Mr Ofege may i ask you please what you mean by
"Melchizedekian name..." bellow please.
. mk
Chairman SCNC Belgium
Melchizedek Kaavi
Melim City(LGA)
Northern Zone Bui
County Southern Cameroon
From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2012 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Mr. Lucas Fon CAMEROONIANS AS GOOD FOR NOTHING Social Qua...
Lucas eh?
Very interesting Melchizedekian name...LUCAS.
And Lucas ought to stand for...Massa Find Palaver, no?
By the way, Evelyn...I thought LUCAS came to your rescue when some
Abribas were studying your case.
Ya ought to give the man a break, no?
On 9/1/12, <> wrote:
> Mr. Fon:
> Maybe you should respect yourself. I am not in forums where you send your
> missives on this topic.
> Why someone's preference becomes your intriguing matter is your problem,
> not mine to indulge you in any mutual exchange. When you give
> interpretation to someone's opinion when you do not have the context, that
> is your own
> projections. I am not obliged to address that. Why would the right to
> different priorities and circles be noxiously projected as someone thinking
> he
> or she is superior? Do you see how your mind-set is dangerously inclined to
> start some nonsense? Exactly the type of tendencies Cameroonians must
> fear.
> I thought reasonable people do not comment idly?
> I responded to people I care to respond to. If you just learn the habit of
> ceasing to be bothered in any way, shape or form with what people do,
> maybe you will have a better understanding of your needless urge to
> generate
> controversies or gossipy write-ups that you are obviously seeking. The last
> time you maliciously lied that I used my non-profit organization to give
> money to people. Exactly Mishe Fon - you confirm the need for Cameroonians
> to
> stay away from a polluted community where people make up unsubstantiated
> stories to harm.
> First of all, there is no "Lady Kate Saga." Reasonable people understand
> and respect her rights.
> Browsing through the rest of your stuff, your attempts to impose common
> denominators to experiences that are duly subjective do not deserve a
> response.
> If you do not know the difference between obvious writing that bears no
> further implications beyond the stated and consequential writing where
> there
> may be derived implications from what is stated or privileged information
> can be revealed, you can bleat your fact checks until hell freezes over.
> But whatever you are doing, NEVER you try again to talk about who brought
> me to this world. Since you have demonstrated that you have no qualms
> backstabbing and promoting ill will with made-up stories - and I cited just
> one
> of the gossips you tried to generate with my name, you should stop that
> Cameroonian-ese. With these, people may be better of with UFO.
> People who are naive enough to think dancing mbolo-mbolo and associating
> translate to goodwill and security among Cameroonians can take chances at
> their peril. I maintain people should choose their friends with EXTREME
> and not based on Cameroonian-ese, especially if they have any valuable at
> stake.
> I know the distance I keep - and that is my choice without stepping on
> others' rights. Of course, I do not appear anywhere in Cameroon meetings
> talking to any delegation whether it is President or PM. That is a fact and
> my
> decision. I do not have to explain.
> This is what reasonable people do. If they find a source to be
> untrustworthy, harmful or just different, the problem is dispensed with as
> such:
> Disassociate, do not get involve, do not respond, conduct yourself as if
> the
> thing or people exist. It is a principled and honorable position.
> Would it matter if we never speak or meet each other in life? It would
> not. And that should be the summation - so easy, so simple.
> MsJoe
> In a message dated 9/1/2012 12:58:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> On the ongoing "Lady Kate / Malabo / Sullivan Foundation debate" I came
> across a curious posting by our beloved friend, Ms Joe. Herewith snippets
> of
> her mail that I found intriguing. My comments are in color.
> Ms Joe: I have learnt not to say anything consequential in Yahoo.
> Mishe: So where do you say something consequential so that we can
> "Fact-Check"?
> Ms Joe: Also, nobody sees me near any Cameroon community meeting with any
> delegation, PM or whoever. I don't need the burden of social quackery.
> Mishe: Auntie Ms Joe, That is not completely true. I saw you and we even
> shared "smol booze" and Zouk Machined together in Charlotte, NC. for three
> straight days at the Lessa Convention. I have equally seen and "hugged" you
> well well at other Camer gatherings. What,s your point anyways? Do you
> think Cameroonians are "Inferior" to you? Or do you think Not Attending
> Cameroon Functions makes you "Superior" to your "Kontri Peepoo"?. I don,t
> get it.
> Ms Joe: So when I want to talk to "big boys" I don't need Paysans
> (Cameroonians)
> Mishe: Auntie Ms Joe, this is nothing but "MVOUM". Some call it "Hallo
> Hallo Show Show". You have established your bonafides in the Cameroonian
> (and
> NAIJA) community, so please, no spoil am. Everyone is a "Big Boy" in his or
> her own capacity. So who are these "Big Boys" anyways? You are beginning
> to sound very ungrateful to the people who brought you into this world.
