Cameroon: CDC Land Dispute Under Review

 Interesting historic articles from Mbuh, Louis, Sea Gol etc on the above. It appears the lease the Bakweri people gave Germany on CDC lands expired in 2008 and by operation of the law the ownership of the land has reverted to the Bakweri people. Is it now a matter of re-entry and occupation, or the government has acquired the lands using one instrument or another already?.
Is CDC either as a private company or an emanation of the government now a treapasser on the land?. Under what instrument is CDC still on the land?
This so called "1974 Cameroun Land Act" that Ahidjo conjured 2 years after his so called referandum on reunification, does it vest ownership of any lands on anyone or any entity?. They had their eye on CDC a long time ago.

From Mbuh
I recall here, answers given to the Bakweri land Committee attempts at flying high over the sovereignty question of Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) when this matter became a matter of international attention. Edwin Ngang and myself told them that the sovereignty of Ambazonia si whatis stake and that when the answers comes, that of CDC would automatically fall in. They could not proceed with the case above our predictions. Now this twist from internal wranglings by LRC destined to keep what they have looted of this corporation, her resources and lands, especially. The answer still lies in providing a loud sounding solution to the Ambazonia/Southern Cameroons question, not somewhere else or by some other method!!!!!
That same 1974 Cameroun Land Act you seem to be defending is compromised by:
1. Cameroun no show in her courts when such pertinent questions crop up against their illegal presence in Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons); 
2. Cameroun public officials violation of domestic laws that created the Cameroon Federation;
3. And even more and worse, (this to some of you who did not know), these so-called Cameroun laws have been compromised by French Cooperation treaties, especially the renewals of 1974!!!
So when some of you sit there and bury your heads under the pseudo comparison of Cameroun with South Africa or Old Zim, in attempting to state that Cameroun has better laws, they had also damned well better start following them and making corrections where they failed these laws--beginning with abrogation of all so-called cooperation treaties with France--then get out of Ambazonia before attempting to talk to us!!!
When you defend Cameroun laws, yet fail to question how our rights as Ambazonians have been violated using these same laws or in negritude of them, I wonder how you think you come across--silly perhaps--for there is no such thing like a Cameroun ruling over Ambazonia, let alone CDC Lands--that is why pirates can come in a buy out the lands and even our Airports and think they can get away with it!!!
What is at stake there, is the right to ownership of a nation, not a corporation that Cameroun and CDC seem to be,conjunctually!!!! THEREFORE: WHEN THE QUESTION AS TO WHO OWNS AMBAZONIA IS ANSWERED, THE CDC CASE SHALL BE GIVEN MEANINGFUL ANSWERS IN THE AMBAZONIA PARLIAMENT JUST AS WE/OUR PARENTS USED TO DO UP TILL 1972!!! No doubt why the shameful and lawless land acts were erected just two years after Cameroun President Ahmadou Ahidjo thought he had gotten away with Stage two of annexationist tendencies of erstwhile Southern Cameroons. Now they see how wrong, and what a blundering into oblivion their has been in the annals of nation-building/history making.
If your denial that Cameroun is not South Africa, racist for that matter;and that it is not Old Zim either, then what indeed is Cameroun??? That has been the debate of why we come out here and question the modalities by which Cameroun claims to have implemented, unilaterally, an international treaty of union crafted by close to a hundred nations in the UN General Assembly!!! So if they think they can manipulate us into the viodness that the very concept of a Cameroun/Cameroon nation is, then they are yet to see the worst!!!
Free Ambazonia now and lets stop the madness before it swallows all of us like a quagmire!!!
CDC LAND, CDC this and that when a sovereign nations identity is at stake? God forbid any dreams of union with Cameroun--for those people--their entire masses included totally lack any sense of decency as far as collective right and individuals prestige in nationhood are concerned!!! They are bunch of faceless, shameless people!! Pirates, bandits and nothing more, nothing less!!!
For your information and that of any other Doubting Thomases out there, there are still three most powerful pillars of our Anglo-Saxon Identity left and these cannot be tempered with, lest we go to war no matter how late than sooner:
1. Cameroon Development Corporation, CDC;
2. General Certificate of Education, GCE; and
3. Common Law legal system!
We would use number three (and have been doing so since the last twenty years!!!) to humble the frenchified minds (who stole everything but the three pillars of our identity!!!) and send them packing out of our country!!! Keep your fingers crossed and watch as time solves and provides answers to these questions, that of the CDC especially.
To be honest with you, right now Cameroun authorities are sleepless and are caught pants down (and I love it when I imagine how they are twisting in their beds and seating like some dirty big pigs fattened by ill-gotten wealth!!!) wondering how they are going to wrangle themselves out of the Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) questions. Gosh, I love it!!!!! This psychological warefare!!!!!
My once again unsolicited advice to them (Cameroun government, this time around!!!!!) is that they have not yet made the right calls yet; when they have shamed the devil they serve and do so, perhaps, just perhaps we shall all start seeing things different and perhaps join hands once more to provide meaningful answers to our problematism. They are pre-occupied attempting to push into the main focus elitist leadership of our struggle created and funded by themselves over genuine leadership that has proven her worth. That will not fly high and above all, it would not sell--for pragmatic reasons, such as not being the right way to solve such disputes on sovereignty. For, at the moment we don't think any diehard restorationist of the statehood/sovereignty of Ambazonia cares what happens next day, as long as we get our freedom from these French Bandits called Camerounians!!! 
Free Ambazonia and see how CDC questions gets resolved and how that corporation, if anything else, becomes the prestige of a nation once again!!! If yu doubt how strong the CDC case is when put under the ampit of the Ambazonia sovereignty question, check out the important debates on the CDC from Southern Cameroons/West Cameroon Parliamentary Debate records and stop sounding like people who are intoxicated by "matango"! And if that is Jude from Muea, there is no doubt in my mind that I smell matango from your words and reasoning!!! So please, (I beg!) stop such madenning analyses, as you made below and stand up for the truth--for, only the truth will set us free!!!!! 
Justice M. Mbuh

