Can we argue about tastes ? Can we legislate on official sexual "positions" ? a friend once told me that people have been sleeping with donkeys for ages, yet there was no outcry against this...
However are certain sexual practices capable of causing or spreading diseases within the society ? If badgers or rats etc were known and scientifically found to spread tuberculosis among the animals of the country would they not be segregated and in the worse scenario culled ? 

Africans  still have a lot of problems to solve before they can start wasting time in debates as to whether anal or vaginal sex is better for the world. In passing, I remember hearing this question was once asked by an old lady when Black men in Paris knocked at her door to canvass for her vote for the Republican Party: " Being Black and African is not enough for you. Now you want to add republican labels to your burdens ?!". Being "poor" is not enough for us. We  must clash on the net as we discuss hetero or homosexuality.

Let us all carry official idendity / labels so that we can know whether the person next to us is Lesbian, Bisexual, heterosexual, pedophile,senilphile, omnisexual or nosexual, For me this could make life easy and spare some headaches and make life easier for everybody who wants their brand of sexual preference or practice recognized. 


How To Manifest Your Own Miracles?

direct hoplink:

--- On Thu, 6/12/12, Tumasang Martin <> wrote:

From: Tumasang Martin <>
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>
Date: Thursday, 6 December, 2012, 10:21

Hi Mr Katte,
I would like to contribute something on the above topic although the tone of the discussion is rather above my pay grade. I will skip the areas of education, informed etc and address only the 2 questions you asked. This is not in defence of Paul Ayah for I believe he is more than capable of defending his views on homosexuality and other issues.
You asked:

1) From a moral standpoint, in what way(s) is homosexuality hurtful to society? Apart from those who willingly consent to homosexual acts in privacy, who is harmed or hurt by the act?

2) From a legal standpoint, does it make sense to proscribe an act that has no victims?
Indirect Victims
You seem to be in the mistaken believe that hurt has to be direct to be consequential. This is not correct. If Austria for example makes a law that "it is criminal to say the Holocaust did not take place". Will you challenge such a law?. Will you say there is no victim hence no crime?. In fact such a law exist in Austria. In many crimes there are indirect victims and only if issues are construed in a narrow way can one begin to think of victimless crimes.
Each society has its norms and some of them become pre-emptory norms over time. These norms might supersede other considerations in certain situations. For argument sake, lets say our society has reached a point where there is a balance between boys and girls, man and woman. Women are respected and it is generally considered that to have a relationship, it has to be between man and woman. If some perverts or whatever description one might use decide to introduce a new system where men date men and perhaps have life long relationships. If this new system takes hold and propagates in the society to the extent that women cannot play the traditional roles that they were playing i.e. instead of marrying the women the men are busy dating each other in life long relationships, do you not see that the women are the indirect victims in this situation?. Please, in homosexuality like in many other crimes (if it is one), there is usually a direct and/or indirect victim. This in fact answers your question one and two. Do not hastily conclude that there is no victim. Indirect victims abound.
Again you seem to be under the mistaken assumption that consent is a defence in any crime. Legally this is not the case. There is an international outlawry of slavery. If you come to Africa and procure an adult slave who due to her economic situation consents and you take her to America for example and give her a room in your basement and keeps her in bondage working long hours for no pay for years, you are committing a crime, consent or no consent. Consent cannot be a defence in slavery.
In the UK, Masochism or Sadomasochism where sexual pleasure between two consenting adults within the confines of their private homes is derived from inflicting pain and usually wounds leading to bleeding is a crime. There is case law to show this so consent in some situations has no moment. It is neither here nor there.
Having addressed the foundation of your whole argument i.e. victimless crime and consent, I hope you guys can continue your discussion now.
Dr Tumasang

Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 07:21:07 +0000
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] Paul Ayah - MAURICE KAMTO : SOUTIEN L'HOMOSEXUATE

Hello Mr Paul Ayah,

I am sorry if my mail appeared rude or impolite to you - I can see from your response that your did not take it well. At least I am glad that you have responded, which means we still have a channel to share ideas and communicate. I did not take offense at you returning what I started - only natural, but shall we keep it civil going forward?

