Thank you papa & i will like to give u a call.pls,can I have your. Number
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John Ashu
Southern Cameroonians,i am happy that all my declarations concerning Biya and his gov't are now coming out publicly. I have always been vocal when it concerns them that call themselves Christians and still worship Satan secretly. How on earth can one think of giving communion to a man as Biya if that Catholic Church is of God-I ask?.In most of my write-ups in this forum, I have not hidden my identity as I declare the Truth about what gov't officials do in the secrecy of their chambers. It will be noted that, the man of God who is saying that his name should not be mentioned is not a man of God at all. He is fearing spiritual attack in the night as he is not sure of the powers that he is expected to carry. He might be a PCC methodical church-goer with no power but claims to be a christian or Pastor in quote. Can you all not remember that in AD 2003, the news papers carried a caption on Homosexuality in the gov't circles and the picture of PM.Musonge was on the front page. This was a shame to the wife-(RIP) and the PCC-Bastos Yaounde. I had in time past declared that, Biya and his group drink blood in Mvolye in Yaounde and no one believed me. I had prayed and set confusion in their midst and they shall be exposing themselves to the public for awareness of their secret deals.It was Titus Edzoa who initiated Biya immediately he became President and today he is now an enemy and is revealing their demonic secrets in their private. This is all as a result of the prayers for confusion in their camps-both political and otherwise. Biya and the wife are now in disarray as a wife is expected to always cover her husband as Abigail in the Bible. Some body should warn that girl to be careful with her life as the devil is too wicked and can do his ministry at anytime-John 10:10a. If she is not careful, an unexpected requiem mass will be offered or said on her behalf as it happened to her Predecessor-Irene. I am a servant of God and should be taken very seriously when I declare a matter of spirituality in this forum. Do you know that Chantal does not sleep with her husband anytime she wants? Instead the old man will ask for young-men to be brought to him so as to commit Homosexuality. The young lady is starved sexually as a house wife. Any opportunity she has in having sex with any house worker, she will have.I had always said in this forum that Biya has sold his nation to Satan and still pretends to be a Catholic Church member up to receiving holy(demonic) communion from the uncleaned hands of a powerless Pope in the Vatican city. I have been a Roman Catholic Church member 1960 in Hausa Quarters Kumba and knows all that they do in the name of God thru their holy Mary. Why are they leading innocent souls to Hell for no just course?Have you not seen how that young boy-Epule is killed or sacrificed without a reason as a result of serving in a demonic gov't without spiritual covering or being a registered member to any of the groups. They will attach or relate it to heart attack which his father has not experienced it as an old retiree resting in Buea. Those Southern Cameroonians in the service of LRDC should be very careful as they are going to be sacrificial lambs for their masters-be careful as I have declared. You should better resign or loose your lives prematurely in those Ministries filled with powers of darkness.As it has become a precondition to be selected to a higher post in the gov't of LRDC, that of being an occult member is becoming worrisome to many. You have to be Armoc, Free Mason,Essingan for Y'de fellows, Homosexual-ism and willing to shed blood or drink it.This is what was happening to Zaire in the days of Mobutu as its President. He died as a fowl with heavy doses of incurable diseases-so shall it be with Biya soon. Satan does not steal and give to you for free. His demands are always very pricking at heart.The following gov't members of Southern Cameroonian nationalities are all in the Occult:Dr.Agbor-Tabi Peter, P.M.Musonge rtd Prime Minister, Yang Philemon-present P.M. all Ministers, Directors, Ebong Ngolle-rtd son of 1st PCC Moderator-Rt.Rev.Ngolle-rip.All of them are warned not to come close to the Restoration of the nation of God, whose Prime Minister is Jesus Christ-the Saviour of the whole world. It is called and registered as Southern Cameroons- "CHRIST OWN STATE-C.O.S" Our laws will be tailored thru the 10 commandments of the infallible Word of God.They that are involved are all now living in fear as this exposition is done to their disgrace. They have rooms in their palaces that their wives and kids do not venture to enter. They enter in there and pretend to be fasting and