Re: Let us all drink to the health of Marafa. Thanks Marafa.

"It is incumbent on those of us who have the audacity to write on
these fora, to do a diligent and scrupulous search for the facts about
every event before making pronouncements".

Writes Mr Kima Tabong who had earlier written:
"Biya has a lot of brass for trying to end a culture of graft and
theft that has saturated his administration and officials".

And if one reads carefully his write ups, no where has Mr Kima brought
forward facts to buttress his claims.

He averred that Mr "Biya has a lot of brass for trying to end a
culture of graft and theft that has saturated his administration and
officials", but failed woefully to tell the world that the same Biya
blocked the application of article 66 of the Constitution that calls
for the declaration of personal assets prior to assumption of office
by any Public elected official, himself included. The reason we all
know is that he is number one grafter, if not why stand on the way of

Did Mr Kima Tabong not read the once memorable interview of Robert
Messi Messi of the defunct SCB Bank to Celestin Monga of Jeune Afrique
Economie where the banker narrated how Biya and late wife, Jeanne
Irene, orchestrated the collapse of the said bank? The culture of
graft and theft that has saturated his administration and officials,
is part of his political programme as initiated at the Société
Camerounaise de Banque (SCB) .

Regarding evidence, it was clearly stated by both Marafa and
corroborated by Chief Milla Assouté that billions of FCFA were paid as
compensation for a Camair plane crash by South Africa Airways. Proof
was further provided that Biya's legal adviser Foumane Akamé collected
this money (unarguably on instructions from Biya) and lodged it in an
account in France. Yes, this is CAMAIR money and an "Adviser" of the
President collects it and deposit it in an account somewhere else. On
what legal grounds? Why has Foumane Akame not come out with a rebuttal
or dragged Marafa to court for diffamation?

Sorry Mr Kima, the President merits no credit whatsoever because he is
the root cause and chief organizer of "the culture of graft and theft
that has saturated his administration and officials".
He has been incapable of putting forwards enticing policies that can
yield legitimacy to his leadership and rest upon a corrupt electoral
system whereby elections have to be constantly rigged. On that score,
any one seeking favour from him will have to steal so as to go
corrupting people for "votes" or brazingly stuffing ballot boxes like
Ephraim Inoni did in 1992 and was saved from being done away by an
angry mob by Victor Shallo of the SDF.
That said Mr Kima, can "Mr Biya (who) has a lot of brass" create state
instruments that enable checks and balances process to glow in
Cameroon? Only on that score can he be said to begin a sane fight
against corruption.


Any other thing is wish washy perfume for psychophants.