You do not know me, but I am far from the sort of person you think I am. We share something in common, ie, we are both ex-Bilingual Grammar School Molyko. It is never my habit to broadcast by credentials in a public forum, but suffice to say that those who know me will disagree bitterly with what you have written about by character.

Now, back to the main discussion - homosexuality. I am interested in this subject only from a philosophical/intellectual moral and human rights perspective. As an educated man, I urge you to not fall back on raw prejudice but use your reason to examine the issues. I asked you two questions for which I am still awaiting a response;

1) From a moral standpoint, in what way(s) is homosexuality hurtful to society? Apart from those who willingly consent to homosexual acts in privacy, who is harmed or hurt by the act?

2) From a legal standpoint, does it make sense to proscribe an act that has no victims?

Am sure a man of your learning can answer these questions without resorting to insults.
Vic Katte
"Easy is the road that leads to benightedness, superstitions and irrationalism". Victor Katte
"The way to deal with superstition is not to be polite to it, but to tackle it with all arms, and so rout it, cripple it, and make it forever infamous and ridiculous. Is it, perchance, cherished by persons who should know better? Then their folly should be brought out into the light of day, and exhibited there in all its hideousness until they flee from it, hiding their heads in shame.

True enough, even a superstitious man has certain inalienable rights. He has a right to harbor and indulge his imbecilities as long as he pleases, provided only he does not try to inflict them upon other men by force. He has a right to argue for them as eloquently as he can, in season and out of season. He has a right to teach them to his children. But certainly he has no right to be protected against the free criticism of those who do not hold them. He has no right to demand that they be treated as sacred. He has no right to preach them without challenge." Mencken

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery - none but yourself can free your mind.

"Most people would rather die than think. And most people do"   Bertrand Russell.

From: PAP Communications Team <>
Sent: Wednesday, 5 December 2012, 21:00
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Paul Ayah - MAURICE KAMTO : SOUTIEN L'HOMOSEXUATE

Mr Katte,

I thought I was polite in my reply. But you have come out wholly
vindicating me in my affirmation that your vaunted education is
half-baked and lame. If your anal children have not inherited your
abnormal genes, there should be one in a nursery school to teach you
that  the "ill-educated/informed"..."too have their story". This is
what I meant by the extract from desiderata which may have tantalized
your bestial instincts.

You should be one of the misfits of our society taking refuge in some
foreign country where the citizens, from sustained energy, have
developed their country; and you are there to clean up their sewage
system. Tired of the stench, you have now embarked on the promotion of
homosexuality in consideration of immoral earnings for your daily

I am not used to your low level, but I know the one fact that it is at
times necessary to descend to the arena of dunces and speak their
language for better comprehension.

If you did not copy at examinations with the result that you today
hold blank dirty papers in the name of certificates, you would simply
have answered my question whether you are the issue of anal sex,
indelibly smeared with shit at birth. You could not have failed to
understand the question about how many anal issues you have
either!...Na true say free internet go do wandas!

Take this for your desert! Every child is born of a woman, even Jesus
the Lord. By your own admission, you were born of a man/woman,
unnaturally: monstrously sub-human, and erratically irrational!


