Fw: [MINCAM] Fw: [AFOaKOM] Regime fights off graft claims against Biya son

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From: Mathias waindim <wmndzi@yahoo.com>
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Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:28:46 AM
Subject: [MINCAM] Fw: [AFOaKOM] Regime fights off graft claims against Biya son

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From: Francis Njung <njungf@yahoo.com>
To: boyo@yahoogroups.com; afoakom@yahoogroups.com; cameroonpatriots@yahoogroups.com; Joe Tata <jtata40@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 2:11 PM
Subject: [AFOaKOM] Regime fights off graft claims against Biya son

Why fight off claims, rather than let a Parliamentary probe, takes its normal course and a Judgement done on the matter proceudurally???

Regime fights off graft claims against Biya son

A senior Cameroon government official has said claims that President Paul Biya's son swindled millions from the state with impunity are [totally "unfounded" lies against an admirable young man.
The allegations are part of a "macabre strategy" peddled by a covert yet well-known network of the president's opponents who have failed to beat him through the ballot box, according to Higher Education minister, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo.
"Franck Biya is a bright young man who is at odds with the economic ogre that some people want to link him with in the face of Cameroonians, in order to serve him as fodder for the predators or scavengers of history," Prof Ndongo said in a strongly worded opinion piece in Wednesday's issue of the ruling Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM) party's newspaper, L'Action.
It is a futile attempt at convincing public opinion that Opération Épervier (Operation Sparrow Hawk), an anti-graft campaign the president launched in 2005, is just a political witch-hunt in no way linked to weeding out corruption, the minister who also serves as CPDM's communication secretary argues.
State-run bilingual daily Cameroon Tribune carried the same one-page article on Tuesday.
The allegations have gained widespread coverage and split local media down the middle since a local advocacy group petitioned MPs to probe Franck Emmanuel Olivier Biya.
A pro-government weekly, Hot News, said the president's son was paying the price for being "discreet" and "generous".
Leading French language daily Le Jour, which first broke the allegations as front page news on November 12 alongside L' Oeil du Sahel, said on Tuesday that the government was desperately seeking to counter the damning allegations.
L'Action, which dedicated three pages in its Wednesday issue to defending the first son, also brought in two business law experts to prove that Franck Biya's dealings were duly legal.
The Alliance for the Defence of Public Property, an advocacy group, says in 2006 the first son bilked more than FCFA 100 billion ($197 million) from the state when Cameroon was grappling with a messy liquidity crisis which started in 1997 and risked crippling the country.
A vocal opposition MP, Jean Michel Nintcheu of the Social Democratic Front, has thrown his weight behind the petition by calling on government not to shrug off the accusations.
Some other family members of the president who hold key positions in government and other senior officials are accused of having facilitated the fraud, which involved buying treasury bonds reportedly well below their prices and excessively overpricing them at resale.
One of the greatest fears of those who back the petition, Prof Ndongo suggested, is that President Paul Biya could hand over power to his son. But he added: "Cameroon is not a monarchy. It is a democratic and liberal republic. Accession to the post of president follows rules laid down by the constitution," the minister says.