will remain in for over 3-5 days without coming out and their wives claim that their husbands have traveled. While in that room, they go to Astral Journey attending meetings with Satan in any chosen venue in the globe. They will be well dressed up and lay straight, facing up and they are gone.If you open the door in those appointed days, you will find out that he is dead as he will not be breathing at all. After the number of days for the meeting are fulfilled, the departed soul will return to that body lying on that bed-Period. Their wives don't enjoy their husbands at all, as you the Christians do with your own wives. They prefer having sex regularly with girl friends than with their wives. That is the will of Satan-Unfaithfulness to your partners.You should all depart from demon-ism and witchcraft and be grafted to the Lord Jehovah who is our Creator thru His Son Jesus Christ-Amen. You are informed here that, Promotion comes only from the Lord-God: Psalms 75:6-7 and not from Satan.A word to the wise is sufficient and also when you know the Truth about a matter, you will be set free from Ignorance-Amen.Yours in His Vine Yard,Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses
From: Fred.kemah <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 1:56 AM
Subject: [Manyunet] SHOCK: Biya To Chair Secret Society's Golden Jubilee
Hello ,I found this on the net
-------- Original message --------
Subject: [CamDocUk] Fw: Biya To Chair Secret Society's Golden Jubilee
From: engemise samuel <>
President Paul Biya will chair the closing ceremony of activities marking the commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of a Sect known as Free Mason, in Douala on Sunday, October 14.
The information is contained in the French authoritative news Magazine, La Lettre du Continent, in its number 643 of September 27, 2012. However, the civil cabinet of the Presidency has not yet confirmed the information. But, La Lettre du Continent says, President Biya will chair the 50th anniversary celebrations that will be attended by many other dignitaries of the sect in the world.
Observers received the announcement with mixed feelings, given that it lends credence to the allegations that Cameroon is governed by people who belong to sects. A clergy man, who asked not to be named, was crest-fallen when he learnt of the revelation. Hear him: "It will be very unfortunate if our President, whom I know is very God-fearing, attends such a meeting".
Recently, the imprisoned erstwhile Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic, Prof Titus Edzoa, published a book in which he lays bare occultist practices by some members of Government. Even though the book does not name names, it points out that a majority of members of Government are involved in occultism practices like ritual killing, the drinking of human blood, homosexuality and making love with female corpses.
Recently, an alternate member of the Central Committee of the ruling Cameroon People's Democratic Movement, CPDM, Charles Ateba Yene, also published a book in which he alleges that Cameroon is suffocating under the dictatorship of sects and secret societies. The book not only unveils the satanic networks of the regime, but also goes ahead to call on President Biya to attack such networks that have held Cameroon hostage.
According to Ateba Yene, appointments to certain positions take one's belonging to the sect as a condition.
"If you don't belong to the Rosicrucian Order, Free-Mason and other sects of satanic evangelism, nobody looks at you, no matter how intelligent and talented you are," Ateba Yene maintains.With a good doze of dare-devil, Ateba Yene goes ahead to call names in his book. One of such names is that of the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, Madeleine Tchuente. But the Minister has protested vehemently, denying the claim that she belongs to one of the sects. She has even gone as far as obtaining a court order that prohibits the distribution of Ateba Yene's book.
Such a situation is somewhat in rhythm with Cardinal Tumi's comment that those who rule Cameroon behave as if God does not exist. Cameroon is said to be suffering from spiritual emptiness that needs God's intervention.
However, Christians were taken aback recently when the visiting Grand Master of Rosicrucian Order from France, declared in a press Conference in Yaounde that God does not exist. He was virtually calling on Cameroonians to embrace atheism.
Critics are warning that the upsurge of spiritual emptiness in Cameroon must be fought in order to bail the country from the stranglehold of sects.
In an exclusive interview with CRTV last week, the National President of the Christian M_______________________________________________
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