Re: [manyu] FW: [Cameroonforum] Our Government

Hi Mr Sama,
Please do not abuse Fred. I think it is wrong. Please you may be annoyed about a comment but stay civil. I do not think you live in the UK. If you do then you should know the gravity of telling Fred he is stupid. You can imagine what you could do if you have a position in Cameroon. It seems as if you are a bully. If not it seems as if you work permanent night shifts and this is reflected in your writing.  Please talk to your employer to change your shift pattern. But Fred is not stupid as such I will suggest that you apologise to Fred and withdraw your statement.
Moh Kembong.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sama Thomas Achoa <>
To: ambasbay <>
Sent: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 9:34
Subject: Re: [manyu] FW: [Cameroonforum] Our Government

Fred that goes further to explain how stupid you are please do not refer me to Mishe but react to what i have said and the question i had raised.

On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Fred Kemah <> wrote:

Fellow Cameroonians,
As a politician I spend most of my time thinking about the way forward after Biya.  My political platform, in the name of CAMEROON TRANSITIONAL COUNCIL/COUNSEILLE  DE TRANSITION CAMEROUNAIS  is a unique force capable of  re-uniting the Cameroonian people. We are based in London at present and the plan is to create satellite branches  in Cameroon as well.
This piece is to inform you that during talks with la republique du Cameroun  the CTC will decline the   prime ministerial position as a deal to silence the anglophone mouths. For the sake of justice and equilibrium, we would suggest Sonaro no longer pay its taxes  in Yaounde but in Limbe. We would seek key ministries including, defence, finance, territorial administration and foreign office.
Most importantly the South West Province must have a regional medical centre of international reputation whilst the CTC is in office.
Please count on the Cameroon Transitional Council for a brighter future.
Fred Kemah
Cameroon Transitional Council.
Very Strong Candidate for the presidentials in Cameroon after Biya.
Thank you.

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