On 12/4/12, Vic Katte <> wrote:
> Hello Mr Paul Ayah,
> To say that this is the most incoherent and rambling argumentation in favour
> of homophobia I have ever come across is to understate the point. None of
> the points you touched on was taken to a logical conclusion - from the point
> about Jesus and fishermen to the point about DOG, etc. They all seem to come
> from a very underprepared and ill-educated/informed mind. It is a shame that
> we have people of your ilk at high office in Cameroon and claiming to
> represent the ordinary, if this is the best sort of argumentation one can
> get from our "top" elected officials.
> I asked a simple question, a question that bears on the moral. Please, allow
> me to rephrase it. Taking morality as the sum total of human consensus that
> prescribe and promote human flourishing, in what way does homosexuality
> infringe on such morality. To put it simply for you, in what way is society
> or anyone hurt or disadvantaged by two or more people consenting in
> homosexual acts in the privacy of their homes?
> If you can manage to think your way through the above question, maybe you
> would be in a position to attempt the second question, namely;
> Does it make legal sense to proscribe an act that has no victim?
> As an ex-ENAM, will some legal training, I am quite looking forward to how
> you deal with this question. I an hoping I will not be disappointed.
> Vic Katte
>>"Easy is the road that leads to benightedness, superstitions and
>> irrationalism". Victor Katte
>>"The way to deal with superstition is not to be polite to it, but to tackle
>> it with all arms, and so rout it, cripple it, and make it forever infamous
>> and ridiculous. Is it, perchance, cherished by persons who should know
>> better? Then their folly should be brought out into the light of day, and
>> exhibited there in all its hideousness until they flee from it, hiding
>> their heads in shame.
>>True enough, even a superstitious man has certain inalienable rights. He
>> has a right to harbor and indulge his imbecilities as long as he pleases,
>> provided only he does not try to inflict them upon other men by force. He
>> has a right to argue for them as eloquently as he can, in season and out
>> of season. He has a right to teach them to his children. But certainly he
>> has no right to be protected against the free criticism of those who do
>> not hold them. He has no right to demand that they be treated as sacred.
>> He has no right to preach them without challenge." Mencken
>>Emancipate yourself from mental slavery - none but yourself can free your
>> mind.
>>"Most people would rather die than think. And most people do"   Bertrand
>> Russell.
> ________________________________
>  From: PAP Communications Team <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, 3 December 2012, 23:34
> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Paul Ayah - MAURICE KAMTO : SOUTIEN
> Dear Vic Katte,
> You sounded like one with more than just a terminal degree. But with
> due respect, I must confess that your erudition is essentially lame.
> You woefully missed the point that, in matters of morality, great
> learning is hardly ever a condition sine qua non. You may wish to
> learn, if not a Christian you are, that Jesus just came upon fishermen
> and made them fishers of men. Nor were the abhorred tax-collectors
> left behind. These men contrast squarely with the learned person you
> claim you are. Therefore may you wish to apply your mind to the wise
> saying that you should "listen to the dull and the ignorant (as) they
> too have their story". That, one would hold, is the core of the
> matter.
> May you also wish to condescend to admit that the finality of the
> natural is the desired outcome of natural interactions. The desired
> result remains unaffected by blighted minds from whatever impairment
> and for whatever consideration. Your holding to the contrary would
> only make sense if you tell the world that you are the anal issue of
> your father. And you would be no less convincing if you declared that
> your mother is/was a DOG and that you are the offspring of your
> DOG-mother through anal sex. The long and short of it all is that
> distorting the natural is unnatural!
> You are at liberty of course to give yourself up to ephemeral
> unnatural gains in distortion of the natural such as pecuniary
> mercenary interest. But the reality the real philosopher would always
> have at the back of his mind is the ultimate futility: the vanities of
> vanities!
> Such are irrefutable facts that never can be glossed over by your
> thesis in justification of your practice of homosexuality. The next
