Hi Louis,
we are seldom on the same side of arguments but I agree with you here hundred percent (100%).
In fact United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Article 7 (2) states that "Indigenous peoples have the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security as distinct peoples......." So if they exercise this right to live as distinct people is that tribalism?. Must Cameroon and their herackle proxies infringe on this right and force them to be part of a certain collective called Cameroon?. They are not interested in what Cameroon is doing and they have gained little from Cameroon so they and what is theirs should be left alone. In fact what is wrong with tribalism?. In British politics MPs think of their constituencies before anything else. If you represent a constituency made up of a tribe or tribes and push for their interest, is that tribalism?, if it is, what is wrong with it?.
Our problem is not tribalism, it is half baked education where people leave the country and come back and claim to know everything instead of concentrating on what they know. At the end all they have is half education in various fields where they claim to be experts and end up confusing the people on the ground. These jack of all trades and master of none are extremely dangerous. Their titles and expertise change in consonance with the daily topic of discussion. They metamorphose from one issue to another claiming to know more than everyone else. Their greatest expertise is at FAULT FINDING. WHY DID YOU NOT GOOGLE THIS OR THAT, WHY DO YOU ADMIRE THIS OR THAT, WHY ARE YOU A TRIBALIST AND NOT A FEDERALIST OR NATIONALIST, WHY ARE YOUR PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT NOT SYMPATHETIC FOR THE 2000 KILLED IN NYOS, WHY ARE YOU NOT ENTREPRENEURIAL AND CREATE YOUR OWN JOBS, WHY HAVE YOU NOT REGISTERED YOUR TRIBAL LANDS, WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE LAND TITLE ETC ETC. Always trying to find fault at all and sundry i.e. doing their best to bring all down so that in the process they might be up instead of climbing without bringing others down.
Article 8 (1) states that "Indigenous peoples and individuals have a right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture". If they exercise this right is that tribalism?. Will you force them to be assimilated in some Cameroon project that was conceived without their input and that threatens their way of life?.
Who is enlightened here?. Is it those who operate as per UN declarations or those who breach international humanitarian and environmental laws?. All this agama lizard self praise of enlightenment is uncalled for candidly. We have many problems in Cameroon and this importation of individuals with king size ego problems to come and compound our problems is a tragedy indeed.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 08:48:05 +0100
From: louis_egbe@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Re: The Herakles Farm Palaver
To: ambasbay@googlegroups.com
CC: camnetworks@yahoogroups.com
Mukefor, Your attacks on oppressed indigenous groups in Cameroon are uncalled for; and far excessively disproportionate. The BLCC and the Orokos are fighting within the framework of national and international law. If you wish that these laws are changed so that minorities can be pushed to extinction that is another matter. I understand some people prefer material wealth to the well-being and survival of the people. However, not every person is the same or share that view. When Obama sanctioned BP to pay up to £20 billion for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that destroyed fish, rare birds, people's livelihoods, I didn't see protagonists of "enlightenment" attack him as a "lazy African" trying to extract or disrupt the work of the "enlightened" BP. However, if it is the turn of Africans trying to protect their own environment, rights and livelihood as well as their own nation, they say they are "tribalists" or benighted. There are international and national environmental laws that all multinationals and governments must follow in order to operate. This is part of corporate responsibility. Companies can't just decide what to do in this instance. Any company or government that does not want to work within these international laws must be opposed. Whether this is done by people of the nation, ethnic groups, pressure groups families or individuals is immaterial as long as they are within the laws and their human rights. This has nothing to do with tribalism as you opine. Mbua
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