On 9/25/12, Fritz TABE TAMBI <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am puzzled why some of us, so called intellectuals, cannot understand a
> simple situation, call it a ploy or gimmick, like this one. After serving so
> long inside the administration, which is still in place, the  present 'state
> prisoners' represent the typical or ideal servants of our present-day
> Cameroon. This simply means that if you pick up ANY ONE of those presently
> out of prison and open a case file; you will be astonished at the
> overwhelming solid evidence against him or her. I mean to say once any of
> them, in whatever rank, office, position or corps, is indexed because he/she
> has fallen 'out of favour' for one reason or the other, convicting evidence
> cannot be lacking. They know it themselves. This explains why our blessed
> country finds herself where it is today, 51 tears after independence, with a
> litany of WANTS; even of the basics like water, electricity and roads!
> The way forward is PRAYER for a CHANGE IN MENTALITY by ALL those called to
> serve this country and for the Almighty God to lead CONAC to achieve her
> goal of checks and balances so that impunity is finally wiped out in
> Cameroon. No one any where behaves well unless there is effective punishment
> for misbehaviour.
> Dr F T Tambi
> ________________________________
> From: Dennis Tambe <>
> To:;
> Cc: camnetwork Camnetwork <>
> Sent: Saturday, 22 September 2012, 16:47
> Subject: RE: Let us all drink to the health of Marafa. Thanks Marafa.
> "How can you accuse a person of stealing when the money never went into his
> account but to another known account?
> Mola Mbua,
> The 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' mentality is polluting your reasoning
> here.  Clever or sophisticated thieves do not leave their finger prints on
> dodgy financial transactions.  They channel stolen money through surrogates
> (family) or trust companies.  The Epervier cases have shown such dodgy
> financial engineering, albeit naive.
> Mr Kima has said it all: "My concern is the absence of any rigorous analysis
> and
> meaningful contribution to the corruption trials going on in our
> country. What I read from different fora are opinions which
> are tribal or politically motivated with no relevance to facts."
> We have to shed our myopia and stop making heroes of "those who lived by the
> sword (of impunity) and should die by the sword".  The power was so absolute
> that any semblance of the rule of the law was destroyed. When we see the
> wealth these fellows accumulated (Anglohones and Francophones detainees/
> convicts) we are wont to err in favour of their prosecution. They would be
> prosecuted and imprisoned for unjust enrichment at public expense in any
> just system where the rule of law is sacrosanct.
> As Mr Kima has stated, let'stake off our tribal and nepotic lenses and
> analyse EPERVIER from a detached and disinterested perspective.
> Mukefor Dennis Besong Tambe
> Gubernatorial Aspirant
> SW Region.
> ________________________________
> Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 15:37:56 +0100
> From:
> Subject: RE: Let us all drink to the health of Marafa. Thanks Marafa.
> To:
> CC:
> Hello Mr. Kima,
> Firstly, you misunderstood my writing. I am not in support of thieves in
> government.
> Secondly, I never said corrupt people should not be tried.
> We can castigate Marafa all we want but his letters clearly show that he
> never committed the crime since nobody publicly countered his audacious
> claims: unless you have a counter-argument to his missives.
> From his letters, the entire world knows that he never transferred the $31
> million to whoever was the recipient abroad. The person who transferred the
> money should be on trial, not Marafa.
> So, if he never touched the money, how can he be accused of stealing it to
> begin with? Did the money go to Marafa's personal bank account? Whose Bank
> account was the money lodged abroad? How can you accuse a person of stealing
> when the money never went into his account but to another known account? Are
> we here saying that by some kind of miraculous incantation, Marafa conjured
> the money from that strange account to his own personal use? I understand
> there used to be people who could cause money to "disappear" into their
> pockets. However, if  Marafa could perform such a miracle, then he could as
> well "disappear" the entire Cameroon treasury funds into his "pocket". Is
> that possible? I am not a lawyer but think I can defend this case in a court
> of law.
> This is about common sense and justice. I do not need to be a Barrister at
> law to discern such preposterous charges. A primary school class one coco
> will argue to death if he/she is accused of stealing 10 frs when he never
> saw the money in the first place: True or false?
> I do not care whether Marafa was part of the Biya autocratic tribal jamboree
> or not; or whether he is CPDM or whatever. He deserves justice as a human
> being – a human right. This miscarriage can happen to any other person –
> CPDM or not! Nothing is worse in a person's life (save rape and murder) than
> to be accused of being a thief; denies it with evidence and without public
> opposition fromthe opposing or accusing camp but yet given 25 years as a
> thief. What kind of system is that?
> Now, coming to President Biya, well, he took money from SNH to quire a
> plane, a grotesquely illegal act since SNH is neither an airline business
> nor is it the nation's treasury. It is a completely autonomous registered
> company. Company law say that, such an act is a blatant act of theft from
> the company.  Thus, he has NO moral authority to start pontificating as to
> who is jailed or not. He also should be on trial – together with the entire
> alleged embezzlers -- in a just system.
> I didn't say Marafa is equivalent to Ouandie. I said that it was the same
> kind of Kangaroo justice at play as 40/50 years back designed to silence a
> formidable political opponent.
> Mbua
> --- On Sat, 22/9/12, KIMA TABONG <> wrote:
>>From: KIMA TABONG <>
>>Subject: RE: Let us all drink to the health of Marafa. Thanks Marafa.
>>To:, "Bakebe Bakebe" <>,
>> "noma noma-manyu" <>, "bohmanyu"
>> <>
>>Cc: "camnetwork CAMNETWORK" <>
>>Date: Saturday, 22 September, 2012, 15:00
>>Mr. Egbe,
>>To equate Marafa to a genuine freedom fighter such as Ernest Ouandie is
>> like to say Eyong Tabong Kima is the Pope of the Catholic Church. That is
>> a very hyperbolic proposition. Personally I have no dog in the fight
>> between Biya and Marafa et, al. My concern is the absence of any rigorous
>> analysis and meaningful contribution to the corruption trials going on in
>> our country. What I read from different fora are opinions which