24 Responses to Regime fights off graft claims against Biya son

  1. Korup Forest Belgium Internet Explorer Windows Reply
    about 7 hours ago at 14:17
    What did you expect them to say?
    Rating: +1 (from 1 vote)
    • Fuxkcamer Germany Mozilla Firefox Windows Reply
      about 3 hours ago at 17:43
      even for this picture u dy see how guilty pinkin dem dy feel.them no dy see bright future for thier self, papa biya don enjoy theitr future already.dem no say tire dy wait dem small time, even na for france or swiss we go see
      Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
    • House Keeper! United States Internet Explorer Windows Reply
      about 2 hours ago at 19:26
      I heard this Fame name when I was a kid and he's still a minister up to date. How sad!! Well, soon Biya will put him in jail just like Marafa, Innoni,Abah abah, Titus et al and soon numerous "waste-of-time" letters will follow.Just a matter of time.I remember how it was said that Innonia carried fake ballot boxes to rig elections in Limbe for his master. He must be gnashing his teeth now in prison. Whre are all the motions of support to Biya that he drafted alone stating "We the people of Fako..oh, SWP…? I see…it caught up with him. Musonge is quiet because if he says a word, he knows where he will be. They can only indulge in praise-singing!!The truth is these guys will never live to see a democratic Cameroon for must of them like Biya will surely die in office or rot in prison.
      Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
  2. ANGLOPHONE Germany Internet Explorer Windows Reply
    about 7 hours ago at 14:31
    Only the courts can determine whether Frank Biya is innocent or guilty and not Fame Ndongo.This selective justice in Cameroon will continue as long as Dictator Biya clings to power ad infinitum.
    Rating: +4 (from 4 votes)
  3. okro soup and bush meat United States Internet Explorer Windows Reply
    about 7 hours ago at 14:35
    Ask them Korup.Biya's Nchindas will do anything to protect this thief.Fame Ndongo with no reform ideas to fix the deteriorating nature of Cameroon Universities has become the communication minister overnight.It will not be surprised if he nominated for both posts.Frank BIYA, face the drum and dance as others laminating in prison have done.
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
  4. okro soup and bush meat United States Internet Explorer Windows Reply
    about 6 hours ago at 14:38
    By the way,Chatau's face has started falling off.Biya has squeezed everything from this nga.Let her ask Jennifer Lopez her secret of staying young as soon as possible before Biya replace her.
    Rating: 0 (from 2 votes)
  5. about 6 hours ago at 14:55
    the worst that has ever hapen biya is this case,
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
  6. about 6 hours ago at 15:07
    hahaha welcome to democraty.out of topic but pls.everybody should just look at the picture of shantal biya and tell me?is this not what happens to people when they lose control of thier image?trying to look like others?without any exageration can we not say the word ghost is not enough to discribe her?worste this is what many traumatized african women desire.what a catastrophy,we must cure the sick minds of our people.
    Rating: -1 (from 3 votes)
  7. The Ngwa Man, ami personnel de la démocratie. United States Safari Mac OS Reply
    about 6 hours ago at 15:11
    Sometimes the sins of a father are taught or passed to the children. That's why some West Mungo paysans look on the Muna family with suspicion when it comes to politics and it may not be a stretch to say that Francko has benefited unjustly from his father's illegitimate presence in Etoudi. Justice has no expiration date and there will come a time when Cameroonians rise up as one people to set the country and its political, judicial and electoral system/processes straight. And when that has been done the Biya, Ndongo, Forchive, etc families shall be held accountable so that our future leaders will learn that actions have consequences even for the so called elite.
    I find a lot of sadistic humor in Mr Fame Ndongo's description of our democraZy. It is a liberal republic only for those who don't openly aspire to become President (too bad Marafa Yaya) and for those who have become professors at French kissing S.E. Biya's a$$. For the non-conformist, you will be kidnapped and dropped off at a far away location (Ms Kah Walla) or your political introduction to the public will be interrupted by state insecurity forces (Mr Maurice Kamto).
    Mr Fame Ndongo adds insult to injury by claiming Mr Biya's, "opponents have failed to beat him through the ballot box." Well, there are plenty of exposes about how S.E. Biya has rigged the system to guarantee his false victories. Some of which many like myself have experienced so I will not make my comment any longer by including any examples. What I will say is that it is our fault for allowing ourselves and future generations to be emasculated.
    Rating: +4 (from 4 votes)
  8. Fon Finland Mozilla Firefox Windows Reply
    about 5 hours ago at 15:44
    All this drama is a well designed ploy to bring Frank into the lime light. As such Cameroonian who never knew who he was will come to term with his existence and make his way into his father's shoe easily.
    Rating: -1 (from 1 vote)
  9. about 5 hours ago at 15:56
    …..no smoke without fire, fame dongo, Paul Biya and Frank Biya have a planned mafia around this story, let,s wait and see
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
  10. about 5 hours ago at 16:00
    One would expect the higher education minister to talk about issues concerning education and not about an accussed individual.
    This is an example of how Cameroon is runned by a few individuals who can interfer with the justice system.
    When i was in the university, i used to think that professors where very educated people with sound moral ethics. In Cameroon, i saw a different set of professors. May God help the offsprings of the Land of promise.
    Rating: +2 (from 2 votes)
  11. na me United States Google Chrome Windows Reply
    about 5 hours ago at 16:00
    this is really funny,, why should the government even have a say in this matter… this man di really vex me right now….na die yi need now seriously…others them take them put them for jail ..who be frank biya too? in short we need snipers who take him from A far..in short the entire family
    Rating: +4 (from 4 votes)
  12. sunset Germany Mozilla Firefox Windows Reply
