their powerless traditions
Those who spoke as I can see or read their names are chiefs from villages that have no roads to their kingdoms. Most of them are going to lose their honour as soon as they get home. Our SW citizens are not as dogmatic as the NW citizens.
Chief Tabetando George-Lawyer, has no road to Mamfe, while his school classmate chief Itoh Isoh of Ekondo Titi has no road either. Chief Njifua Fontem was in various occassions bribed to kill his own cousin-Ambassador Fossung by PM Musonge and they could not kill him as God was with him. He is standing for the Truth and God will protect him and his life will be save as that of Moses or Mandela. You see how money corrupts up to making plans to kill your own relation. Chief Fontem will die as Fon Doh for that plan to kill an innocent freedom fighter of the Lord. All of them should be ready to have the visitation of the Angels of War for the redeemption of God's people as in the days of Daniel.
If Biya did not see that, the matter is/was Truthful, th Jacque Shirac had no reason to let Biya send an envoy to him H.F.with a promise of huge soft money in the tune of ff 2 milliard. But his conscience and the life his peole was put first and he refused the wicked offer. From that day in AD 1999, his life has been in continuous evil plans to kill him but to no avail. God is with him and he shall achieve his aim as Mandela. Biya does not know where to hold as the fire is burning from both sides-be it in his house itself or in the gov't. The SW chiefs can not solicit the release of their fellow chief now languishing in prison-chief Inoni.
Many of them shall be collapsing and dying without identified sicknesses, beginning with their demonic boss-Mr.Biya. His master will soon arrest him as he did to Mobutu of Zaire.
We are on our knees as most of the blacklegs will soon be seeing their evil works come to manifestation to the honour of our God, who answers prayers of the Truth concerning any matter. He judges Righteously and will always reject a case that is not true. I am too sorry for my inlaw Chief TABETANDO and our Paramount Chief, Ambass.Kima TABONG as God will not single them out (when i pray) as Lot in the Bible when He comes to destroy them all with His fire thru the Warring Angels. They are not even ashamed that they are in the midst of plenty but they are eating the crumbs from a stranger who has come and invaded their inheritances given to them by God. Shame to learned chiefs who do not know their rights in the nation God has given to them. I have found our matter in the Bible as there is nothing new under the earth says the Word of God. I have held God to honour His Word and perform it to the latter-Amen
Our freedom fighters; do not be dismayed by their blacklegging. I am informed by the infallible Word of God that all things worketh for Good to them that are called according to His purpose; and that in everything that happens to you, be it good or bad, you should only give thanks to God. We should give thanks to God for all that is being done now in lifting the face of the abandoned city for years. Let the face of the city be lifted for our use tomorrow. Where are the Firebrand CPDM  Chiefs of yesterday?Chief Endeley, Chief Mukete who also killed Lawyer Eseme because of the post he is occupying without natural hereditary of being a Bafaw son. The investigation was all pointing to him but as CPDM gov't supporting chief, he was never arrested and or charged. The same thing applied to Fon Doh who also killed SDF Chairman and was released but God's timely judgment caught him off guard. His people did not believe their eyes as God is the owner of our lives.
Their children will pay for the wickedness of their fathers acoording to the Word of God. I hand them all to God for His timely rewards-Amen.
Yours freedom fighter-not with human weapons but with Spiritual Missiles.
Rev.Taku-Ayuk Moses-alias Daniel/DM Tutu of Southern Cameroons. 

From: kaavi melchizedek <kaavimelchizedek@yahoo.com>
To: "ambasbay@googlegroups.com" <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>; camasej group all members <camasej@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: God punish these guys for me
Here goes some other idiots on the same vain like the NW idiots

SCNC Has No Place In Southwest, Chiefs SaySunday, September 09, 2012
By Bouddih Adams
CameroonPostline.com -- The executive committee of the Southwest Chiefs Conference, SWECC, has declared that the Southern Cameroons National Council, SCNC, has no place in the Region.
The Chiefs made the pronouncement on September 1, during an executive meeting at their Secretariat in Buea during which they met with an SCNC deserter, Emmanuel Nebafuh, under an outfit named Cameroon Council for Reunification, CAMCORE, that campaigns for a "one and indivisible Cameroon." 
The President of SWECC, HRH Njifua Fontem, in his opening address, stated: "After 50 years of Reunification, we cannot go back. Those of the SCNC need to change their minds. The SCNC has no place in the Southwest Region!" he declared. The SWECC President launched an appeal: "We are inviting all Cameroonians to come on board and build one and indivisible Cameroon."
Nebafuh, who was accompanied by a British Parliamentary researcher, Jeff Townsend, in his intervention, stated: "We [of CAMCORE] believe the SCNC is the wrong thing. We are against it. All letters that the SCNC has been sending to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Government have not been replied." He said he had been at the forefront of the SCNC struggle, but when he did research and found out that all letters filed by the SCNC have never been replied by the British Government he dropped the fight.

