Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [AfricansPolitics] Re:Motion.../ Biya should name ANGLOPHONE Vice-President for Sake of UNITY-> Dr John Ngu Foncha's Resignation Letter from the CPDM: More about the KNDP and its founders

Monsieur Celestin Bedzigui. Allow yourself the privilege of insulting
any LRC scheme plan, like Vice presidency bid etc...but, and BUT, Sir,
DON'T ever insult a AMBAZONIANS and think you can get
away with it!!!!!!
MF Yembe in Nkambe

On 12/24/12, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron <> wrote:
> Mr Bedzigui
> That letter circulated very well in Cameroon in the 1990s. Since you
> had that second class purview for Anglophones, you did not consider
> it. You are trying to read it now because it appears the writing is
> clear on the wall.
> That writing is clear: the will cannot be turned back any more
> Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you
> Aaron
> On 12/23/12, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
>> Mr Bedzigui,
>> Once again you miss the point completely and it is not your fault.
>> You are the vintage outcome of the French-Napoleonic-Jacobin system
>> and, it would seem, you have even known another system.
>> Kenneth John Begheni Ndeh has the same problem.
>> You see..the Southern-West Cameroon system was a parliamentary
>> democracy which secreted its leadership from grassroots via, often
>> tough elections. The leaders owed their mandate and their right to be
>> leaders by/from the people who elected them and voted them out of
>> office. Leaders were never appointed-created by decrees.
>> Your Jacobin system is most barbaric. Brice Nincheu once asked me this
>> question: Who ELECTED Mr. Biya in the first place...that he would now
>> permit himself to invent an entire army of rascals whom he call
>> That is the question.
>> The Jacobin system permits inertia, dictatorship, corruption,
>> un-accountability, etc.
>> Finally, old friend, you are confused, ours is not about putting
>> individuals into position but inventing or re-inventing a state and a
>> SYSTEM...
>> Once that system is in place..even a toddler can run the state.
>> This is the SYSTEM I grew up in..
>> We will restore it, one way or another.
>> On 12/23/12, Celestin Bedzigui <> wrote:
>>> I second this motion... But who??? John B. Ndeh? John Fru Ndi? Atanga
>>> Nji...? Or Ofege Ntemfack??? Laughing!!!Those seem to be the
>>> ''political
>>> material '' available... It doesn' t  obviously seem to be enough....
>>> Fellow Anglophones should work to build up more national political
>>> figures
>>> rather than drawning their energy in a illusional "Ambazonia''.
>>> C. B.
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM>
>>> To: "" <>;
>>> "" <>
>>> Cc: Cameroon Politics <>; Cameroon
>>> Creative
>>> group <>; Ambazonia Group
>>> <>; Shesa 23 <>; AMACAM
>>> <>; bali C. P. C <>;
>>> Mwananchi Mwananchi <>; Africa Politics
>>> <>; Nigerian Politics
>>> <>; ""
>>> <>; ""
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 11:22 AM
>>> Subject: [AfricansPolitics] Re: Biya should name ANGLOPHONE
>>> Vice-President
>>> for Sake of UNITY-> Dr John Ngu Foncha's Resignation Letter from the
>>> CPDM:
>>> More about the KNDP and its founders
>>> The PAAWCE Presidential quest is very multi-lateral in nature.
>>> The Southern Cameroons question or equation is part and parcel of this
>>> mult-lateral conquest.
