Re: Complete Conversation: On Saints and Sainthood: Who is a Saint?


The debate is a very sound one and I like it.

However, I find it intriguing the posting of a Kalashnikov gun carrier
and a Catholic Pope.
Can some one clarify. I have some critical thinking lapses here


On 1/29/13, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
> Ntemfac Ofege <>
> January 21 <>
> ** <>
> Question N° 2/10. From Bara
> Who are saints? What is your view on the part they play in the lives of
> Christians? Are there Saints as there are Christians names? The saints and
> sainthood constitute yest another misconstruction of the bible de...See More
> (4
> photos)<>
> [image: Photo: Question N° 2/10. From Bara Who are saints? What is your
> view on the part they play in the lives of Christians? Are there Saints as
> there are Christians names? The saints and sainthood constitute yest
> another misconstruction of the bible definition of Saints by some religious
> organisations. Just consider the sheer verses of the Holy Scriptures that
> talk and saints and then see that the Roman catholic definition of SAINT
> falls short of the WILL/WORD of God. De 33:2 And he said, The LORD came
> from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount
> Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a
> fiery law for them. {a fiery...: Heb. a fire of law} De 33:3 Yea, he loved
> the people; all his saints are in thy hand: and they sat down at thy feet;
> every one shall receive of thy words. Ro 16:15 Salute Philologus, and
> Julia, Nereus, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints which are
> with them. 1Co 1:2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that
> are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every
> place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:
> 1Co 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before
> the unjust, and not before the saints? 1Co 6:2 Do ye not know that the
> saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are
> ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?]
> <>
> [image: Photo: Question N° 2/10. From Bara Who are saints? What is your
> view on the part they play in the lives of Christians? Are there Saints as
> there are Christians names? The saints and sainthood constitute yest
> another misconstruction of the bible definition of Saints by some religious
> organisations. Just consider the sheer verses of the Holy Scriptures that
> talk and saints and then see that the Roman catholic definition of SAINT
> falls short of the WILL/WORD of God. De 33:2 And he said, The LORD came
> from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount
> Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a
> fiery law for them. {a fiery...: Heb. a fire of law} De 33:3 Yea, he loved
> the people; all his saints are in thy hand: and they sat down at thy feet;
> every one shall receive of thy words. Ro 16:15 Salute Philologus, and
> Julia, Nereus, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints which are
> with them. 1Co 1:2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that
> are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every
> place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:
> 1Co 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before
> the unjust, and not before the saints? 1Co 6:2 Do ye not know that the
> saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are
> ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?]
> <>
> [image: Photo: Question N° 2/10. From Bara Who are saints? What is your
> view on the part they play in the lives of Christians? Are there Saints as
> there are Christians names? The saints and sainthood constitute yest
> another misconstruction of the bible definition of Saints by some religious
> organisations. Just consider the sheer verses of the Holy Scriptures that
> talk and saints and then see that the Roman catholic definition of SAINT
> falls short of the WILL/WORD of God. De 33:2 And he said, The LORD came
> from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount
> Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a
> fiery law for them. {a fiery...: Heb. a fire of law} De 33:3 Yea, he loved
> the people; all his saints are in thy hand: and they sat down at thy feet;
> every one shall receive of thy words. Ro 16:15 Salute Philologus, and
> Julia, Nereus, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints which are
> with them. 1Co 1:2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that
> are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every
> place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:
> 1Co 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before
> the unjust, and not before the saints? 1Co 6:2 Do ye not know that the
> saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are
> ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?]
> <>
> Like <> · ·
> Share<>
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> Joseph Oscar Wanye <> and 2
> others <> like
> this.
> - <>
> <>
> Ntemfac Ofege <> Bara
> Lainso<>.
> While the Roman catholic Church has its own definition of a Saint as a
> Holy
> MAN and has its own standards of measuring that holiness (even dead some
> miracle could be attributed to the the said Saint), the Lord God is no
> respecter of persons. As far as God is concerned all who LOVE HIM and
> prove
> their LOVE by BELIEVING in the SACRIFICE of the Lord Jesus are SAINTS.
> By
> the WORD of God and, hence the WILL of God, all Christians - DEAD or
> are SAINTS. The reason is that the LORD God says of BELIEVERS that they
> are
> HOLY. Not that they WILL be HOLY. They are HOLY because of their FAITH.
