Re: [camnetwork] Re: Fon Of Balikumbat is dead

Dear All NWetrs,
Boh Herbert,
I am thankful for the sincere report you have rendered to us concerning the untimely departure of our brother Fon Doh of Balikumbat. Your report is without bias.
You will agree with me that the Bible says when the wicked die the people rejoice just as when the Righteous die the people murn for his departure. The Bible states therefore in Prov.29:2-That when the Righteous are on the Throne,(ruling) the people rejoice BUT when the wicked beareth rule(takes over) the people murn. Why is that so for the people-Herbert? Can you endeavour to answer the question? The answer is not far fetched as could be seen in the rulership of Fon Doh. As he took the Throne as a young man, the people were expecting the rulership to be different as he had been at least to school and not as illitrate as his fathers were. The people were expecting too much from him in the area of prospering the village in most needed aspects of village life. But to their greatest surprise, he became a Tyrant beyond their local imaginations. They were not able to tame him even with the laid down traditional and or cultural laws.  The people were now in a fix and did not know what to do but are now of a temporary relief of his passing away without significant sickness.
They are going to be careful in selecting a new Fon now as when snake bite you, you will fear even a milipite that passes around your house. The wicked run when no man chaseth them as the one you submit to is your master. So he submitted very visibly to Satan and to Biya who is a bonafide agent of Satan here on earth in the nation of Cameroun.
It will be remembered that, as a young man working with the defunct WCMB in Victoria he knew me very personally and when he saw me in the Presidency waiting room in 1999, now as a servant of God, he asked his Nchinda-servant to call me to him. At his corner, I made him know that I was no longer the businessman he knew while in Victoria but that now I have answered the call of the Lord to serve Him. He invited me to come to his Hotel room and pray for him as he was having continuous pain in his chest/heart that has defiled all drugs.
I came and prayed and the pain disappeared instantly and he was too surprised. He asked me where I had such Powers to heal. I told him it is one of those gifts alotted to Pastors called and anointed by the Holy Spirit of God. Mark 16: 15-18. Luke 4: 18. John 14:12.
He has gone so we should not murn because of his wickedness. If his senior brother Mr. Galabe resident in Douala is called to take over the Throne it will be good for the village and her people as he is a calm gentleman. The Bible says, we shall know them by their fruits.
We have not lost any hero in NW but have been blessed by the taking away of a Tyrant inorder to bring peace in their villages which had been experiencing but war and hatred all  around them. The same thing is going to happen to Biya as he too will collapse and die of Heart attack or sudden collapse as a result of their master's (Satan) desire.
I am with opinion that Balikumbat should instead celebrate the passing away of a Tyrant who was a murderer or a blood tasty wolf in the midst of his people. Here is a Fon who beats his subjects in the presence of his people. I am dully informed that Fon Doh even lifted up his youthful hands and beat up his biological mother who gave him suck as her child. My Bible states that we should honour our fathers and mothers so that our days may be long here on earth. This is the only commandment with a valuable promise from God.
How do you therefore expect him to live long if he went against this commandment of God?
Premature death therefore was his portion from the day and time he lifted up his hand and laid it to his mother and she left with pain and sadness. Heaven and the kingdom of Satan had registered that wicked act to his file in heaven for a shortened life span-Amen.
My spiritual advice now is that the family should arrange a family deliverance to erase all the evil that will follow his children in the tomorrow in life. They should call a spirit filled deliverance Minister of God to effect it; if not his own children will not see the rising of the sun in their lives tomorrow-Amen. Let his senior brother Mr. Allosius Galabe take note and act immediately to stop it from being a generational curse in their family. I hve advised as a Minister of God who knows life in the spirit and eventual curses that will follow.
God bless you as you adhere to this request for a better village of tomorrow.
Yours sincerely,
Rev. Taku-Ayuk Moses-alias Daniel to many families.

From: Herbert Boh <>
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Fon Of Balikumbat is dead
To: "" <>
Cc: "BOYO" <>, "Veye Alfred" <>
Date: Monday, September 3, 2012, 4:48 AM

Dear All,

I consider it an offense against departed souls to mention Rt. Justice Nyoh Wakai as a footnote to this obituary piece on the Fon of Balikumbat. I am particularly irked by the line which says of the Rt. Justice that he was "another illustrious son of the North West Region". Did I read "another" Cameroon Online is suggesting that the late Fon of Balikumbat was the other "illustrious son"? God forbid bad thing! "Tufiakwa!"

The late Fon of Balikumbat was a ruthless savage, armed, blessed and set free to visit death upon whomever he chose by the CPDM. He was the incarnation of Cameroon's "party of flames" and violent misrule. He was a perpetrator of the worst forms of human rights violations. 