>>> Blessed Be CameroonPa Fru Ndeh
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
>>> To:
>>> Cc: Cameroon Politics <>; Cameroon
>>> Creative
>>> group <>; SDF-Forum
>>> <>;
>>> Ambazonia Group <>; Shesa 23
>>> <>; AMACAM <>; bali C. P. C
>>> <>; CAMNETWORK <>;
>>> <>; Mwananchi Mwananchi
>>> <>;
>>> Africa Politics <>; Nigerian Politics
>>> <>; ""
>>> <>; ""
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 11:02 AM
>>> Subject: [SDF-FORUM] Re: [Shesadc] Biya should name ANGLOPHONE
>>> Vice-President for Sake of UNITY-> Dr John Ngu Foncha's Resignation
>>> Letter
>>> from the CPDM: More about the KNDP and its founders
>>> You have now gone from Vice President?They told you that
>>> the
>>> Southern Cameroons Question is a matter of vicepresidency?On 12/23/12,
>>> Pa
>>> Fru Ndeh <> wrote:> Fw: Biya should name ANGLOPHONE
>>> Vice-President for Sake of UNITY>>> Blessed Be Cameroon> Pa Fru Ndeh>>
>>> -----
>>> Forwarded Message -----> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>>
>>> To:
>>>> Cc: Camnet Camnetwork
>>> <>> Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 10:54 AM>
>>> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Dr John Ngu Foncha's Resignation Letter
>>> from>
>>> the CPDM: More about the KNDP and its founders>> Dr. J.N. Foncha's
>>> Resignation Letter:>> Yaounde, 9th June 1990> Your Excellency,>
>>> FROM THE CPDM> I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that after
>>> careful> considera-tion and careful thought, I have decided to address
>>> to
>>> you> my resigna-tion from the Cameroon's People's Democratic Movement>
>>> (CPDM) and my reasons for
>>> resigning are as follows:>> The CPDM which elected me as its first
>>> National
>>> Vice President is the> party which forms the GOC and has been
>>> responsible
>>> for shaping> government policies.>> As the National Vice President of
>>> the
>>> party, I have found it> impossible to use my exalted position to help in
>>> any
>>> way shape or> influence the policies of the party and nation because:>>
>>> 1)
>>> Demands by me for audience with the Chairman (President) of the> party
>>> to
>>> discuss issues have been systematically turned down.>> 2) Several memos
>>> and
>>> representations I have made in writing on several> important national
>>> issues
>>> have been ignored.>> During my political career which spans over forty
>>> years, I headed the> group that campaigned for and got the peoples of
>>> the
>>> then  the> Southern Cameroons to vote for unification, after which I
>>> went
>>> from> village to village in the then East Cameroun at the risk of my
>>> life
>>> to> calm terrorism which existed at the time. I even housed some>
>>> Cameroonians wanted in East Cameroon. I successfully had them>
>>> reconcile
>>> with the Ahidjo government. I missed being shot down on my> way from
>>> Bafang
>>> on peace making mission.>> After unification, a lot of Cameroonians had
>>> confidence in me and when> the first Presidential elections were coming
>>> up,
>>> many people urged me> to stand against President Ahidjo. I decided to go
>>> for
>>> the Vice> Presiden-cy instead in order to avoid unnecessary conflict and
>>> further> bloodshed.>> When President Ahidjo decided to get rid of me as
>>> the
>>> Vice President,> a lot of Cameroonians sympathized with me and urged me
>>> to
>>> make an> issue out of it, but for the love of peace, I came back quietly
>>> to>
>>> live in my village as a private citizen.>> After settling in my village,
>>> I
>>> was occasionally consulted on some> national issues and I accepted to
>>> serve
>>> the people of Cameroun in> whatever capacity it pleased the powers that
>>> be
>>> to put me. When the> leadership of Cameroun changed hands and Your
>>> Excellency became the> President of the Republic and eventually head of
>>> the
>>> CNU, I assured> Your Excellency that I was at your disposal and ready
>>> from
>>> my> experience to give you advice you may need on national issues.> 1)
>>> Unfortunately this was not to be as it became clear to me that I> had
>>> become
>>> an irrelevant nuisance that had to be ignored and> ridiculed.> - I was
>>> to
>>> be
>>> used now only as window dressing and not listened to. I> am most of the
>>> time
>>> summoned to meetings by radio with-out any> courtesy of my consultation
>>> on
>>> the agenda.> 2)    All projects of the former West Cameroon I had either
>>> initiated or> held very dear to my heart had to be taken over,
>>> mismanaged
>>> and> ruined, e.g. Cameroon Bank, West Cameroon Marketing Board, WADA in>