> 1Pe
> 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation,
> a
> peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath
> called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: 1. CHOSEN. 2.
> Royalty
> 3 Priests 4. Holy 5 Peculiar 6. CALLED. Peculiar Chidi
> Samuel<>.
> Olubunmi Peculiar Consults
> Ayeni<>.
> King Aluan <>. Tarh Paddy
> King<>.
> King Ade-nche <>.
> January 21 at
> 5:43pm<
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> <>
> Judas Case <> · Friends with Nfor N
> Susungi <> and 373
> others<>
> saints are saints. what do you think the catholic church says about
> saints? just maybe you are misunderstanding what they are talking about.
> or
> do you have any personal issue againgst the Roman catholict church?
> January 21 at
> 5:44pm<
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> <>
> Yung Julia A <> Why do u like
> criticizing the Catholic Church? Have they forced you or anyone to
> belief
> in them? Praise God the way you want and leave the Catholic Church in
> Peace
> January 21 at
> 5:48pm<
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> <>
> Arrey Martins <> the roman
> catholic church is noted for delibrately misleading people. it is
> sacriligious that after 7 years in the seminary, these people lack basic
> knowledge and cannot undertand simple defination. the truth is that
> catholic church is an organisation interested in land, property and
> title
> and not interested in righteousness. I challenge the Pope to prove me
> wrong
> and another Thesis will be out
> January 21 at
> 6:31pm<
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> <>
> Arrey Martins <> it was one of the
> Bishop in Cameroon, whomi do not want to mension the name( but if you
> doubt
> the validity of what am saying challenge me and i will give his full
> name
> with substantiation) and who is in Yaounde, that supported the Maputo
> protocol that legalises Lesbianisn and homosexuality.
> January 21 at
> 6:38pm<
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> Ntemfac Ofege <> And when it is considered
> that the dead are truly DEAD and they cannot come back to perform
> then the source of the so*called MIRACLES by Dead POPES can only be
> Satanic. Ec 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might;
> for
> there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which
> you
> are going.
> January 21 at
> 6:51pm<
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> Ntemfac Ofege <> Only the devilish can
> INVOKE the dead to perform miracles.
> January 21 at
> 6:51pm<
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> King Aluan <> all i can say is you
> are confuse
> January 21 at
> 7:29pm<
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> Efuet Atem <> topics like dis i really
> don't like commenting, but my advice is DO WHAT EVER YOU, asking urself
> "IF
> January 21 at
> 8:32pm<
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> Efuet Atem <> e church is not e Pope
> nor the Bishop, so do not be confused, i will end here, but my advice is
> ask God for help. at times we do things out of ignorance.
> January 21 at
> 8:34pm<
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> Efuet Atem <> Stay Bless
> January 21 at
> 8:35pm<
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> King Ade-nche <> Well The topic of
> SAINTS is so slippery to draw a line separating them from those who
> actually sleep and stay mute until judgement day! I think this topic in
> the
> catholic church can be best understood within the context of church
> doctrine rather than referring to biblical verse/context. The etymology
> of
> SAINTS within the catholic church will guide you to its real meaning as
> it
> is. Sometime I ask my brethren why not think that the word of God is
> best
> understood in context, people become what I term "biblistics"
> understanding
> without context. Other become "churchistics" pointing at people acts and
> linking them to a whole body, then giving it the worst
> Catholics are this and that. Because Bishop has done this and that, it's
> the catholic church that is bad...Should I say because a pentecostal
> pastor
> rape a 10yrs old girl at his residence who came for deliverance, means
> all
> Pentecostals are worst? Know that a church is a one is perfect
> and salvation is personal. I will keep saying this, Muslims believe in
> Almighty God and have their own channel of worshiping him, same like
> Christians, therefore wore to he/she who has been trained to condemn
> based
> on his/her own constructs and interpretations of the word, may I tell
> you
> will be surprise on that day to see many from religions they never
> thought
> mean anything marching into the glorious heaven why they get roasted
> into
> hell! What has the calling of saints got to do with me? does this makes
> me
> not keep having faith in Christ as my Lord and Savior?? I don't need to
> know much about saints but let the notion of saints be as it has a base
> that sustains the church doctrine. Remember not everything was written
> and
> till date many things are being reveal through visions to men who have
> taken greater steps into sanctity and lived a live of further observance
> of
> holiness than others. There is hierarchy in ever domain and you will in
> no
> way claim what a PhD fellow in a subject has research on or work on for
> years ,you just get up on morning and pick up your primary natural
> science
> book and start comparing with your limited knowledge. There are
> exceptions
> but they are never deviations!Take it further but don't sleep on the
> status
> quo for they had passed through that stage.Still I am not a "saintist"
> yet
> an a catholic, if it is a rank let it be so.