> When
> ever those Biafran guys finish beating you up in the various NAIJA Fora,
> you silently come back home to us and we accept you as our "Prodigal
> Wife/Aunty and Daughter, but you hurriedly turn around when calm has
> returned and
> start "Cushing" us. Na Wah 4 U oh!!!
> Ms Joe: Because they (Paysans) are no good for civilization. They are raw
> and unrefined, hungry and unprincipled, emotionally immature and badly
> brought up, vindictive and ultimately unproductive.
> Mishe: That is so not true and it is an unfair generalisation of your
> brothers, sisters amongst whom you share the most intimate moments of your
> life. If Cameroonians (including your direct family) were so RAW and
> why are you in West Virginia today? Since Paysans are HUNGRY and
> UNPRINCIPLED, how many have you fed with your abundance of wealth? This is
> so
> uncharacteristic of you to chastise your own BLOOD brothers. I have
> followed your
> FIGHTS in the various Naija fora and you can rest assured that NO
> CAMEROONIAN PAYSAN will ever CUSH you to the extent that the Nigerians
> insult you
> on a daily basis. This is like biting the finger that fed you. It is
> totally
> unfair. You have to tender an apology to Cameroonians NOW.
> First of all, as a Bamendrous woman (Yes we Pam,nda peepoo (Mankon
> specifically) been don pay money 4 ya head...U want argue? Try make I shu U
> someting), you are supposed to be humble, seek our advice B4 you even start
> blowing this ya heavy grammar ....yes for www YAHOO.
> Ms Joe: I do it all the time and needless to add, I NEVER ask for, a
> touch, a dime - no personal benefit to me. Most of the time, I don't even
> know
> what the business is.
> Mishe: I praise you for the philantrophy and magnanimity (if it is true
> (which I seriouslly doubt, but man no,re know) that you never ask for nor
> touch sep one dollar with no personal benefit to you...So how do you make a
> living if everything you do is FREE of Charge?). Honestly I don,t believe
> in
> NJOH stuff. There is hardly any Free Lunch out there. There must be some
> form of interest (yours, I mean) in any adventure. You are a nice person
> when you want to be but when that smol knot loosen, you can become "Tchakala
> Oloje" in one minute. You have to control that side of yours.
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.
"Melchizedekian name..." bellow please.

. mk

Chairman SCNC Belgium
Melchizedek Kaavi
Melim City(LGA)
Northern Zone Bui
County Southern Cameroon
From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2012 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Mr. Lucas Fon CAMEROONIANS AS GOOD FOR NOTHING Social Qua...
Lucas eh?
Very interesting Melchizedekian name...LUCAS.
And Lucas ought to stand for...Massa Find Palaver, no?
By the way, Evelyn...I thought LUCAS came to your rescue when some
Abribas were studying your case.
Ya ought to give the man a break, no?
On 9/1/12, <> wrote:
> Mr. Fon:
> Maybe you should respect yourself. I am not in forums where you send your
> missives on this topic.
> Why someone's preference becomes your intriguing matter is your problem,
> not mine to indulge you in any mutual exchange. When you give
> interpretation to someone's opinion when you do not have the context, that
> is your own
> projections. I am not obliged to address that. Why would the right to
> different priorities and circles be noxiously projected as someone thinking
> he
> or she is superior? Do you see how your mind-set is dangerously inclined to
> start some nonsense? Exactly the type of tendencies Cameroonians must
> fear.
> I thought reasonable people do not comment idly?
> I responded to people I care to respond to. If you just learn the habit of
> ceasing to be bothered in any way, shape or form with what people do,
> maybe you will have a better understanding of your needless urge to
> generate
> controversies or gossipy write-ups that you are obviously seeking. The last
> time you maliciously lied that I used my non-profit organization to give
> money to people. Exactly Mishe Fon - you confirm the need for Cameroonians
> to
> stay away from a polluted community where people make up unsubstantiated
> stories to harm.
> First of all, there is no "Lady Kate Saga." Reasonable people understand
> and respect her rights.
> Browsing through the rest of your stuff, your attempts to impose common
> denominators to experiences that are duly subjective do not deserve a
> response.
> If you do not know the difference between obvious writing that bears no
> further implications beyond the stated and consequential writing where
> there
> may be derived implications from what is stated or privileged information
> can be revealed, you can bleat your fact checks until hell freezes over.
> But whatever you are doing, NEVER you try again to talk about who brought
> me to this world. Since you have demonstrated that you have no qualms
> backstabbing and promoting ill will with made-up stories - and I cited just
> one
> of the gossips you tried to generate with my name, you should stop that
> Cameroonian-ese. With these, people may be better of with UFO.
