Re: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians

Let some be dreaming and think others are stupid. No roads, decent schools, no hospitals and facilities, drinking water, yet, some would use thirty million dollars to buy a plane for them self. Steal without remorse and think it is a God given right. D - day is closing in fast since they have failed to learn what happen to Khaddafi and others.
Ndi Nkem
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

-----Original Message-----
From: louis egbe <>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 18:02:21
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians

You are wasting your time. That is what they teach them in their schools -- in ENAM, in their Lyceums, in the public service, and at University. Why they have been trying to change WC educational system. FAIL.
To be narrow-minded, lack of critical thought, prejudiced and ignorant is what they taught in colonial LRC. Look at their big men in government: Biya and his bunch. It's a DISGRACE. Biya even thinks he can decide the date of the 50th anniversary of Southern Cameroons Independence and LRC-SC envisaged Unfication : very stupid indeed.
The UN made a fool of him in their own 50th anniversary in 2010 by giving a gift of two maps to him one for SC and the other for LRC. To this day he is frightened/ashamed to celebrate the "50th anniversary of Reunification" at Buea since the UN will just laugh at him as a diplomatic imbecile. Shame on all those West Cameroonians looking forward for the gigantic historical and political fraud called "celebration". Since when did 1961 become 1960 and 2011 becomes 2012/2013: what liars. No wonder even Muna has vowed NEVER to attend such advanced stages of political and historical insanity. As a lawyer, he would be asked, one day, to account for supporting such a blatant inauguration of a potentially idiotic and outright illegal act.
Francophone administration, stop looking covetously at the riches and the paradise lands west of the Mungo. You, your top families and your political elite have eaten enough, have oppressed and stole enough from that part of the world. It is time you either sit down or talk to the actual owners --THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONIANS -- or you pack up and go. Do not think it is your birth right to come there and do whatever you like. You are making a terrible error. Same too as no SC can just go to LRC and start making too much noise - which they cannot since they have been told, clearly, as to where they come from by Emah Basile etc. What they said these things, I never saw any Francophone condemning them.
It goes a long way to show you that Dr. Endeley was right in his predictions -- 10 points of DOOM.

--- On Tue, 27/11/12, Mishe Fon <> wrote:

From: Mishe Fon <>
Subject: Open Letter to FRANCOPHONE Cameroonians
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Date: Tuesday, 27 November, 2012, 16:35

To My Francophone Cameroonian Brothers and Sisters: I AM VERY ANGRY
Not so fast. You may be the only ones who do not realize or accept that there are two distinct Cameroons: Francophone and Anglophone. Whether this is a historical error by those who colonized us or not is totally immaterial in this discussion.  Decree or no Decree, Anglophones make up what is now known as the NW and SW Regions while the Francophones constitute the rest. It becomes a matter of stylistics when you delve into irrelevant epistles like; Anglophones are in Yaounde, Douala and other major Cameroon cities. Where did you want them to be? To Die "Hungry" in their impoverished (by the diktats of Francophone controlled Government unproductive policies) Provinces? Even in the Yaounde and Douala that you claim Anglophones are resident...Are they still not considered as "Second Class Cameroonians"? Because Francophones take one Figure Head and put as Prime Minister, Anglophones should now jump up and claim effective reunification? For Whia?
Are you crazy? What powers does Yang Philemon really control? Can he appoint even a Chief of Service? Can he decide on anything without the usual "One Party Mentality Slogan"..."By Orders of  the Head Of State, the supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Distinguished Leader of our Party, the Father of Cameroon Nation, Founder of Advanced Democracy, publisher of Pour le Liberalisme Communautaire, Chief of Chiefs, Doctor Honoris Causa, his Excellency President"..Bla Bla Bla . You tell me, Mr POKAM Pat10 and other Francophones who think like you (I know you are a Francophone and may see that as normal but); who starts and ends every sentence like the one above and still has any INDEPENDENT THINKING available in his cerebellum.
The Francophones started putting Anglophones as Prime Minister after ODONTOL (SARDOU HAYATOU) organized the Tripartite SCAM in Yaounde and was already projecting himself as "Presidential Material". Remember before him was AYANG LUC (who has been forgotten there at one useless office some where around Ngoa Ekelle called Conseil Economic et Social); then BELLO BOUBA MY-GARRI (who also wanted to be president so badly that he suspected himself of having participated in the Toupouri Military Coup Plot to oust Biya and ran away to Nigeria before metamorphing into a UNDP/CPDM clone). His predecessor PM actually was tonton BIYA himself. Bello Bouba is actually one of the reasons why Anglophones will and should never trust Francophones.
Anyways; so the Francophones decided that due to the "Passive nature" of Anglophones "Who Should Never contemplate being President of Cameroon"...Let us Give them the Post of Prime Minister. PERIOD.
After serious debates, they capitulated to Biya's idea and Pa ACHIDI ACHU was born. In the process, the small Powers that hitherto PM,s wield was completely removed and to further control the poor Baforchu man, he was slammed TWO Vice Prime Ministers; a certain Bangangte man called NIAT NJIPENDI (who never relinquished his lucrative job as DeGe of SONEL) and I think the other guy was AHMADOU ALI. So "vat to do?" Our broda sensing that "wata don pass garri" transformed the Prime Ministers Residence into circus of Cultural Displays and artifacts. Every Saturday at the Lake Side Residence, we were "Partying" like nonsense. To crown the Circus, Paul Biya appointed him as Campaign Manager for the rigged Presidential Elections of that era to knock off his Santa brother and rival  NI JOHN FRU NDI of the SDF who was very popular in Bamenda circles at that time. That is how names like Forjindam, John B Ndeh, Atanga, Abety Peter, Nico Halle(and other CPDM hawks) came into the limelight.
Enter PM Ngia Mola PETER MAFANY MUSONGE (and the rivalry and hatred between the two sister Provinces of NW & SW goes public and nuclear...the NW angry that dem dom move garri 4 we mop and the SW happy that "make dem kommot, dem own kam no go don too much"). Meanwhile Pa is still DeGe of CDC until he himself suggested his replacement by his smol broad, Band-Boy Njalla Kwan.
Enter Mola Chief INONI EPHRAIM (self proclaimed Bakingili Chief) confirmed technocrat and someone who had actually meandered the Francophone Civil structure...could not do JACK because he had subordinates who were more powerful than he was. He could not even chair nor call a Cabinet meeting without approval from his Francophone bosses.
Enter PHILEMON YANG (the "moumou=discret Diplomat from Kumbo" poor guy had been hiding/forgotten as an Ambassador quietly there in Canada for about twenty something years, doing his small deals and chopping his life awaiting retirement and BOOM...You are the PM of Cameroon). Go and ask him; He will tell you the truth. The man has no Powers to do anything. The Francophones are in charge. Anglophones are eternal second fiddles.Adjoints de ceci, Adjoints de cela. WHY? Some man na Ngrung Beep?
In conclusion, the Francophones have mercilessly SCREWED Anglophones for far too long and I can assure you, this will have to stop...VERY SOON. We call that in Political Science (which I never studied) Humanistic Existential Political Conundrum (HEPC). It is either you accept this as a fact and we sit down and TALK AS EQUALS and come to reasonable mature conclusions or face the eventual consequences. Enough is Enough. We are not your slaves. The ball is in the camp of all Francophones who are playing a game of the Ostrich here. For those Anglophones who feel there is nothing wrong with the status quo because they are "Chopping with the Big Guys; I have one word for you also: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Remember, we have not even started to discuss the plundering of our Natural resources (SONARA, CDC etc).
Mishe Fon


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