Chief Isoh Itoh, in reaction to the call to shun the SCNC, asserted: "SWECC was the first to stand against the SCNC and still stands against it." He would add that: "Decentralisation, which is going on now, will address some of the issues raised by the SCNC. The SCNC has been talking about going back to the federal system. We do not want that because we want unity in a one and indivisible Cameroon."Reinstitution Of House Of Chiefs
Also campaigning for the reinstitution of the House of Chiefs, which was abolished in 1972, together with other structures of the then Federal Republic of Cameroon, Nebafuh posited: "Traditional authorities can add substance to national debate." Nebafuh enthused: "We believe that the celebration of Reunification is an opportunity for traditional authorities to regain their lost honour. In many parts of the country, traditional authorities are a disgrace to their people because they are poor."  
Nfor Tabetando, a former President of SWECC, went down memory lane: "We enjoyed the House of Chiefs from 1954. There is the constitutional reminiscence and developmental reminiscence since 1972," said the traditional ruler who is also a lawyer.  "Former President Ahidjo might not have abolished it in bad faith, because he pinned it on financial burden of having a bicameral system," Tabetando observed, adding that a national association of traditional rulers of Cameroon was created a couple of years ago.  
Chief Atem Ebako, for his part, maintained that: "Traditional leadership is always incorporated in governance but on an ad hoc basis. We want it to be instituted socially, politically and economic spheres." Isoh Itoh averred that: "Traditional Rulers are playing an active role in decision-making and management of the country." Fontem opined: "The English-speaking countries in Africa have organised traditional institutions – not so for the French-speaking countries."Reunification Celebration
The SWECC President, Fontem said he was satisfied with the contributions towards the celebration of Reunification. "It is a great event taking place here in Buea and the Southwest Region and we of the Region must contribute to it," Fontem said. He, however, said the entire Region needs to have radio and television coverage so that those who cannot come can hear or watch the celebration in their villages. He also appealed for an improvement on the road network, while soliciting a facelift for Buea that will host the celebration.  
"While celebrating, we should not lose sight of the giant project that we have – the SWECC Secretariat," Fontem enjoined. Reminiscing the past, Fontem observed: "Chiefs nowadays are poor. In the days of our parents, there was the poll tax that Chiefs used to collect and Government will pay to them their commissions. But the poll tax was abolished and the chiefs lost the benefits."  
As solution to the Chiefs dilemma, Fontem proposed: "With decentralisation, the Government should factor a budget line in the Council budget for the upkeep of our palaces." To Nebafuh and Townsend, the SWECC President said: "Thank you for the effort and expenditure exerted to come and visit us in Cameroon." Former diplomat, Chief Michael Tabong Kima, told the visitors: "If we had learnt of this visit early enough, we would have prepared for you to savour our culture. Our culture is not only on paper, it is displayed."
First Published in The Post print edition No 01372  
This is why we Anglophones are where we are.You dont want sessesion but you want the recreation of the house of chieves.Who in the first place dissolved it?La Republique did.So you expect them to reconstitute it.I cant say your foolish because that is an understatement.Im sorry for the insult but time and time again history has proved people who only want to get rich and forget about their people wrong.Take for example the minister who was asked if Anglophones had a problem and said no they dont, but yet till this day there is no motorable road leading to his Bakossi village.Why do we fool ourselves.Cameroon is more stronger together, who told you that?The only thing I see is mismanagement and corruption.Now you want your House of Chieves to be reinstated because as the article put it "Chiefs nowadays are poor" thats why people dont respect you all.You dont want sessesion but you want your House of Chieves,its like saying you want shoes without shoe laces.(1st comment)
Posted By : Dgray50 | Sep 10 2012
(2nd comment)Its all about your personal intrest.People dont hate you because your poor,people have no regard for you all because you think of yourselves rather than your community.Think of what we had before, the House of Chieves , the marketing board and so many others.Where are they today?Southern Cameroons was rich and all of the epeople were financially Okay.But how is the situation now.There is one chief I hold to heart, he fought for us (us as a nation.I am NOT refering to SCNC)on many occasions but Im sure by saying and I quote "our resourses run the country" and every one knows it.But all the disunity amoungst our Anglophone bredrens has made him to lable himself Bakweriphone instead of Anglophone.We were powerful but now nothing.Now we beg for the bread crumbs that fall from the governments table, what a pitty.Look at countries like Zanzibar, Southern Sudan(Which was never a nation before and by UN standing could not,but they are today) and some say we can never be a nation.
Posted By : DGray | Sep 10 2012
These Chiefs are typical § capital fools. They don't want sessesion, yet they want House of chiefs. U cant eat ur cake and have it. U hate federal system and sessesion, yet u like its advantages. I've never fools, like s.w chiefs.
Posted By : AWASON | Sep 10 2012
. mk

Chairman SCNC Belgium
Melchizedek Kaavi
Melim City(LGA)
Northern Zone Bui
County Southern Cameroon
Web:  http://www.scylforfreedom.org
From: solomon atanga <soloamabo@yahoo.co.uk>
To: camasej group all members <camasej@yahoogroups.com>; ambasbaygroups <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: President Biya on His way Home?
There are strong indications. reports from Yaounde say the presidential motorcade has taken up its usual position in the wake of President Biya's arrival or departure.
Presidential guards have also taken up strategic positions since mid-day today.
Mr Biya is already 33 days out of Cameroon!
Would Mr Biya return with Chantal? Time will tell!
Solomon Amabo A. Journalist, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Equinox Radio/Television P.R.O. Camasej-D P.O.Box 5082, Douala,Cameroon Tel:(+237)74668899/(+237)95302043 Home: (237) 22687972 Email: soloamabo@yahoo.co.uk


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