What's with this patrimonial type of rulership anyway? I'm a fervent believer that our society will foster when this notion of chiefs is put behind us. We're no longer in the 17th century.
On Friday, October 19, 2012 7:14:30 AM UTC-4, Chief Charles A.Taku wrote:
Where is the house of chiefs that some one came from the moon and promised our Fons/Chiefs during the so-called 50 anniversary celebration in Buea?. In "Matters arising" part 1 which I posted sometime ago I advised against any one, not even our Fons/ Chiefs speculating on the intentions of Paul Biya. Doing so might land some of them in Kondengui and subject our traditional Chieftaincy institution to redicule.Let them accept the truth they should have known these thirty years of Biya's imperial rule. He is a vile unpredictable opportunist and manipulator. He is no respecter of desperate attention seekers. Indeed he doesnot care about people who have subdued their humanity and "manhood" to appeal to him. He is a brutal dictator and no longer needs motions of support from traditional rulers to exert his opppressive authority over then and their subjects.Indeed, he does not need feymen to create fake associations to help him sustain colonial rule. He already has over 267 political outfits and many more in the so-called civil society for that purpose. Over half a century of colonial imposition, he and Ahmadou Ahidjo previously used every subterfuge to sustain colonial imposition: the Foumban Bazaar", Laws on Subversion, National Integration, Grand Ambitions, etc. They even have an Institution so-called ENAM that trains agents of oppressive rule. Above all, Biya is a master of slogans. It is within his exclusive preserve to decree slogans that define his national policy at specific moments. He considers that prerogative so important that he chooses specific occasions to announce them. Through those slogans he controls national thought which he tactfully manipulates to attain specific results.La Republique du Cameroun being La Republique du Cameroun as " Zero Mort" would say " Le Cameroun c'est le Cameroun" slogans like " la democratie advancee", "la democratie appaissee", " les grandes ambitions", " enemies dans la maison", " unite nationale" etc are imposed as governmental philosophy and policy. Then people parot the slogans some time without knowing what they mean. All they spend time doing is to blackmail each other, violate their consciences, and attack dissenters vehemently in attempts to preposition themselves as the most ardent defenders of slogans and purported policies they do not know or can hardly justify or explain.Some in this forum and elsewhere spend valued time jumping into arguments and insulting whole communities for asserting their fundamental rights to make determination or formulating policies on matters that touch on their very existence.And they do so by throwing words here and there in the most insensitive manner hoping to impress Paul Biya. Well, it turns out the Biya they think they can impress all the time in so doing is rather illusive. He surely cares about tough opponents. He cares about his power. He cares about his wealth. He cares about the next trip to Geneva. What he cares the least about is about desparate sycophants whom he has come to believe are good only to be used and dispatched to Kondengui. In this regard, dreamers who think mobilizing 65 Fons and 25 Chiefs and promising them a house of chiefs will impress Paul Biya must reflect on their folly in daring a lion in his den. Paul Biya understands and respects the type of pressures that led to his deceptive promise to come to Buea to celebrate colonial rule.This, the majority who are firmly on the side of the re-energize Southern Cameroons cause and Biya himself are fully aware.ChiefC.Taku
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