    about 5 hours ago at 16:13
    What do we expect to hear from a member of Biya´s gang?????
    Rating: +2 (from 2 votes)
  13. spaco United Kingdom Internet Explorer Windows Reply
    about 4 hours ago at 16:58
    what court again do you want to annouce his guilt when all are same people and will only cover him.any person weh e try paul go include yi for albators affair.
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
    • Eru na better chop United Kingdom Google Chrome Windows Reply
      about 3 hours ago at 18:01
      Spacoyou too don start tok politic noh be so? de problem na seh, from da weh Mr Biya start put pipol for ngata for palava tif ei don only gip other pipol chance for look yi back side too. But one thing is sure, IF MAN NOH TOUCH BITTER LEAF, YI HAND NOH FIT BITTER. only time will tell
      Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
  14. John Dinga United States Internet Explorer Windows Reply
    about 4 hours ago at 17:03
    From Charles Ndongo to Jacques Fame Ndongo, en passant par Augustin Kontchou Kouomegni et Issa Tchiroma Bakary…..the machinery is well oiled to act as a parallel court. While the rest go through the rigors of the traditional trials in the courts of the land, the untouchables are dry-cleaned via the many mouthpieces of the regime. Did someone call this "deux poids, deux mesures"? Presidential patronage really works wonders.
    Poor Mbeuh, he keeps quoting the biblical admonition "First take off the log from your eyes before struggling to remove the speck from your neighbor's eyes". It will never happen that the head of state or his henchmen put Franck Biya to trial before going after the Inonis, Forjindams, Mebaras, Fotsos, etc. Le Cameroun est formidable' mourons seulement!
    Rating: +1 (from 5 votes)
  15. Na moh Manyang Brazil Google Chrome Windows Reply
    about 4 hours ago at 17:05
    If Prof Jacque Fame Ndongo was a real symbol of intellectualism, then i will prefer to remain an illiterate. This is the worst professor i have ever come across in my life by virtue of his utterances vis-a-vis his knowledge and status. He is an example of a failed professor who has sold his integrity and honor for a ministerial position and has nothing left in his ewondo brains than to sing praises to Biya and family, and defend all the absurdities they utter.In 2008, when Biya openly insulted all Cameroonians " Apprentie Sorcier" He pioneered the group of failed lousy professors who went public to justify this act of treason. I just hate this guy from my "under belle". ( may God forgive me pls).Why does he not just shut the hell up and let justice take its course like the case of Marafa, Fotso and Innoni? Are some people above the law? Frank Biya should be arrested and kept behind bars while investigations are going on, like was the case with all the others caught in the claws of the Sparrow Hawk operation-"operation Epervier"?
    Rating: +2 (from 4 votes)
  16. mankon man Belgium Mozilla Firefox Windows Reply
    about 4 hours ago at 17:23
    GUYS,is there any smoke without fire?let them allow the judiciary to probe into the allegation and judge him accordingly,eventhough,the judiciary arm og government is no different from others that are controlled by the CHIEF HIMSELF.but eehh eehhh,can any justice be rendered? let them go to hell and burn into ashes,rubbish.i feel like doing something terrible when i think of this despotic idiot
    Rating: 0 (from 2 votes)
  17. shey France Mozilla Firefox Windows Reply
    about 2 hours ago at 18:49
    I just can't get it, Paul Biya and Franck Biya can read and write, at least they have the educational background, and on what basis is Fame Ndongo responding on their behalf? Since we are having divergent views from the revelations and what the stooges of the Biyas' family are claiming, why can't the judiciary settle the matter?
    Rating: +1 (from 1 vote)
  18. kirikou United States Safari iPad Reply
    about 2 hours ago at 18:57
    In a true democracy and a nation where freedom of speech is human right, they should be no reservations on who can be accused of embezzlement. Monsieur Ndongo, remember this is just an accusation. Its better to let the free press and judiciary to proceed along with their investigation. If the Mr. Franck Biya is as innocent as you eloquently express, then audits will proove just that. And the pepertrators of this witch hunt will called to book for defammation of character. I wonder why such an intelligent and educationally accomplished young man cannot defend himself. With his bachelors and masters degree from the United States, he should be able to defend himself in both english and french and let the courts and the masses decide on his innocence or guilt.
    Rating: +2 (from 2 votes)
    • Massa Sweden Internet Explorer Windows Reply
      about an hour ago at 19:52
      "Intelligent and educationally accomplished…with bachelors and masters degree from the United states"Perfect profile!!With all these credentials,he is bound to succeed his father,don't you think?An interesting observation worthy of note is that, his defence is passed by a minister and also through a CPDM newspaper.Sooner or later same newspaper would announce his candidacy.Die Ära geht weiter!!
      Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
  19. about an hour ago at 19:37
    democraty does not existe.they are simply infantilizing us with myth.wake up
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
  20. Malongo United Kingdom Internet Explorer Windows Reply
    about an hour ago at 20:14
    One of the best proofs that the accusations is the vast amount he has. He has not denied that amount of money is in his accounts spred all over the world.He should declare his assests or wealth. How did he amaze such a fortune that many of us can not obtain at that age!! Surely, this boy is being used by biya to siphon more money from Cameroon so that in the event of biya's death or removal from power his family will be garanteed of resources.
    It is unfortunate that parliament is not interested to investigaate. I cannot believe that a minister should stand up for this boy as Frank is not even a member of government. If he wanted to defend himself there are laywers. But I think that even if the case came to court who is that judge that will find him guilty? If anyone finds him guilty he will die through a fake accident.
    Where did Frank and Chantal get their money from?
    Rating: -1 (from 1 vote)

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