Re: subscription

I don't see Prof'ss article
MF Yembe

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 6:14 PM, presure group <> wrote:
Dear brother Tumasang,
I write to wish you more grease to your elbows for that very objective analysis. In fact, an underdog who is courageous enough to tell his master that he is oppressive and marginalizes his people is greater than the one who showers praises for a sinecure office. Hon. Ayah Paul is the only courageous Southern Cameroonian in the employ of L a Republique du Cameroun who has cried foul to the world about the Southern Cameroons problem and has openly identified with the S.C.N.C. detainees through his frequent presence in court whenever the case is coming up.

He even galvanizes the detainees by taking snapshots with them after every court session and attends S.C.N.C. meetings to prove to Mr. Biya that after everything he remains a Southern Cameroonian. Whether his peers in the Parliament of La Republique du Cameroun emulate his example or not is not of any material importance at this moment.

The truth is those of us involved in the struggle know where we are coming from and we know where we are going to. The truth shall always overshadow lies.

God bless you all.

Simon Fuh Ngwa
Secreatary General
Meme County
Tel: (237) 77 03 81 27


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