> January 21 at
> 9:32pm<
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> Cliff Forsang <> A saint is someone
> without sin. now the question is ; Is there any human without sin?' the
> bible says no. Does that mean no body can be a saint? No. we can become
> saints, first by repenting thus giving ALL your sins to christ who died
> on
> the cross for that. At that point you become a saint. not because you
> did
> not sin but because ALL your sins are forgiven you. thanks to Christ.
> Are
> we saints because we did good work? No. Any evil person can do a good
> work.
> Is doing good work bad? No. so the answer is A saint is any person who's
> sins are forgiven. You can become one by truely repenting. being true to
> your own self.
> January 21 at
> 10:19pm<
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> Cliff Forsang <> If you have any question
> email me
> January 21 at
> 10:29pm<
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> Bara Lainso <> THis discussion is
> very interesting, but we should be responsible. The second part of the
> question was "Are there Saints as there are Christians names?". At times
> with the names of some saints, I want to believe thus! Can anyone
> clarify
> this!
> January 21 at
> 11:03pm<
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> Beryl Bongkwati Navti <> The same
> bible warns of those who will come in the end times quoting the bible
> and
> bad mouthing things they do not understand. The Catholic church may not
> be
> perfect, my friends ...point one that is....even worse are these
> preachers
> of wealth and prosperity....Jesus didn't own a Lear jet or it's
> equivent.
> Before preaching and quoting the bible which even the devil does, make
> sure
> you do not mislead or throw stones at anyone. The Lord Jesus was a
> humble
> man.
> January 21 at
> 11:05pm<>via
> mobile <> ·
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> King Ade-nche <> Beryl I like your
> ideas! Preachers of "wealth and prosperity" beware!!! these are things
> people should focus on and leave those which has nothing to do with the
> direct lives of people like the saint's topic! There are SAINTS!
> of-course....and what does this got to do with ones faith? is this
> taking
> anyone to hell or to heaven just by believing or not????
> January 21 at
> 11:09pm<
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> King Ade-nche <> A saint,someone
> who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness,
> sanctity, and virtue. To my understanding, sometimes it's hard to
> determine
> while on is still alive as every human falls into sin and rises up
> again.
> The Catholic church might have decided to designate this after each
> personality following some miraculous signs after their death, that
> after
> due judgements by the core/inner room members, there was some
> unchallengeable reason to designate them as saints. But I think anyone
> can
> call him or herself SAINT if convicted to do you in the spirit.
> January 21 at
> 11:19pm<
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> Cliff Forsang <> We are not talking about
> Catholic church. we are not talking church. lets talk bible which is the
> bench mark. We can decide to give what ever tittle to who ever we want
> t,
> but we have to go back to the bible to search the truth about
> everything.
> Don't try to bypass the Word of God. then we will be left with the word
> of
> man. Go back to the bible and look for any answer.
> January 22 at
> 12:01am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> ome claim to be
> Catholics while they are not. What is the meaning of Catholic?
> January 22 at
> 12:02am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> It means Universal. The
> Body of Christ. It should therefore believe the Word, Who is Christ. I
> humbly advice every person who is really interested in God's Word to
> seek
> and he will find.
> January 22 at
> 12:04am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> Jesus never preached
> church neither did the the Apostles. They all preached the Word of God
> not
> the word of group or congregation or church.
> January 22 at
> 12:05am<
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> Ambe Nkanwi Fokwa <> actually
> specifically, Prophet Ofege is pointing out the misconception created
> about
> who a "saint" is by the "Roman Catholic" Church, meaning Universal Roman
> Church. All "Christian" churches today along with the Protestant
> Movement
> are descended from the Roman Catholic church. This is where the tainted
> doctrines existing in their system come from. The Roman Catholic Chruch
> was
> built entirely on an absorbtion of the Roman Empires religious
> traditions
> derived from all of the cultures it had conquered.