>>> Wum, West Cameroon Cooperative Movement.> 3)    Whereas I spent all my
>>> life
>>> fighting to have a deep sea port in> Limbe(Victoria) developed, this
>>> project
>>> had to be shelved and in-stead> an expensive pipeline is
>>> to be built from SONARA in Limbe to Douala in> order to pipe the oil to
>>> Douala.> 4)    All the roads in West Cameroon my government had either
>>> built,> improved or maintained were allowed to deteriorate making
>>> Kumba-Mamfe,> Mamfe-Bamenda, Bamenda-Wum-Nkambe, Bamenda-Mom
>>> inaccessible
>>> by
>>> road.> Projects were shelved even after petrol produced enough money
>>> for>
>>> building them and the Limbe sea port.> 5)    All progress of employment,
>>> appointments, etc. meant to pro-mote> adequate regional representation
>>> in
>>> government and its services have> been revised or changed at the expense
>>> of
>>> those who stood for TRUTH> and justice. They are identified as
>>> "Fon-cha-man"
>>> and put aside.> 6)    The anglophone Cameroonian whom I brought into the
>>> Union have been> ridiculed and referred to as "les Biafrians", les
>>> ene-mies
>>> dans la> maison", "les traites', etc., and the constitutional provisions
>>> which> protected this anglophone minority have been suppressed, their
>>> voices>
>>> drowned while the rule of the gun has replaced the dialogue which>
>>> anglophones cherish very much.> 7)    The national media has been used
>>> by
>>> the government through people> who never voted for unification to
>>> misinform
>>> the citizens about> Bamenda, deliberate lies have been told over the
>>> mass
>>> media all in an> attempt to isolate the anglophone Cameroonians who
>>> voted
>>> for> unification and subject them to hatred and more discrimination and>
>>> harassment from other Cameroonians.> 8)    Embezzlement of Public funds
>>> in
>>> all forms and illegal exportation> of our currency by the privileged
>>> class
>>> seems to go without rep-rimand> but is rather condoned.> 9)    The
>>> constitution which I have held and preached as the supreme law> of the
>>> land
>>> is in many respects being ignored or manipulat-ed... Let> the CPDM not
>>> move
>>> towards the direction where it will find itself> collapsing faster than
>>> many
>>> of the "strong" govern-ments that have> collapsed in recent memory. My
>>> resignation is effective from today the> 9th June 1990.> Thank You.> I
>>> have
>>> the Honor to be>> Yours Respectfully,>> Dr. J.N. Foncha>>>> On 12/22/12,
>>> SAF
>>> <> wrote:>> FEN and Dr. Atang,>> Since you guys are
>>> doubting
>>> what I wrote>> about the KNDP I have a source for you. Unfortunately, it
>>> does not>> provide>> all>> the information, but if you  take the>> time
>>> to
>>> connect the dots you will see that the KNDP was a UPC creation>> and>>
>>> Foncha was only the titular leader.  In order to piece the
>>> information,>>
>>> you>> will have to read from other>> sources and connect the dots.>>
>>> Before I provide the>> evidence to you, I will like to draw some
>>> parallels
>>> with the formation of>> the>> SDF. You all know that Ni John Fru Ndi did
>>> not
>>> found the SDF. The SDF was>> actually created by a few lawyers in
>>> secrecy
>>> in
>>> Yaounde, with Ben Muna a>> major>> player. Ben told us when he visited
>>> the
>>> US some 20 years ago that after>> creating it they met
>>> and asked Ni John Fru Ndi if he was willing to bell>> the>> cat or act
>>> as
>>> the party's place holder? Ni John Fru Ndi accepted and when>> the>>
>>> political storm was over, he rose from the political ashes as a sphinx>>
>>> and>> refused to hand over the party to the persons who created it.
>>> That>>
>>> explains>> why the real founders of the>> SDF and the place holder have
>>> been
>>> at odds for years.  Today most people>> think that Ni John Fru Ndi>>
>>> founded
>>> the SDF Party - he didn't.>>        This is exactly what>> happened in
>>> Southern Cameroons. All the "K" parties with the>> exception of the
>>> Kamerun
>>> United Party (KUP) were created by UPC>> nationalist>> who>> were
>>> operating
>>> freely in Southern Cameroon until they were banned. The>> parties>> were
>>> then led by native Southern Cameroonians as fronts of the UPC>>
>>> "re-unificationist.">> The goal of all the "K" parties was to re-unify
>>> the
>>> Southern>> Cameroons with the French Cameroun.>>        Here is a link
>>> I>>
>>> want you to read. It is actually a book and cost about $95. If you
>>> don't>>
>>> want>> to buy the book I would like you to scroll down to page 210.
