[MTC Global] Payment of Service Tax- Irregularities observed by consumers..

Dear Most MTC ians. Heartiest Greets..
I reproduce below a serious mail from my close friend for your information and considered comments on your experience in payment of Bills with service tak in general and Restaurant / hotel bills in particular. Unwary consumers may not know implications on this score.
With best wishes and love
" About Service Tax..... how the restaurants loot your money ... Be aware
> Ramanathan Hariharan updated his status: "Surprisingly after reading about
> the "Service Tax", I strongly decided to share this information to everyone.
> This happened at the restaurant. Let me explain.
> We had been to several restaurants recently. I observed that "service tax"
> has been mis-used and charged to the customers like you and me.
> Let me give an example.
> Food and Beverage = Rs.1000.00
> Service Charges @ 10% = Rs. 100.00 (10% on the Food and beverage amount)
> Service Tax @ 4.94% = Rs. 54.34 (4.94% on F&B + Service Charges)
> VAT @14.5% = Rs. 145.00
> Total = Rs. 1299.34
> As per the definition - "Service Tax can be charged only for the services
> provided to the customer".
> Now, see what is happening here in the above said example.
> Service Tax should be charged only on the Service Charges amount i.e
> Rs.100 and not on the entire amount (1000+100).
> In this example, the customer should be charged only Rs 4.94, whereas he
> has been charged
> Rs. 49.00 extra.
> Where does this money go? Only the restaurant owner and the chartered
> accountants who work for them know.
> ·So, I have started asking them the questions - and surprised to see the
> reactions from the famous restaurants. Either they say: Sir we cannot
> change the format of the bill - so , we will recalculate and tell you the
> revised amount. You may pay only that.
> ·Sir, you do not need to pay the Service Tax amount itself.
> I now have 3 to 4 restaurant bills, for which I have paid only the service
> tax - on the service charges and not on the total amount.
> Every bill must carry the TIN number and Service Tax Number, if they
> charge it. So, I ask for the Service tax number if it is not available in
> the receipt that they provide.
> We cannot go to any government official and ask them to get this right -
> because of our system.
> Please remember - we cannot change any political leader - but we can
> change ourselves. If we change ourselves - things will change.
> Please do share this with every one of your friends and known people.
> Ask for the right tax calculation and pay only the tax which is payable."

MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate


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