Need VBA developer



Please find the below  and let me know your interest on the same asap.


Title: VB / MS-Access Developer

Location: Oakbrook, IL

Duration: 6 months


Job Description:


·         Requires 5+ years designing and coding experience in MS Access, VB, ASP, ASP.NET, Oracle SQL+ and Stored Procedures and UNIX Kornshell.

·         Analyze business requirements/processes and system integration points to determine appropriate technology solutions.

·         Interact with business users and IT to define current and future application requirements.

·         Manage multiple project requests and support incidents.

·         Design, code, test and document applications based on system and user requirements.

·         Manage packaged software and custom developed applications within different hosting arrangements.

·         Support, Enhance and Develop business applications on multiple platforms - including desktop, client/sever, web, and mobile.



Thanks & Regards,
  Solution Hub Inc.,
  Ph: 404-474-7675,

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