Re: [cameroon_politics] Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians Peace makers needed

Mr. Valentine Katte,


Thank you for this insight. Unfortunately, that is what they teach them in their schools in La Republique – Lycees, ENAM etc. Why their proconsuls in West Cameroon behave like mediaeval feudal autocrats. If you deviate from the remotest path from what they have been taught, you can be shot. To them, Le President de La Republique is a small god; anything west of the Mungo is fit to be discarded, carted away to LRC.

If you tell them: "look, accounts say that SC and LRC are different and were destined to be autonomously independent", you become an automatic enemy, "L'ennemi dans la maison" as Emah Basile dared to utter.

Just look at the way Paul Biya behaves towards the West Cameroonians; and even towards Francophones: "On va faire comment" is their own apt answer. They also expect West Cameroonians to be the same. Well, this will end. If they are not prepared to acknowledge simple facts, then there is little one can do but to leave them in their own devices and move forward towards our own destiny.


The education is so bad that the authorities hide information that should clealy be included in the curriculum for children. If you write a book that contradicts their Francophone thinking, you become an enemy. Let me take this opportunity to tell Francophone Cameroonians that:


There has always been freedom of thought embedded in our education from childhood. Nobody is going to stop that. Francophone education ministers attacked the GCE in 1983 in a futile bid to destroy this pattern of thought so that they can control that territory. Well, they were also attacked by West Cameroonian students in Yaoundé; and their sinister motives defeated.

 Shame on these Francophone educational ministers who are trying to destroy the people for THIS WILL NEVER WORK.

In Cameroon, creativity and art has been totally killed. Even musicians who used to be creative are no longer so. I listen to the contemporary musicians and just laugh. Why? This is due to this backward censorship and education. Nobody writes any book of substance anymore – no Mbella Sonne Dipokos, Mongo Betis etc: a place that has descended into paranoia, and where the state is the enemy of the people rather than servant to the peoples' needs.

Ahidjo was somewhat luckier. At the time, there were top level Anglophone intellectuals who advised him on such Southern Cameroons issues – Dr. Endeley, Prof Fonlon etc.  These were no nonsense men. Today Biya is surrounded by Anglophone sycophants calling themselves intellectuals who deceive their own people, promote folly and demonise any person who opposes the madness. I sometimes read the writings of today' Cameroon University students and shake my head in utter disbelief – writings are scant, grammatically incorrect, no sense of purpose but pure regurgitation.

Revisiting the main argument, one can safely conclude that Francophone Cameroon has been running that country for 50 years. Southern Cameroonian development was dangerously stalled, lost their independence and have become beggars in their own land.

THIS WILL STOP whether the Francophones like it or not. We are not slaves to a Francophone system. Slavery is a criminal act. It therefore, is for their own best interest to start preparing to discuss the matter in a civilised manner as recommended by the AU or face the ultimate consequences of NON-CONSULTATION before it ends.


--- On Thu, 29/11/12, Valentine Katte <> wrote:

From: Valentine Katte <>
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians Peace makers needed
To: "" <>, "" <>,
Date: Thursday, 29 November, 2012, 7:57

Mr Bonaventure,

I am ashamed of what you present being a researcher as your signature indicates. I saw from you address that you reside in Germany where you have tons of available material you can consult and engage in fruitful debate and enlighten others.

Let me tell you something. Our plight in Cameroon is that truth is masked with tribalism or Francophone Anglophone divide. I will give you a simple example to illustrate my point.