>>> Start>>
>>> reading>> from>> there. You will see how the UPC helped to create the
>>> KNC.>>>>
>>> I will summarize it for you here:>>>>        First, Mr. P.M. Kale while
>>> in
>>> Nigeria cofounded>> the Cameroon Youth League, the Bakweri Union and the
>>> Bamenda Improvement>> Association and later founded the Cameroon
>>> National
>>> Federation (CNF).  He>> returns to Southern Cameroon in 1953 and with>>
>>> Mbile "founded" the Kameroons People Party (KPP).  Actually the brain>>
>>> behind this is Mr. Z.N.>> Efamba (not mentioned in the book) but in
>>> Mbile's
>>> book.  In 1959, P.M.>> Kale>> leave the KPP and founds>> the Kamerun
>>> United
>>> Party (KUP) which advocated the independence of>> British>> Southern
>>> Cameroon as an independent entity.  The KUP is not affiliated>> with>>
>>> unificationist or UPC.>>        The second party was>> the KNC.  In
>>> 1949,
>>> several Southern>> Cameroons groups met in Kumba and formed the
>>> Cameroons
>>> National>> Federation>> (CNF).  The primary goal of CNF was>>
>>> reunification
>>> of Southern Cameroons with French Cameroun.  The founders>> of>> CNF
>>> then
>>> contacted the UPC>> which then led to the founding of Kamerun United
>>> National Congress>> (KUNC).>> The KUNC then merged with the CNF in 1952
>>> to>>
>>> form the Kamerun National Congres (KNC); the party led by Dr. E.M.>>
>>> Endely.>> Not mentioned in this document is the>> founding role of Mr.
>>> R.K.
>>> Debongue.  This>> is mentioned on page 50 of Mr. Mbile's book.  This
>>> first
>>> phase thus>> established the nationalist party in the Southern>>
>>> Cameroons.>>        The second phase of>> the party was to disengage
>>> the
>>> party
>>> from National Convention of Nigeria>> and>> Cameroons  (NCNC).  Let me
>>> digress here for a moment.  To make it brief,>> there was a crisis in
>>> the>>
>>> Eastern House of Assembly in Enugu.  The>> Cameroon block which was in
>>> partnership with the NCNC was caught in the>> crisis.  Some members of
>>> the
>>> Eastern>> House of Assembly broke away from the NCNC but the 13 members
>>> of
>>> the>> Southern>> Cameroons delegation or block of the NCNC allied with
>>> the
>>> main faction.>> The>> matter shifted to Lagos and Dr. Endely was advised
>>> by
>>> the Governor of the>> Executive Council of the Federal House of Assembly
>>> to
>>> reconsider his>> positions>> with regard to the NCNC.  Dr. Endely then>>
>>> made an about face which stunned some members of the Cameroons>>
>>> delegation.>> He told the members of the delegation that it>> was in
>>> Southern Cameroons interest to no longer associate itself with the>>
>>> NCNC.
>>> This angered some members of the>> delegation, particularly Mr. Mbile
>>> and
>>> not long
>>> after that Mr. Efamba>> founded>> the Kamerun People's Party.  The
>>> KPP>>
>>> would later merge with the KNC to form the Cameroon People National>>
>>> Convention>> (CPNC) and no longer pursing unification with French
>>> Cameroon.>>        In 1955 the KNDP was formedunder the leadership of
>>> John>> Ngu Foncha.Note that the document on page 216 says Foncha was the
>>> leader>> of>> the party and>> not necessarily the founder of the party.
>>> The
>>> founders as I have said>> before were UPC unionist in Fiango>> Kumba.
>>> The
>>> document then further goes on>> to sate as follows:  "The KNDP was
>>> virtually
>>> the governing party of West>> Cameroon from>> 1959 to 1966.  It is
>>> widely
>>> assumed the>> party was formed to serve as the platform for the pursuit
>>> of
>>> Cameroon>> reunification after the KNC failed to reach a consensus on
>>> the>>
>>> reunification>> issue. The KNDP's enthusiasm for reunification led to
>>> its
>>> short-lived>> collaboration with the outlawed Union de Population du
>>> Cameroun
>>> (UPC)>> party>> of>> French Cameroun...">>>> From the above quote it is
>>> obvious that the KNDP was never created>> to serve the interest of
>>> Southern
>>> Cameroonians but to unify the Southern>> Cameroons with the French
>>> Cameroons.  This>> should help you connect the dots as to why Foncha
>>> behaved
>>> the way he did>> in>> handing Southern Cameroons to the French
>>> Cameroons.
>>> He wasn't stupid; he>> knew what he was doing.>>>>>>>>>>
>>> _______________________________________________________________________>>>>>>
>>> Make a tax deductible donation or buy our book to support our language>>
>>> development efforts>>
>>> _______________________________________________________________________>>>
>>> -->>>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the
>>> belief
>>> in> a thing makes it happen.>>>
>>> ------------------------------------>>>>>
>> --
>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
>> a thing makes it happen.
> --
> Aaron Agien Nyangkwe
> Journalist-OutCome Mapper
> P.O.Box 5213
> Douala-Cameroon
> Telephone +237 73 42 71 27


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