> People who are naive enough to think dancing mbolo-mbolo and associating
> translate to goodwill and security among Cameroonians can take chances at
> their peril. I maintain people should choose their friends with EXTREME
> and not based on Cameroonian-ese, especially if they have any valuable at
> stake.
> I know the distance I keep - and that is my choice without stepping on
> others' rights. Of course, I do not appear anywhere in Cameroon meetings
> talking to any delegation whether it is President or PM. That is a fact and
> my
> decision. I do not have to explain.
> This is what reasonable people do. If they find a source to be
> untrustworthy, harmful or just different, the problem is dispensed with as
> such:
> Disassociate, do not get involve, do not respond, conduct yourself as if
> the
> thing or people exist. It is a principled and honorable position.
> Would it matter if we never speak or meet each other in life? It would
> not. And that should be the summation - so easy, so simple.
> MsJoe
> In a message dated 9/1/2012 12:58:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> On the ongoing "Lady Kate / Malabo / Sullivan Foundation debate" I came
> across a curious posting by our beloved friend, Ms Joe. Herewith snippets
> of
> her mail that I found intriguing. My comments are in color.
> Ms Joe: I have learnt not to say anything consequential in Yahoo.
> Mishe: So where do you say something consequential so that we can
> "Fact-Check"?
> Ms Joe: Also, nobody sees me near any Cameroon community meeting with any
> delegation, PM or whoever. I don't need the burden of social quackery.
> Mishe: Auntie Ms Joe, That is not completely true. I saw you and we even
> shared "smol booze" and Zouk Machined together in Charlotte, NC. for three
> straight days at the Lessa Convention. I have equally seen and "hugged" you
> well well at other Camer gatherings. What,s your point anyways? Do you
> think Cameroonians are "Inferior" to you? Or do you think Not Attending
> Cameroon Functions makes you "Superior" to your "Kontri Peepoo"?. I don,t
> get it.
> Ms Joe: So when I want to talk to "big boys" I don't need Paysans
> (Cameroonians)
> Mishe: Auntie Ms Joe, this is nothing but "MVOUM". Some call it "Hallo
> Hallo Show Show". You have established your bonafides in the Cameroonian
> (and
> NAIJA) community, so please, no spoil am. Everyone is a "Big Boy" in his or
> her own capacity. So who are these "Big Boys" anyways? You are beginning
> to sound very ungrateful to the people who brought you into this world.
> When
> ever those Biafran guys finish beating you up in the various NAIJA Fora,
> you silently come back home to us and we accept you as our "Prodigal
> Wife/Aunty and Daughter, but you hurriedly turn around when calm has
> returned and
> start "Cushing" us. Na Wah 4 U oh!!!
> Ms Joe: Because they (Paysans) are no good for civilization. They are raw
> and unrefined, hungry and unprincipled, emotionally immature and badly
> brought up, vindictive and ultimately unproductive.
> Mishe: That is so not true and it is an unfair generalisation of your
> brothers, sisters amongst whom you share the most intimate moments of your
> life. If Cameroonians (including your direct family) were so RAW and
> why are you in West Virginia today? Since Paysans are HUNGRY and
> UNPRINCIPLED, how many have you fed with your abundance of wealth? This is
> so
> uncharacteristic of you to chastise your own BLOOD brothers. I have
> followed your
> FIGHTS in the various Naija fora and you can rest assured that NO
> CAMEROONIAN PAYSAN will ever CUSH you to the extent that the Nigerians
> insult you
> on a daily basis. This is like biting the finger that fed you. It is
> totally
> unfair. You have to tender an apology to Cameroonians NOW.
> First of all, as a Bamendrous woman (Yes we Pam,nda peepoo (Mankon
> specifically) been don pay money 4 ya head...U want argue? Try make I shu U
> someting), you are supposed to be humble, seek our advice B4 you even start
> blowing this ya heavy grammar ....yes for www YAHOO.
> Ms Joe: I do it all the time and needless to add, I NEVER ask for, a
> touch, a dime - no personal benefit to me. Most of the time, I don't even
> know
> what the business is.
> Mishe: I praise you for the philantrophy and magnanimity (if it is true
> (which I seriouslly doubt, but man no,re know) that you never ask for nor
> touch sep one dollar with no personal benefit to you...So how do you make a
> living if everything you do is FREE of Charge?). Honestly I don,t believe
> in
> NJOH stuff. There is hardly any Free Lunch out there. There must be some
> form of interest (yours, I mean) in any adventure. You are a nice person
> when you want to be but when that smol knot loosen, you can become "Tchakala
> Oloje" in one minute. You have to control that side of yours.
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.
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