>> are tribal or politically motivated with no relevance to facts. The courts
>> trying these men are easily dismissed as kangaroo courts with no factual
>> bases to buttress such claims. You owe the neutral observer some evidence
>> otherwise, reasonable educated people will see your arguments as
>> fallacious without merit.
>>Like Bill Clinton said: "It takes a lot of brass to knock a guy for doing
>> something which you have done yourself". Yes, Biya has a lot of brass for
>> trying to end a culture of graft and theft that has saturated his
>> administration and officials. Alternatively, could anybody sincerely say
>> not arresting these thieves is more desirable?
>>Whenever people castigate the president for arresting corrupt officials or
>> whenever they brand those arrests political, I rake my brains inside-out
>> trying to figure out
>>why they want the President to do nothing. To the crowd which has become
>> apologists of the corrupt and thieving class in Cameroon, if the president
>> does not arrest those who are looting and robbing the public treasury, he
>> is accused of condoning thievery; and when he arrests and tries them in a
>> court of law, he is accused of eliminating political opponents. This is
>> what the Americans call catch-22 which simply means do it and you are
>> damned; and don't do it you are damned. In the case of Marafa et. al. it
>>is a false dilemma. If this is the very president you and your cohorts call
>> a dictator, then I wonder whether a dictator will not have easier and
>> more Machiavellian ways of eliminating political opponents. Dictators do
>> not waste their time going through this kind publicized process which does
>> nothing but bring international attention and scrutiny on to them.
>>And by the way, since when did buying a plane for the presidency of the
>> republic a criminal act? It may be, President Marafa will not need a plane
>> when he takes over from Biya. Mr Egbe, in a post Biya era, I don't think
>> you will waste your precious vote for a man who chose to swim with the
>> sharks, shared in the loot for twenty years and only now claiming to be
>> holier than thou from behind the very prison walls that he sent many
>> fellow Cameroonians. Where I come from they say "you do the crime; you do
>> the time". Let Marafa do his time.
>>Eyong Tabong Kima
>> Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 11:16:21 +0100
>>Subject: Re: Let us all drink to the health of Marafa. Thanks Marafa.
>>Marafa's is a politically instigated kangaroo trail not different from that
>> of Ernest Ouandie although at different settings, era and political
>> circumstances. But this time, nobody can actually be shot.
>>I bet you that Marafa may turn out to be the next President of La
>> Republique du Cameroun.The die has been cast for confrontation. His crime
>> has been to expose the corrupt  Biya tribal cabal ofthe Kingdom of the
>> incompetent and the amazing lazy. Everybody now knows that the collapse of
>> all those State companies -- from West Cameroon's Cameroon Bank, PMO,
>> Camair was as a result of open loot by Biya and his tribesmen. The
>> ordering of $31 million  -- to buy a plane for himself -- from SNH coffers
>> by Biya is itself a criminal act against the people of Cameroon.
>>Have a great weekend.
>>--- On Sat, 22/9/12, Dennis Tambe <> wrote:
>>>From: Dennis Tambe <>
>>>Subject: Let us all drink to the health of Paul Biya.
>>>Cc: "camnetwork Camnetwork" <>,
>>>Date: Saturday, 22 September, 2012, 10:52
>>>"But with their probable condemnation, corruption will not be eradicated
>>> in Cameroon as longer as the same system remains in place!"
>>>Mr Tchucham,
>>>Agreed. Turpitude and corruption permeate the body-politic in Cameroon.
>>> It is encouraged and condoned by all Cameroonians for personal, family,
>>> tribal or regional gain.  The cancer of corruption cannot be cured in one
>>> day, by one court decision or by one President.
>>>However, Mr Paul Biya's new found or inspired love (by the USA) for
>>> probity and good governance is tantamount to turning a new leaf. Under
>>> our new scheme of things, woe betide those who misuse State assets or the
>>> common purse with impunity.
>>>These Epervier arrests,
> prosecutions and court outcomes are the snowballs that would turn into an
> avalanche against corruption and impunity in our God-forsaken country.
>>>Let us all drink to the health of the increasingly enlightened despot -
>>> Paul Biya of Cameroon. If we cannot beat him, let us join him in getting
>>> rid of his apparatchik that is riding rough-shod over our fragmented and
>>> impotent civil society.
>>>Mukefor Dennis Besong Tambe
>>>Gubernatorial Aspirant.
>>>S W Region.
>>>Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 10:27:59 +0100
>>>Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Marafa Trial:Life Jail Requested for
>>> Accused
>>>"Ne demande pas pour qui sonne le glas mon frère, il sonne pour
>>> toi"!Remember?!
>>>It is time for sadness, not for rejoice. I'm so sad for my country these
>>> days! Whatever these men should have done, they remain human beings!
>>> Only, in a context favourable to corruption, they were not morally high
>>> enough to resist the temptation. Only few men can stand in such
>>> situations.
>>>It is right that they should face the consequences of their actions if
>>> found guilty. But with their probable condemnation, corruption will not
>>> be eradicated in Cameroon as longer as the same system remains in place!
>>>That is the monster that our Generation still has to fight untill it is
>>> kicked out!
>>>Bonaventure Tchucham
>>>Chercheur Associé
>>>Institut für Berufs- und Weiterbildung
>>>Université Duisburg-Essen
>>>Les deux clefs principales de la Science:
>>>"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
>>>Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."
>>>"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
>>>Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."
>>>Leçon du parcours initiatique de l'adepte dans l'Egypte antique.
>>> De : Allain Jules <>
>>>À :
>>>Envoyé le : Samedi 22 septembre 2012 7h35
>>>Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Marafa Trial:Life Jail Requested for
>>> Accused
>>>Good news if judge confirms !
>>>Allain Jules
>>>2012/9/22 solomon atanga <>
>>>>As I write, the court session has  been suspendedor the moment .
>>>>Reports say the state prosecutor is demanding the judges to slam a life
>>>> jail term to all the accused in the abortive purchase of the
>>>> presidential plane affaire, the seizure of their property and a fine of
>>>> 85 billion frs.
>>>>Solomon Amabo A.
>>>>Deputy Editor-in-Chief
>>>>Equinox Radio/Television
>>>>P.R.O. Camasej-D
>>>>P.O.Box 5082, Douala,Cameroon
>>>>Home: (237) 22687972
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