Part 1:Zoe or the God-kind of Life.

Dear friends,
I have been running this teaching series of Prayerpoint Powerpoint,
the backoffice of my Global Ministry.
I thought I should share it in here.
Maybe we will all learn something from the series.
God bless you as you take time off your busy schedule to ready and
meditate on these few lines.
may you be strengthened in the INNER MAN/WOMAN in the name of Jesus the Christ.
Prophet Ntemfac Nchwete Ofege

Zoe or the God-kind of Life.

Friends, join me on this series. Zoe or the God-kind of Life. See something.
Very powerful.
The Lord Jesus did not come to start a church or a religion.
If he did he would have told us so.
And he would have given us the modus operandi of that church or that religion.
Why then did he come?
See the reason, in the man's very own words. Joh 10:10 The thief
cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and that they might have it more
The thief herein is not the devil as many think...but rather the false
teachers and prophets that came before (and after) to mislead the
people of God.
That is another matter.. but LIFE?
What life was the Lord Jesus talking about since he was addressing
It is called ZOE - Eternal Life. Zoe is the God kind of life.
Christ-Successful Life-Ministries.
Do you desire ETERNAL LIFE? How can you get ETERNAL LIFE.
Start here:

See Full Series On:


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.


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