I studied in Ahmadu Bello University Nigeria. I had some books which even political science students did not have. I bought several copies of these books by Richard Joseph which latter some students bought from me. I read these books together with other materials available on Cameroon

When there was an influx of Francophone Cameroonians mostly from Northern Cameroon, during one 20th May I gave a talk on the irrelevance of the May 20 before all this SCNC talk came to light. IT was frightening. Instead of Cameroonians debiting the issue I raised they all pointed that I made those allegations because I originate from the North West province. I told them I lived in the North West province and went to school there. If my father had been a carpenter in Muyuka of a farmer in Bazou I would not have had the opportunity to be in the NW. Since he worked as Sous Prefet in Batibo and Bamenda, I had the opportunity to grow up in the North West and learn a lot. They said again that I made my allegations because I was from the SW province. I told them that I was born in the SW but that I was from the WEST PROVINCE.  I am telling you that NO CAMEROONIAN CAME TO ME. TO SEEK FOR MY SOURCES OF INFORMATION BUT FOR ONE NORTHERNER FROM T KOTOKO.  I will not divulge his name.


Some years later he came to meet me and told me that he has verified what I presented and that it was the truth. He told me that he will never let his children have French education I was surprised at his statements.


I have been searching for information since I was a teenager. Once in 1979 prior to attending secondary school in CPC Bali. When Abouem A Tchoyi was governor of the NW and D K Musa was Prefet in Mezam some materials were seized. All I can remember is that the printed material had a green cover and one of the authors was one AMBE. These materials were given to my father who was premier adjoint au Prefet and he brought these materials home for safe keeping because he did not want these materials to go out. Ignorant as I was I entered his study which was adjacent to his Bedroom and started reading these materials unknowingly because I was just hungry to read any stuff. My father came home surprisingly and saw me with this. The man would have killed me. I had never seen him so annoyed. Some 3 years into CPC Bali I heard some friends mention one of the names of an organization I would not tell who that was and now when I put the puzzles in place maybe it is what has led to the formation of the SDF or CAM.

If you go through this mail and you have information on that material with a green back please let us know the content of that material properly. I was reading it then in 1979 with a young man's mind and cannot figure things out well.


Lastly I want to say OUR ANGLOPHONE BROTHERS ARE ANGRY. It is our duty to dig out the truth and serve as peace makers. I have realized that we don't want to be peace makers but fuel violence and I am telling you that people are getting to know the truth and are making private preparations.

Opposite my Grandfathers compound in Muyuka is a property that was owned by a Dschang man a gendarme officer. He bought that property and after sometime sold it reason being that there will be war in Cameroon and the Anglophones will separate from Cameroon. My uncle of late who died in August 2010 came and asked me. You are a bookman is it true that war is coming to Cameroon and narrated what this Dschang man a gendarme officer said. I educated my uncle on the issue and he understood.


If I had not stepped in my uncle will have false information and also spread it in his circles.


Lastly you can do more than what you have just said. I believe that there is time for provocative statements to push us to think and act but there is also time for Truth to be told frankly and that is what is needed in Cameroon. When Southern Sudan had its independence Patrice Nganang wrote I cannot quote it verbatim but looks like this Southern Cameroonians look at Southern Sudan what are you waiting!  Provocative ist it? But am sure Patrice knows the truth.



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--- On Wed, 11/28/12, Immanuel TatahMentan <> wrote:

From: Immanuel TatahMentan <>
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians (Need for Translation)
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012, 11:11 AM

My Dear Mr. Bonaventure Tchucham,
I wish to thank you for this confession:
"It is when our "Anglophone" fellow Countrymen joined a movement that it really turned bitter for the gendarms or the militaries! Becoz the guys were just too fearless and incredibly resolved, girls and boys all alike!!!!! You should have seen that!!!!"
So you want the socalled "
too fearless and incredibly resolved, girls and boys all alike" Anglophones to continue fighting for you?
When the perpetrators of evil embark on cancelling the GCE in favor of the internationally doomed "BAC", do you socalled Francophones join the socalled Anglophones in fighting for the survival of the internationally recognized GCE?
When you talk of unity, ask yourself: unting what and for what purpose?
When others condemn rule-by-decree,the others claim that "nous voulons un
état fort, un état capable de prendre les décisions souvereignement". Do you ever ask: to protect who? and against who?
How many Francophones have demonstrated against the rape of Victoria (socalled Limbe) by the SONARA while paying taxes to Douala City Council?
How many Francophones have protested against the destruction of the natural seaport in Victoria to waste away 6 billions frs. in draining the Wouri port every year?
Have you asked why one should leave Bamenda for Buea and pass through Bafoussam-Douala instead of through Mamfe and Kumba?
My dear Tchucham, many of us have lived this political hooliganism and we understand the lows and highs of it all. Examples are not in limted supply.
Let the others sit down and ask: "on va faire comment?" so that their jackasses will fight and be killed so that they can survive and "enjoy".
Thanks kindly,
Tatah  Mentan
Human Community=Human Communication=Human Productivity