It would seem that the hobby of the Fon of Balikumbat was murder. He preferred massacres, the scorching of entire villages and farmlands, doubled with the rape of victims. The CPDM sponsored him and enslaved his people to a Fon who may be best described as a "blood drinkard". He never seemed to have enough of the red stuff.

Yes, I said it! 

The Fon of Balikumbat gave all Fons a bad name. And it did not start with politics although it was certainly made worse by the immunity both the Fondom and parliament gave him. As a reporter, I traveled into and reported the tragedies he visited on neighboring villages for the French language paper La Nouvelle Expression, narrowly escaping lynching after I ventured too close to the foot of the hill atop of which the Fon's palace sits in Balikumbat.

I saw him at work several years before, as the President General of Cammark Football Club. As the Head of Sports at CRTV, I witnessed first hand and up close as he threatened to take the club to its grave if he were to lose leadership. I shrugged away his threats to me as a reporter (made in his residence in the Nkwen neighborhood of Bamenda) as I recorded him for a special edition of Sports Panarama. I remember the threats to his successor at the top of the club, Mr. Ngafor. 

Looking back and by comparison to his many victims, I guess we were lucky not to have been killed.

Our people do not generally speak ill of the dead. However, our people rarely have to bury someone on whose grave so many would like to spit. Our people consider Fons lost/disappeared when they die, but for a Fon who disappeared so many people and summarily executed others or commanded the troops that did the killings, this Fon is not lost. Unlike our other Fons, he does not deserve to be found. Unlike our other Fons, he is simply dead. It is Rt. Justice Nyoh Wakai who is lost here. He is the illustrious one.

After the reign of death, the Fondom of Balikumbat has a chance to start again. The family of the Fon can rehabilitate their name by distancing themselves from the evil that he erected by preventing that evil to live after him. They can truly find a new Fon who takes reconciliation and peace with neighboring Fondoms seriously. The family can seek God's forgiveness by confessing those many, many publicly known sins and by turning their backs on the devilish path the late Fon blazed in his drunken quest for ever more blood.

Our people do not evoke evil spirits when they seek blessings or when they pour libation. Evoking the spirit of the late Fon of Balikumbat is like calling Lucifer to your help. Like that fallen angel, this fallen Fon cannot do, in death, the good he so clearly abhorred in life.

We know that God will deliver justice but it is our duty to ensure that sites like Cameroon Online do not distort reporting on the facts that journalists have a sacred duty to bring to our people and document for history.

Boh Herbert

Sent from my iPhone 

On Sep 3, 2012, at 5:25 AM, NSOM Joseph <> wrote:


Fon Of Balikumbat, Doh Gah Gwanyin III Passes On
published in cameroon online of 03/09/202
On the strength of the customs and traditions of Balikumbat fondom in Ngoketungia Division, the official announcement is still awaited as the fondom grapples with the disappearance of His Majesty, on September 1st, 2012.

Fon Doh

No information has filtered on the cause of his death as close sources said he was active a few days earlier. On the throne since 1977, Fon Doh is closely associated with the heights and depths of the fondom.
He takes credit as the former Mayor of Balikumbat Council and CPDM Member of Parliament of the Balikumbat Special constituency who served two terms up to 2007.
In effect, His Majesty, Fon Doh Gah Gwanyin III has been on virtually every lip on the political map of Balikumbat Special Constituency.
CPDM party comrades say he is remembered for a visionary approach to politics, defending the ruling party against all odds. Sons and daughters of Balikumbat fondom also say that he was the political bedrock of the area which became known as one of the bastions of the CPDM in the North West Region.
CPDM Section President for Balikumbat II, Bayin Ignatius says that as the Mayor, His Majesty, Fon Doh Gah Gwanyin initiated road projects that linked Balikumbat Sub-division to neighbouring Awing village in Santa Sub-division. He is also associated with the creation of the Balikumbat Development Organisation (BADO) which emerges as the unifying instrument for Balikumbat sons and daughters. Balikumbat is one of the 13 villages of Ngoketungia Division.
Earlier on August 28, 2012, another illustrious son of the North West Region, Rt. Chief Justice Nyo'Wakai died. He is remembered as one of the finest icons of the nation's Magistrates in the then West Cameroon who later served in the Supreme Court of Cameroon. He also served as the Chief Justice of the North West Region.

Nsom Joseph
BUCREP - Yaounde
BP 12932 Yaounde
Telephone: 77218948
You can take a child out of the village. But you cannot take the village out of the child.
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