Ambazonia Republic: CPC Backs Bakassi October 19, 2012 Breaking News, Reports


by crossriverwatch admin

Congress for Progressive (CPC) has thrown its weight behind the quest
for self-determination by the displaced people of Bakassi Peninsula
whose territory is now under the sovereignty of the Republic of

CPC stated this against the recent announcement that some border
communities in Cross River State are working with the people of
Bakassi and Southern Cameroun to create a new Republic of Ambazonia.

Deputy National Secretary of CPC, Okoi Obono-Obla, in a statement
obtained by crossriverwatch in Calabar on Thursday, said, "We
resolutely and unequivocally stand by the hapless people of Bakassi
who have been left high and dry by an ambivalent and incompetent
Federal Government of Nigeria, and left to be wipe off the face by
Cameroun to join their kins and kiths in the Southern Cameroun to form
the Republic of Ambazonia.

"The people of Bakassi have resolutely rejected the scandalous, unjust
and obnoxious judgment of the International Court of Justice and the
subsequent so-called Green Tree Agreement, signed by Nigeria in
violation of Section 12 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).

"The transfer of the sovereignty homelands of the Bakassi people to
Cameroon based on a colonial treaty of British and German
colonialists, known as the Anglo German Treaty of March 13, 1913,
which was prepared in violation of the previous 1884 agreement between
the Obong of Calabar and the United Kingdom and the 1885 Anglo-German
Treaty is nullity.

"The Anglo-German Treaty of 1913 was never conclusive and therefore
cannot be used as legal premise to wish away the right of
self-determination of the people of Bakassi.

"The quest of the people of Bakassi to join their brothers and sisters
in Southern Cameroun is legitimate because it is in exercise of their
right to self determination conferred on by Article 20(1)(2) and (3)
of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (Enforcement and
Ratification) Act 2004 and the United Nations Declaration on Humans
Rights 1948 and Resolution 1514 (XV) of the Declaration and Granting
of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, passed by the
General Assembly of the United Nations of October 1960 without
compulsion or interference.

"It is pertinent to mention that the right to self determination is an
imperative principle of modern International Law (Jus Cogens) and
therefore be derogated from by Nigeria and Cameroun.

"In this vein, Nigeria is obligated by International Law to promptly
and immediately placed before the General Assembly of the United
Nations and the International Court of Justice the quest/desire/demand
of the people of Bakassi for their own nation or a union between them
and the people of southern Cameroun to form the Republic of Ambazonia
in view of their rejection the transfer of their ancestral homelands
to the Republic of Cameroun".


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