[ACEsthetics] New Post/Thread Notification: Coaching & Consulting


drmikemaroon has just posted in the Coaching & Consulting forum of ACE Dental World under the title of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.

This thread is located at http://www.acedentalforum.com/forum/threads/1536-The-Science-of-Getting-Rich-by-Wallace-D-Wattles

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Science Of Getting Rich
by Wallace D. Wattles
Notes from the "Science Of Getting Rich"
1. You have the power within you that is superior to any condition or circumstance you may encounter en route to your goal.
2. The desire to be rich is a praiseworthy goal as long as you do it on a creative plane; not a competitive one. You become rich through creation not competition.
3. Desire is possibility seeking expression.
4. God's gift to you is more talent and ability than you could possibly use in this lifetime. Your gift to God is to develop as much of that talent and ability as you can in this lifetime.
5. The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way.
6. There is an abundance of opportunity for the person who will swim with the tide and not against it.
7. Nature is formed for the advancement of life; it's motive is the increase of life.
8. Everything you see in life is the visible expression of a pure thought.
9. To think according to appearances is easy. To think in accordance with your dreams and vision regardless of appearances requires tremendous and sustained effort. Are you growing or shrinking in the face of this challenge?
10. You must hold on to the trust that there is only abundance. There is an invisible supply of limitless riches that are coming to you as fast as you can receive them.
11. Our purpose in life is to continually grow and expand and seek and give more to life.
12. We must get rich so we can live more. It is the desire of God that you should get rich. The Universe desires you to have everything you want. Nature is friendly to your plans.
13. Have a goal to add to the value of life in every transaction you engage in. Give more in the form of use value than you receive in cash value.
14. It is gratitude that keeps you connected with your power.
15. Faith is born of gratitude.
16. Fix your attention on the best and surround yourself with the best.
17. You must know what you want and be definite. Keep a clear mental picture of what you want continually in your mind. However, holding the picture in your mind is not enough. Behind your vision must be the purpose to realize it. Behind the purpose must be unwavering and invincible faith. Remember what you want is already yours, you have only to take possession of it.
18. Take the mental attitude of ownership in your vision. Take possession in your mind in the full faith that is actually yours. Be thankful for it all the time as to be when it has taken form. The person who can sincerely thank God for the things which they own only in imagination has real faith.
19. Your responsibility is to intelligently formulate your desire for the things which make for a larger life and to get these desires arranged into a coherent whole.
20. The answer to prayer is not according to your faith while you talk but according to your faith while you are taking action.
21. It is faith and purpose in the use of your imagination which make the difference between a dreamER and a dream MAKER. The more steady and continuous your faith and purpose the more rapid your dreams will take form.
22. To get rich DO NOT apply your will power to anything outside of yourself. To get rich you need only to use your will power upon yourself. Use your will to keep yourself thinking and acting in a certain way.
23. Faith, purpose and imagination will start a movement of the Universe towards you. Doubt or unbelief will start a movement away from you.
24. Jesus said, "All the promises are unto them that believe, and unto them only."
25. Put scarcity and all things that pertain to scarcity completely behind you.
26. You can aim at nothing so great or noble as to become rich. You must fix your attention upon your mental picture of riches to the exclusion of all that may tend to dim or obscure your vision.
27. You must connect thought with personal action to achieve riches. By thought, the thing you want is brought to you. By action, you receive it.
28. Whatever your action is to be, you must act now. You cannot act in the past. You must dismiss the past from your mind. You cannot act in the future because the future is not here yet. Put your whole mind into present action. There is never any time but now, and there never will be any time but now. Act upon your present environment with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your mind.
29. In order to receive what you want when it comes you must act now upon the people and things in the present environment.
30. You must begin to do what you can do where you are, and you must do all you can do where you are. The world is advanced only by those who more than fill their present places.
31. If there is something that may be done today and you do not do it, you have failed insofar as that thing is concerned. Do, every day, all that can be done that day. However there is a limitation or qualification that you must take into account. You are not to overwork or rush blindly into your business in the effort to do the greatest possible number of things is the shortest possible time. You are not to do tomorrow's work today or to do a week's work in a day. It is really not the number of things you do, but the efficiency of each separate action that counts.
32. Every efficient act is a success in itself. The more your life is filled with efficient acts the more successful your life will be.
33. The cause of failure is doing too many things in an inefficient manner and not doing enough things in an efficient manner.
34. Every act can be made strong and efficient by holding your vision while you are doing it and by putting the power of your faith and purpose into it.
35. There is never any hurry on the creative plane and there is no lack of opportunity.
36. Do all that you can do without waste, hurry or fear. Go as fast as you can, but never hurry. Remember in the moment you begin to hurry you cease to be a creator and become a competitor.
37. In times of doubt and indecision, cultivate gratitude.
38. ALL human activities are based on the desire for increase. Only those who gain more retain any.
39. Convey the impression of advancement in everything you do. People will go where they are given increase.
40. No matter how tremendous an obstruction may appear at a distance, you will find that if you continue in a certain way, it will disappear as you approach it - or that a way over , through, or around will appear.
41. When you experience failure, it is because something larger is available to come to you. Remember this.

Problems vs. ChallengesDefinitions
Problems - things that are difficult to deal with or understand
Challenges - calls to test your strength or skill
unvarnished truth vs. positive light
Key Point: If something is causing you pain or trouble, it is a problem. Often, we call problems "challenges" so that they appear less serious or intimidating. Labeling a problem as a challenge can make it linger longer than if we call it a problem and handle it with the gravity it requires.
Benefit: Don't put a positive spin on your problems; just solve them.



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