I was led to understand the value of my anger and my desire to speak out, through these words from Mary Catherine Hilkert, a Dominican theologian. She wrote in Speaking with Authority: Catherine of Siena and the Voices of Women Today:
"Sometimes the words of protest are the only words we can speak clearly in the face of complex forces of evil woven into the fabric of our lives and world. We cannot always see or name the way forward. Further, no liberation front or political or social program can be identified with the reign of God. But even the cry of protest is a word of grace that moves us to resistance and to searching for another way. The beginning of finding a new path is speaking the truth of what clearly is not God's will for human life …."

From: Bonaventure Tchucham <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians (Need for Translation)


Please read:
- "(...) but why dont they quit?" and not "what"
- Also: "In this regards, are they any different from their colleagues of the other "francophone" areas?

Bonaventure Tchucham
Chercheur Associé
Institut für Berufs- und Weiterbildung
Université Duisburg-Essen

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

Leçon du parcours initiatique de l'adepte dans l'Egypte antique.

De : Bonaventure Tchucham <>
À : "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Envoyé le : Mercredi 28 novembre 2012 16h48
Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians (Need for Translation)

My dear felow countryman Mishe,

are you serious? Is there - comparatively speaking - any people of Cameroon who would not make the claim of being victim of the government of Collaborators who have accepted to serve foreign interests in the place of the interests of their People?

The only real issue is: How can we all join forces and throw out that bunch of criminals who have taken our country in hostage?

By the way, aren't you making it too easy for those Anglophone elites who have accepted flap seats in the system that according to you exploits the "Anglophones"? Aren't they too just as collaborators as their "Francophone" accomplices? You state that they control "nothing"! It might be true, but what don't they quit? Do they have an "anglophone" Consciounsness and are they willing to defend "anglophone" interests? In this regards, are they any different from their other "francophone" areas? Insn't their collaboration in the government of Cameroon affecting the common fate of Camerooninas as a whole?!

Dear Mishe, I do not even want to raise the issue of the identity of the People of Cameroons, that you arbitrarily categorize into "Anglophones" and "Francophones", although they do not speak english or french in majority and despite the fact that they have their own native culture which show very similar patterns in many regards according to the area in which they are located. It is not because a lazy government has chosen the easiest solution by adopting french and english as official languages that the People of our Country should be doomed "Anglophones" or "Francophones"!! It is very inappropriate and unfortunate to read that under the pen of a sound Gentleman!! And if "Anglophones" set out from their native craddle to go and leave in the "Francophone" areas, it is just because it is their COUNTRY! So do ALL other Cameroonians!!! There's no other reason!

But just answer these small questions, that I have already asked my Pa'a Aaron in the past on this same issue:

- What do you think of the rise of a Cameroon that would grant equal chances and same opportunities to all its Children irrespective their tribal or area of origin?
- Do you believe a Country like that one is worth fighting for?
- Do you think that OUR GENERATION should take that struggle, or should we remain prisoners of the division strategy that traces its roots back to the colonial era?
- Do you think that an Abazonian Republic will make that much difference in the fate of the Cameroonians living in the NW/SW region of OUR Country, that is, that Ambazonia will be the promise land where milk and hony flow in abundance and where there's no mourn, no tears and no trouble anymore?
- Do you believe Cameroonians from the eastern part of Our Country to be so wicked and so bent on cruelty that there's no chance whatsoever for a common, brotherly and peaceful future with their Fellow Countrymen from the western part?
- Don't you see that there's a New GENERATION OF ALL CAMEROONIANS FROM ANY SIDE that is aware of the injusticies generated by the old generation and that is willing to break ALL the barriers put between them by the evil system that continues to imped OUR COMMON prosperity?"
- Is it not so that the majority of Cameroonians, notwithanding their area of birth, long for a Country that recognizes them as Citizen with equal rights and duties?