> time you wish to write upholding homosexuality and ridiculing the
> uneducated who hold otherwise, you may wish to begin by telling the
> world how many anal issues you have first. Not like empty vessels! And
> more than just wretched!
> On 12/2/12, Vic Katte <> wrote:
>> Hello Mr Paul Ayah,
>> I must say that I am particularly shocked that as a potential statesman
>> you
>> still hold some of the most benighted views regard homosexuality, even
>> going
>> to the extraordinary attempt to equating it with animals sex. It seems to
>> me
>> that you have either not spend any time to really think about the
>> subject,
>> guided solely ingrained traditional prejudices, or you have been led up
>> the
>> wrong epistemic path through flawed thinking or irrational
>> indoctrination.
>> Your very first statement ("L'hommosexualité est contre la nature.")
>> reveals
>> just how ill-informed or educated you are. If we take nature to be the
>> entirety of reality, then anything everything that happens within this
>> reality is consistent with nature. Thus nothing can ever be said to be
>> "against nature" as everything with reality is part of nature. Thus
>> eating
>> meat, killing once father, having sex with animals, eat human flesh,
>> being
>> in love with your husband/wife, feeding the poor, climbing mountains,
>> thousands dying in a natural disaster, having sex with ten people at the
>> same time, drinking human blood, etc, etc.  All of these and in fact,
>> everything you can every think of is part of the natural realm. Nothing,
>> but
>> nothing within reality can ever be unnatural or against nature. So to
>> impugn
>> homosexuality on the grounds that it is unnatural or against nature is to
>> commit a gross intellectual fallacy, and obviously I need not remind you
>> of
>> the
>>  dangers of building public policy of falsehoods.
>> Now, to say that everything is natural is a far cry from saying that is
>> it
>> desirable or to be sought after. Thus, having sex with animals, while
>> natural is undesirable, not least because animals cannot give their
>> consent
>> to the act, thus making it immoral. Killing other humans, while natural,
>> is
>> ill-advised, undesirable  and immoral because such acts deprive others of
>> their right to life.
>> Now, I have used the word "moral"/"immoral" above, but what do I need by
>> it
>> and should morality be the guiding principle by which we lead our lives?
>> By
>> morality, I mean a collective consensus derived by deliberation and
>> discussion about what makes humankind lead a flourishing existence
>> without
>> infringing on the needs and rights of our fellow humans.
>> On the above definition, the homosexuals who engage in their acts of love
>> towards their partners in a consensual and is a position to give full
>> unforced consent is not engaging in an immoral act. If this is too hard
>> for
>> you to understand and or digest, simply ask yourself the following
>> question.
>> When two or more homosexuals, in the privacy of their rooms, engage in
>> consensual homosexual acts, in what way does this act hurt or harm anyone
>> or
>> society? If it does not harm or hurt anyone or society, in what way can
>> it
>> be said to be immoral?
>> Or are you simply grossed out by imagining the act, say of a man
>> penetrating
>> another man through their anus? If this is your problem, be informed that
>> many millions of heterosexual couples perform anal sex as part of their
>> standard sexual expression. Would you like to put a bar against this act
>> as
>> well, or is anal sex only allowed in the context of a married
>> heterosexual
>> monogamous union.
>> Hope the above helps you sort out your thinking and move to the side of
>> freedom and liberty.
>> Vic Katte
>>>"Easy is the road that leads to benightedness, superstitions and
>>> irrationalism". Victor Katte
>>>"The way to deal with superstition is not to be polite to it, but to
>>> tackle
>>> it with all arms, and so rout it, cripple it, and make it forever
>>> infamous
>>> and ridiculous. Is it, perchance, cherished by persons who should know
>>> better? Then their folly should be brought out into the light of day,
>>> and
>>> exhibited there in all its hideousness until they flee from it, hiding
>>> their heads in shame.
>>>True enough, even a superstitious man has certain inalienable rights. He
>>> has a right to harbor and indulge his imbecilities as long as he
>>> pleases,
>>> provided only he does not try to inflict them upon other men by force.
>>> He
>>> has a right to argue for them as eloquently as he can, in season and out
>>> of season. He has a right to teach them to his children. But certainly
