Re: RE: [MTC Global] [HQ] Educator/Edutainer

Dear Sirs, I feel that Management practice is very dynamic. To illustrate this,
The old paradigm of the management functions of planning, organizing,leading and controlling were set within the context of an organization as a vehicle to deliver any social and economic commitment to the stakeholders.
With globalization and the interlinking of the national economies. The Organization as we knew it has become dysfunctional and management practice has attuned itself to the context of the Network.
This sea change of practice has happened in the corporate functioning but Management is still being taught in the context of the old organizational methodologies.
There is a need to have strong bridges built between the industry and academics. This is essential for both managers of companies working in the networked environment and the teachers, students and thinkers of management practice.
At present the Industry- Academics interaction exists at the level of
a) recruitment of graduates
b) Consulting projects
c) training and knowledge up-gradation
These interactions assume that the domain of industrial practice is limited to the creation of products and services and exchanged in the marketplace for profit. The role of the academics correspondingly confined to teaching, and advisory.
There are difficulties in this arrangement: The Industry considers most academic research as serving very little purpose in actual management practice and on the other side academics may feel that industry practice hardly apply the principles of management as espoused by them, preferring to rely on some ad-hoc ways that somehow deliver the result.
One does not know the real reason for this, especially when the business processes are turning more complex by the day.
There is thus a need at the national level to integrate businesses with education, training, consultancy at a far more deeper level than just at the individual institute level. Such an arrangement which brings, academics into the boardroom, at the senior decision making levels, at junior levels will provide the academics themselves with a direct industry experience rather than the vicarious experience that they have to rely on for imparting education to the students.
This has already happened in the developed economies and may even happen in China with its totalitarian culture. We in India have a challenge to achieve the level of mobilization in this direction.
Best regards,

On Tue, 27 Nov 2012 14:00:57 +0530 wrote

Dear Prof Irfan,
>I can identify with your thoughts as a former INC Principal. But to add to what you have written teachers of Management education need
>1- To always corelate actual real time corporate scenario with syllabus. This requires tremendous amount of self motivation to read , assimilate and sift relevant material from all Economic and Buisness dailies and magzines.
>2- Those Faculty who have no corporate experience shuld design assignments for students where along with students they themselves interact with real time Corporate managers. This will help both them and students to prepare for future challanges.
>Anil Tandon

>Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 19:17:10 +0400
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] [HQ] Educator/Edutainer


When I was the campus head of one of INC (During 2008) , I wrote an article, which is relevant to this the present discussion, I have copied the same article without any modifications, some terms are relevant only to INCs, so kindly make note of it....And the vision ratio is relevant to INC third tire management schools we have to change the proportion as per the current trends.....

Teaching at Management School

every faculty should design his teaching vision before he delivers the
subject in the class room and the teaching vision for the domain course
may include the following

Examination oriented (50%)

Placement oriented (30%)Life skill oriented (20%)

the students expects the same kind of material form a faculty, here
life skill oriented means – how a concept is helpful when he become a
manager/learning for a student when he becomes a manager.

the faculty should design his lesson plan according to the above vision
for the entire chapter. And I have some guidelines to meet the above
teaching vision. They are….

Step -1: Plan your course strategy

Reference Books to be followed (Topic wise)

Derivative & Journal Books useful for preparation (Session wise)

Other Article Collection from other sources ( Session wise if any)

Current issues from Magazine & News papers/Internet ( Session wise if any)

Step -2: Plan your session plan

Identify the topics to be discussed by students (With perfect action plan)

Identify guest lecture topics - linking with current trends& Identify guest speaker With perfect action plan)

the rest topics prepare your detailed lesson plan by covering
Methodology, tools, Activities like Role-play, GD, debate, panel
discussion, Article discussion etc.

Step – 3: Plan your detailed lesson plan

can follow RAC format for preparing lesson plan (Note: Lesson plan
should be prepared with above mentioned teaching vision and should be
practical – means should meet the expectation of all category of

Step-4 Assignment preparations

Prepare 10-15 MCQ/Fill in the blanks/True or false question for each chapter (Application based/concept based)

based assignment sheet for the entire pre-mid course, by covering basic
concepts, current issues & Business News AwarenessCollect
virtual case studies in you course to full fill life skill
concept/managerial learning from the concerned topic (Collect good case
studies/case lets/management games etc on this topic.) Prepare
problem solving sheet, for the chapter which cover problems, covering
all concepts of the problems in the chapter ( should be discussed in
tutorial session) To
focus bottom 1/3 rd students divided a class in to some groups (1P: 2A :
4C) and conduct a work shop on preparing MCQs for important chapters -
this may be your tutorial session.
Step-5 Plan your preparation for each session in the following manner

1- Pre session activity:

Display your session planat least one week before on students notice board

Check out your lesson plan- make corrections if any

possible give any thought how to begina topic in the class room (
Means Shall I use any article/paper cutting/OPW/Small case let to begin
the topic in an innovative manner etc) Be ready with your all inputs like tools & Material etc

2- In the class:

implementation of your lesson plan focusing on Concept clarity,
Examination orientation, Placement orientation and life skill.

3- Post Session activity:

Giving assignments/OPW/LP/Seminar/Home Assignments etc & Next session guidelines if any

On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Stephen Narayanan wrote:

Actually this is a very big challenge to combine Education with Entertainment or Information..... Infact it should be encouraged as the readership habit is on decline so Edutainment and Eduinfo could well consolidate that loss while making the Learning process not just Fun but Interesting too. But for this the Faculty needs to draw from his experience besides doing the presentation either in PPT sharing or just plain simple narrating holding the attention of the entire Class.

Many Institute's for this reason are encouraging Corporate Professionals to become a part of their Academic Wealth so that they can quote/give live examples in work situations which could well be a platform for youngsters who could at one point of time or other come across similar situation......

Education process needs a revamp to make it interesting and challenging......and I for one would VOTE for it.
Warm Regards,

Stephen NarayananGeneral Manager - Corporate Resource Center

Fortune Institute of International BusinessPlot No.5, Rao Tularam Marg, Opp. R&R Army Hospital,Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 57.Tel.:- +91 11-47285016 (D).Mob.:-9868386192



MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate


Thanks and Regards

Areef Irfan Mohammed
Accountancy Teacher &
HOD of Commerce & ICT

Mobile no: 0551903696

Message of Holy Qur'an to whole mankind:

"O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick
passing) enjoyment, and verily, the Hereafter that is the home that will
remain forever."
(40:39).Nay! But you treat not the orphans with kindness and generosity (i.e.
you neither treat them well, nor give them their exact right of
inheritance)!And urge not on the feeding of AlMiskin (the poor)!
And you devour inheritance all with greed,
And you love wealth with much love!Nay! When the earth is ground to powder,
And your Lord comes with the angels in rows,
And Hell will be brought near that Day.
On that Day will man remember, but how will that remembrance (then) avail him?

- Al-Fajr (89:17-23)




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