In the nineties, we were at the Yaounde University fighting side-by-side, "Anglophones" and "Francophones" together, longing for such a country!!!! And let me confess something to you: It is when our "Anglophone" fellow Countrymen joined a movement that it really turned bitter for the gendarms or the militaries! Becoz the guys were just too fearless and incredibly resolved, girls and boys all alike!!!!! You should have seen that!!!!

So when considering the "Anglophone" issue in Cameroon, I cannot refrain myself from comparing it to the miserable condition of the youth in Cameroon, who are so desperate that they live to Europe for a hopefully better future;  of the farmers, who in old age must face misery and hunger although they have worked hard their lifelong and brought up children, caring for their education just to see them end as jobless;  of the women, whose condition in Our Country still need to be seriously cared of; of the former civil servants, who after retirement must fight hard to deserve the pension they're entitled to; all those who experience that same feeling of being "mercilessly SCREWED" and considered "Second Class Cameroonians"!!!!!!!!

The "Anglophone" issue is therefore not a singularity in the Cameroon landscape of misery!!!!!!!

For this reason, shoudn't WE ALL advocate a Union of ALL facing the same INJUSTICIES so as to join our forces to fight the same common ennemy. Just like the Cameroonian opposion who regularly fails to unseat the system in Yaounde because they can never comme out as a united body and speak with one voice, the Cameroonian People will fail in their effort to conquer their liberties and their right of self determination if they go asunder instead of uniting! The freedoms that Cameroonians enjoy today have been fought for by "Anglophones" and "francophones" together!!!

The Call of Kwame Nkrumah in the sixties to his other african peers still resons in the air today "WE MUST UNITE OR PERISH"!!!!

In times where the survival of People everywhere in the world resides in the formation of powerful continental blocks, it is quite a strange thing to call for division where unity should be the rule. The aspiration of Africans and their chance to escape recolonization reside in the formation of the United States of Africa without which we are doomed to slavery! Is there any place for divisions in that vision?

I suggest to think about it!

Bonaventure Tchucham
Chercheur Associé
Institut für Berufs- und Weiterbildung
Université Duisburg-Essen

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

Leçon du parcours initiatique de l'adepte dans l'Egypte antique.

From: Mishe Fon <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:35 PM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians

To My Francophone Cameroonian Brothers and Sisters: I AM VERY ANGRY
Not so fast. You may be the only ones who do not realize or accept that there are two distinct Cameroons: Francophone and Anglophone. Whether this is a historical error by those who colonized us or not is totally immaterial in this discussion.  Decree or no Decree, Anglophones make up what is now known as the NW and SW Regions while the Francophones constitute the rest. It becomes a matter of stylistics when you delve into irrelevant epistles like; Anglophones are in Yaounde, Douala and other major Cameroon cities. Where did you want them to be? To Die "Hungry" in their impoverished (by the diktats of Francophone controlled Government unproductive policies) Provinces? Even in the Yaounde and Douala that you claim Anglophones are resident...Are they still not considered as "Second Class Cameroonians"? Because Francophones take one Figure Head and put as Prime Minister, Anglophones should now jump up and claim effective reunification? For Whia?
Are you crazy? What powers does Yang Philemon really control? Can he appoint even a Chief of Service? Can he decide on anything without the usual "One Party Mentality Slogan"..."By Orders of  the Head Of State, the supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Distinguished Leader of our Party, the Father of Cameroon Nation, Founder of Advanced Democracy, publisher of Pour le Liberalisme Communautaire, Chief of Chiefs, Doctor Honoris Causa, his Excellency President"..Bla Bla Bla . You tell me, Mr POKAM Pat10 and other Francophones who think like you (I know you are a Francophone and may see that as normal but); who starts and ends every sentence like the one above and still has any INDEPENDENT THINKING available in his cerebellum.
The Francophones started putting Anglophones as Prime Minister after ODONTOL (SARDOU HAYATOU) organized the Tripartite SCAM in Yaounde and was already projecting himself as "Presidential Material". Remember before him was AYANG LUC (who has been forgotten there at one useless office some where around Ngoa Ekelle called Conseil Economic et Social); then BELLO BOUBA MY-GARRI (who also wanted to be president so badly that he suspected himself of having participated in the Toupouri Military Coup Plot to oust Biya and ran away to Nigeria before metamorphing into a UNDP/CPDM clone). His predecessor PM actually was tonton BIYA himself. Bello Bouba is actually one of the reasons why Anglophones will and should never trust Francophones.
Anyways; so the Francophones decided that due to the "Passive nature" of Anglophones "Who Should Never contemplate being President of Cameroon"...Let us Give them the Post of Prime Minister. PERIOD.
After serious debates, they capitulated to Biya's idea and Pa ACHIDI ACHU was born. In the process, the small Powers that hitherto PM,s wield was completely removed and to further control the poor Baforchu man, he was slammed TWO Vice Prime Ministers; a certain Bangangte man called NIAT NJIPENDI (who never relinquished his lucrative job as DeGe of SONEL) and I think the other guy was AHMADOU ALI. So "vat to do?" Our broda sensing that "wata don pass garri" transformed the Prime Ministers Residence into circus of Cultural Displays and artifacts. Every Saturday at the Lake Side Residence, we were "Partying" like nonsense. To crown the Circus, Paul Biya appointed him as Campaign Manager for the rigged Presidential Elections of that era to knock off his Santa brother and rival  NI JOHN FRU NDI of the SDF who was very popular in Bamenda circles at that time. That is how names like Forjindam, John B Ndeh, Atanga, Abety Peter, Nico Halle(and other CPDM hawks) came into the limelight.
Enter PM Ngia Mola PETER MAFANY MUSONGE (and the rivalry and hatred between the two sister Provinces of NW & SW goes public and nuclear...the NW angry that dem dom move garri 4 we mop and the SW happy that "make dem kommot, dem own kam no go don too much"). Meanwhile Pa is still DeGe of CDC until he himself suggested his replacement by his smol broad, Band-Boy Njalla Kwan.
Enter Mola Chief INONI EPHRAIM (self proclaimed Bakingili Chief) confirmed technocrat and someone who had actually meandered the Francophone Civil structure...could not do JACK because he had subordinates who were more powerful than he was. He could not even chair nor call a Cabinet meeting without approval from his Francophone bosses.
Enter PHILEMON YANG (the "moumou=discret Diplomat from Kumbo" poor guy had been hiding/forgotten as an Ambassador quietly there in Canada for about twenty something years, doing his small deals and chopping his life awaiting retirement and BOOM...You are the PM of Cameroon). Go and ask him; He will tell you the truth. The man has no Powers to do anything. The Francophones are in charge. Anglophones are eternal second fiddles.Adjoints de ceci, Adjoints de cela. WHY? Some man na Ngrung Beep?
In conclusion, the Francophones have mercilessly SCREWED Anglophones for far too long and I can assure you, this will have to stop...VERY SOON. We call that in Political Science (which I never studied) Humanistic Existential Political Conundrum (HEPC). It is either you accept this as a fact and we sit down and TALK AS EQUALS and come to reasonable mature conclusions or face the eventual consequences. Enough is Enough. We are not your slaves. The ball is in the camp of all Francophones who are playing a game of the Ostrich here. For those Anglophones who feel there is nothing wrong with the status quo because they are "Chopping with the Big Guys; I have one word for you also: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Remember, we have not even started to discuss the plundering of our Natural resources (SONARA, CDC etc).
Mishe Fon

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