>>> he
>>> has no right to be protected against the free criticism of those who do
>>> not hold them. He has no right to demand that they be treated as sacred.
>>> He has no right to preach them without challenge." Mencken
>>>Emancipate yourself from mental slavery - none but yourself can free your
>>> mind.
>>>"Most people would rather die than think. And most people do"   Bertrand
>>> Russell.
>> ________________________________
>>  From: PAP Communications Team <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2012, 22:45
>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] MAURICE KAMTO : SOUTIEN L'HOMOSEXUATE
>> L'hommosexualité est contre la nature. L'occident et ses représentants
>> africains phantomes  doivent nous présenter la troisieme partie de la
>> Bible; car l'Occident nous a présenté les deux parties de la Bible
>> pour justifier la condamnation de la poligamie. Or la poligamie n'est
>> pas contre la nature.
>> Ce n'est pas parcequ'Obama s'est identifié avec l'hommosexualité pour
>> pouvoir gagner élection que nous africains purs devons suivre ses pas.
>> En s'attribuant le monopole du raisonnement rationnel l''hommel doit
>> se placer au dessus de l'animal sauvage. Si un coq s'abstient de
>> monter sur un coq, et la poule sur une poule, la raison doit nous
>> obliger a nous comporter mieux.
>> C'est vraiment dommage que l'homme se dit croyant alors meme qu'il
>> traite son createur avec tant de mépris. Il est vrai que nous parlons
>> aujourd'hui de village global. Mais n'oublions pas que Dieu est
>> immuable a l'égad de tous! Y compris l'homme politique! Il est
>> regrettable de penser autrement!
>> Quel exemple!
>> On 12/2/12, Sismondi Barlev Bidjocka <> wrote:
>>>       MAURICE
>>> « JE
>>> Le président du MRC était sur le plateau de Canal 2 ce
>>> soir, et il a dit qu'il faut laisser les gens qui ont des tendances
>>> naturelles…Monsieur
>>> Kamto vous êtes seul dans votre film, et la jeunesse vous dit NON !!
>>> Sismondi Barlev Bidjocka
>>> Journaliste Éditorialiste Écrivain
>>> Porte-Parole de la jeunesse Camerounaise
>>> Tél : 00 237 77 85 89 19
>>> Dom: 00 237 22 17 70 89
>>> mail:
>> --
>> Communications & Public Relations,
>> People's Action Party, PAP
>> National Working Secretariat,
>> Buea, South West Region,
>> Cameroon.
>> Motto: Work - Peace - Justice
>> Tel: (00237) 78 35 80 29 / 94 99 87 43
>> *E-mail:,
>> *Official Website: OR
>> *Facebook Page:
>> *!/profile.php?id=100001912645245<>
>> --------------
>> "I profoundly believe all Cameroonians will some day speak the same
>> language, sing the same songs, dance to the same rhythm, dine and wine at
>> the same table. When the rich shall cater for the poor and the strong
>> shall
>> help the weak, the law shall be supreme, justice and peace shall forever
>> reign, if we are honest and believe we can get there. God bless
>> Cameroon."Hon. AYAH Paul ABINE, Cameroon 2011 Presidential Candidate and
>> PAP National Secretary General.
>> ------------------------------
>> ------------------------------------
> --
> Communications & Public Relations,
> People's Action Party, PAP
> National Working Secretariat,
> Buea, South West Region,
> Cameroon.
> Motto: Work - Peace - Justice
> Tel: (00237) 78 35 80 29 / 94 99 87 43
> *E-mail:,
> *Official Website: OR
> *Facebook Page:
> *!/profile.php?id=100001912645245<>
> --------------
> "I profoundly believe all Cameroonians will some day speak the same
> language, sing the same songs, dance to the same rhythm, dine and wine at
> the same table. When the rich shall cater for the poor and the strong shall
> help the weak, the law shall be supreme, justice and peace shall forever
> reign, if we are honest and believe we can get there. God bless
> Cameroon."Hon. AYAH Paul ABINE, Cameroon 2011 Presidential Candidate and
> PAP National Secretary General.
> ------------------------------
> ------------------------------------

Communications & Public Relations,
People's Action Party, PAP
National Working Secretariat,
Buea, South West Region,

Motto: Work - Peace - Justice

Tel: (00237) 78 35 80 29 / 94 99 87 43

*Official Website: OR

*Facebook Page:

"I profoundly believe all Cameroonians will some day speak the same
language, sing the same songs, dance to the same rhythm, dine and wine at
the same table. When the rich shall cater for the poor and the strong shall
help the weak, the law shall be supreme, justice and peace shall forever
reign, if we are honest and believe we can get there. God bless
Cameroon."Hon. AYAH Paul ABINE, Cameroon 2011 Presidential Candidate and
PAP National Secretary General.


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