Re: [MTC Global] ragging in the institutions

Ragging is and has always been a horrendous exercise and a safe way for bullies to harass soft targets.
It probably arrived in India by way of the British public school.
I'm glad that various constitutional authorities have taken strong exception to ragging and many institutions have stamped it out and one such institution is the IIT at Roorkee, where I spent some time a short while ago.
As teachers we need to have zero tolerance to this poor practice and clearly understand that there is no good & bad ragging.
CAPT. Nagaraj

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Virendra Goel <> wrote:


Ragging was a wonderful consent for helping the students graduating from school life to collage life and it was healthy. Over the period, its misuse made it a menace and the practice is still continuing, though behind the screen, despite Supreme Court's orders. I request fellow members to go through the video on you tube and motivate their students to adopt a practice of this kind to develop camaraderie rather than adopting violent means.


Virendra Goel

 CAPT.A.Nagaraj Subbarao.
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