CPDM, SCNC, SDF on same the same side

Dear All,
I have seen over time some lame duck attempt to demonise, attack, and bring the CPDM party to disrepute by various parties. This shows the superficially of the engagement against the system. CPDM's only crime can be the motions of support they give and nothing else.
I submit that attacking the CPDM is a waste of time and is a misdirected effort. It is tantamount to a distraction from the real issues and problem. The CDPM is a victim of the system like the SCNC and SDF. What policies has the CDPM ever formulated in Cameroon?. How many times does their politbureau meet and even if they do, what polities are discussed?. Are members of the CDPM consulted on any policies, the answer is NO.
THE CPDM was supposed to be the party in power but they have no power. Biya and a few rosicrucian friends or cult members mostly from his Beti clan have arrogated all power to themselves and disenfranchised the CDPM completely. The CDPM cannot be held accountable for any policy misadventure in Cameroon because generally they are not consulted at policy formulation or implementation stage. They are a victim of the system and power has been stolen from them although in theory they are supposed to be the party in power.
To buttress the above points who better to hold for wrong policies than the president or vice president of the ruling party. Who then is the vice president of the CDPM. I am told it is one Angwafor in Mankon involved in local boundary disputes with 6 neighbouring villages and in open combat with the Bamenda Urban Delegate.
This purported vice president of the CDPM cannot claim to have seen Biya up to 5 times in his life. He has never been involved in a national policy formulation nor is his opinion sort on any issue. If this is the case for the vice president of the CPDM and other party members below him, how can we hold him/them responsible for the wrong policies?.
His role is to stay quiet whilst Essinga/AMORC rules and then after like 5 years, about 10 million francs cfa is sent to him under the banner that it is a gift to the palace when in fact it is his compensation for keeping his distance from politics and not interfering with the rulership of Cameroon.
Southern Cameroons/SCNC are a victim of colonisation from policies of this same Essinga/AMORC group, the SDF is a victim of having won elections in the past but power stolen from them by this small group, and the CPDM is a victim of being the party that was supposed to be in power but power has been stolen from them by this small extra party group.
Any entity wasting its time attacking CPDM does not understand where power is in Cameroon and who is responsible for what. I have NEVER attacked the CPDM because I know they are irrelevant in the power equation. I reserve my attacks on BIYA the seminarian gone rogue who created and maintains a small group of rosicrucians /AMORC from his clan. This group decimated the CPDM, SDF. SCNC. CPDM is on a need to use basis and of no importance whatsoever in the power equation. They pick one or two crumbs from the rosicrucian/AMORC/Essinga table like all other victims but they give no input whatsoever into the system.
Blaming CPDM is like going to Mankon and blaming Angwafor for the problems of Cameroon. What does he know about them. Who is asking his opinion, and even if as vice president of CDPM he gives his opinion who listens. He writes begging the Governor and minster of territorial administration on inter tribal issues (his main concern) but even on that they do not even have the courtesy to respond to him. They know although being CPDM vice president, he is nothing and has zero powers.
The system makes sure he is engrossed in local tribal boundary disputes just the same as Akwo mukete as CPDM Youth President was made to be engrossed in Kumba local politics. Some lawyers died in the Kumba local fights and till today their deaths unexplained. Could someone in his right senses really blame Akwo Mukete for the wrong policies of Cameroon although he was national president of the Youth wing of  CPDM the purported ruling party?. He is never involved. All he gets is immunity for crimes committed in Kumba provided he keeps away from national policy issues and does not try to interfere. 
Any one attacking the CPDM is involved in distraction. They should direct their attacks to where policies are fomulated and implemented. There are honourable people in CPDM whose hands are tied by the system.










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