sea gol <> wrote:

"Government" is "we" the people. We created the
institutions of government to be custodians of our
national wealth and assets, land included. It is us
who gave the government the power to reign over us. It
is us who concentrated all our synegies in government.
The Cameroon Land Tenure Act is a law we all agreed to
respect and I see no problem in that. Cameroon is no
racist South Africa, neither is it in a Bulawayo-drive
of land reform. The native people of Cameroon don't
have any problem with the land reform law of 1974, I
see no reason why you should be Ian-Smithing yourself
about it.


--- louis_egbe <> wrote:

"3. The Cameroon Land Tenure Act of 1974 supercede
previous land ownership laws in Cameroon, so therefore
the! re is no lease agreement between the state and the
Bakwerri people. However, the state can cede CDC land
to indigenous people should their population be
determined to have surged to a proportion where more
land is needed to build and expand." (Jude)

According to Jude, the Racist Regime in Former South
Africa was
right to pass the "Land Act" by  Dr. Verwoed of racist
South Africa
in the 1960s. In this law, Verwoed expropriated large
tracts of
lands from the natives claiming they are government

Even the Queen of England has no powers to pass such a
law of
blatant injustice in infringement of the rights of
ownership of property. Most of the CDC Lands is owned
by the
Anglophone Bakweri of Cameroon. Period. It follows
that Cameroon
government can NEVER own it 100 percent without buying
the land from
the rightful owners -- the Bakweri. They MUST pay the
rent or face
! forceful eviction from international courts.
Concocting a
deceitful "1974 Act/decree" won't help here.

And for the record the CDC was created in 1947 in
Southern Cameroons
and NOT in 1974.  French Cameroons had nothing to do
with it. In
1977 the CDC celebrated its 30th anniversary (1947 -
1977). Since
when did 1947 become 1974. By interchanging 4 and 7?
Is this the
fraud of the millenium?

Louis Egbe Mbua

From: sea gol <seagolent@...>
Date: Sun Oct 23, 2005  5:49 pm
Subject: Re: [FDR_SouthernCameroonsPeople] Re:
Cameroon: CDC Land Dispute Under Review  seagolent


Jude Okafor wrote:


1. The rightful owner of CDC is not Bakwerri people
but the Republic of Cameroon.

2. CDC became a state-onwed corporation immediately
Southern Cameroon became incorporated to La Republic
du Cameroun, that is immediately after the plebiscite
in 1961.

3. The Cameroon Land Tenure Act of 1974 supercede
previous land ownership laws in Cameroon, so therefore
there is no lease agreement between the state and the
Bakwerri people. However, the state can cede CDC land
to indigenous people should their population be
determined to have surged to a proportion where more
land is needed to build and expand.


--- Edimo Andrew <esimoyamboka@...> wrote:

> Our leaders of blessed memories ' Dr. EML Endeley
> and Dr B.N. Fonlon'
> foresaw the sale of the ecomomic power of Southern
> Cameroons by our so called brothers of La Republique
> of Cameroun over four decades ago but we could not
> understand their cries as quoted below.
> "Frenchmen are reliably understood to be planning to
> take over the CDC plantations in Victoria and Kumba
> Di! visions." (Hon. Dr. EML Endeley, MHA, Leader of
> the Opposition, in Plebiscite Message to the People
> of the Southern Cameroons, January 1961.).
> "French imperialism in cultural and economic matters
> is of an exclusive and jealous kind. ... I am afraid
> that the French will try to subvert our national
> enterprise and bring into play their overwhelming
> predominance in order to Frenchify us right to the
> last person." (Dr B.N. Fonlon, in `Shall We Make or
> Mar' (1964).).
> The government of LRC liquidated the West Cameroon
> Marketing Board ( National Marketing Board) which
> was one of the main share holders in CDC, so as to
> be able to sell the corporation without any
> questioning.
> LRC want to sell CDC before 2008 because the
> legitimate owners( Bakweri people ) of the land in
> Fako division where mosst of the CDC planta! tions are
> operated, have to reclaim their land by 2008 since
> the lease agreement they had with the Germans will
> expire.
> After CDC what next? Can some tell me when CDC
> became a corporation? Is 1972 right? I will love to
> know because LRC is always recreating history at her
> pace and I love to get the history of Southern
> Cameroons right so as to hand in its wholesome to
> the next generation.


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The Legacy of Ambazonia (UN Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons)
The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form.    -Professor Bernard Nsukika Fonlon in The Task of Today, p. 9

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