Stop the LRC Madness in Buea NOW!!! Arrests intensify

More Disturbing Madness by LRC
As of the time of filing in this report, 17 more Southern Cameroonians
have been arrested, all in the presence of this reporter at Mile 14
This reporter trailed an ESIR ( Special Police) force from Buea to
down Mile 17 and espied the van parking at the entrance into te
compound of the Fako County Chairman's residence ( Mr. Ofong Peter).
The inhabitants of the area came out to "enjoy" the drama, as they
knew that Peter Ofong had just driven out a few seconds before the
brutes arrived.
In less than three minutes, they police came out dragging Mrs. Ofong
Mispa by the collar, shouting in French " Tu va nous montrer ou se
cache ton marie" ( You will show us where your husband is hiding).
Along with her were others amongst whom were Mr. Stephen Ngang from
Santa who had come down for the commemoration, but was so ill and had
to lie indoors taking his drugs. The other was a lady, Madam Nlon
Veronica from Kumbo who had stopped by to have a bath. She was also
dragged on and heaped into the police van to an unknown destination.
Meanwhile, the others who were arrested were just passers-by and
neighbors who came by to tell the police to leave the peaceful people
Meantime, the following were earlier arrested on September 28, 2012 as follows:
Fokum Andrew in Muyuka from his house at 2:30 a.m
Mwelem Lawrence from Mutengene from his bedroom at 2 a.m.
Other names arwe still being investigated.
It should be noted that the police is frantically searching the bags
of all travellers into Buea, and rounding up any persons standing in
"suspicious" a bid to 'frustrate" any moves towards the
succesfull commemoration of the independence day of british Southern
What we decipher in all this is madness, cacophony, and complacency on
the part of the international community in the face of all these
abuses and provocation.
Bokwango, Buea, September 30, 2012.
Martin FON YEMBEExecutive Director, GLOBINET


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