> January 22 at
> 12:31am<
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> Ambe Nkanwi Fokwa <> Mr. Cliff
> Forsang it is good you feel that a return to the Bible is the best way
> to
> revive the churches today. BUT, the Bible in its 66 books were Canonized
> by
> the Pagan Roman Catholic Church with only particular books selected and
> verses intentionally mis-translated to support certain dogmas that
> fundamentally could not have been taught by any Hebrew, Jew or Jesus
> himself. A return to the Bible is not enough unless you will learn to
> read
> Hebrew and Greek in order to understand the original maniscripts before
> translation.
> January 22 at
> 12:36am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> That is the only true
> source of the truth. Its not hard to read.
> January 22 at
> 12:46am<
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> Ambe Nkanwi Fokwa <> If you
> returned to the Bible only anyway and it taught you clearly the Sabbath
> being changed from the 7th day of the week, to the 1st day of the week,
> by
> a decree from Caesar Constantine acting as a "pagan" emperor exercising
> authority to interprete the Bible, would you still justiy worshipping on
> Sunday?? Ok, many argue the Old Testament was done away by the New
> Testament in that regards, but if we are to accept this even though
> Jesus
> said 'not and iota of dot shall be removed from the Law and the Prophets
> til heaven and earth fall away,' then why are tithes still esacted from
> people when that too is an OT teaching from the days of Moses since the
> Levite Priests had an entitlement to a tenth of the harvest and
> livestock
> of the Hebrews? These are all fundamental questions that will rise when
> one
> considers the Bible should be the only source and at last you will
> discover
> one day when you will cease to segregate yourself from humanity by any
> religion that God is not limited to being interpreted by the words
> written
> in one ethnic groups ancient spiritual teachings, but following God is
> expressed by loving oneself and all of humanity and everything in
> Creation.
> These matters of what is true "Christianity" will make you a bigot and
> lead
> you into self-righteous isolation.
> January 22 at
> 12:50am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> We the Catholics believe
> in the Bible, which is the Word of God and is God. We believe that Mary
> is
> the mother of Jesus. We be believe and take to her (Mary) advice. We
> obey
> her by going to Jesus to ask what ever we need; to know, to do, to
> request,
> to seek..... So if you are a Catholic, I advice you to obey the words of
> Mary. ' Go tho Jesus and do what ever He (Jesus) tells you to do'. we go
> to
> Jesus through his words. His words are available to those who truely
> seek
> the truth. I f instead you seek tha words of man, that is what you get.
> Dogma. WQhat someone wants you to believe. Lawyer refer to the penal
> code,
> should Christians not refer to the bible?
> January 22 at
> 12:57am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> When the Jesus sets you
> free you are free indeed. The truth shall set you free. Lets get the
> truth
> and get free. Not remaining poor sinners all our lives. Jesus came for
> that
> and did it all on the cross.
> January 22 at
> 1:01am<
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> Ambe Nkanwi Fokwa <> I didn't
> expect to get through to enlighten your soul. Remember it is logical
> fallacy by circular reasoning to say the Bible is the only source of
> truth
> because such and such verse "inside" the Bible says so. It's like me
> accepting you are right only because you also say you are. Or me saying
> Ambe is right because Ambe says so. It is preferable you make allusion
> to
> facts when you attempt to advance the certainty of your "beliefs."
> Otherwise it's just fanaticism and such a mind is not one at all to
> engage
> in intelectual discourse, but to voice only assertions of faith
> structured
> as grammatical sentences. Have you ever read the whole Bible before by
> the
> way?? I have; great recording of spiritual experiences collectively
> manifested amongst a nation. We can learn much from it, as with a
> broader
> study of human spiritually through understanding other spiritual paths
> and
> religious points of view. To rule it as the only source of truth however
> reflects an indoctrinated mind and portrays scholarly naietivity.
> January 22 at
> 1:05am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> I believe the Bible is
> the Word of God and should be refered to for truth concerning Godlly
> issues. You are free to believe or not to. its your choice. Reading the
> bible all through is a good thing. I did but understanding what you read
> is
> even better.
> January 22 at
> 1:21am<
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> Hyacienth Nguh <> Every devotions
> to Mary is unscriptural!
> January 22 at
> 8:20am<
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> <>
> Judas Case <> · Friends with Nfor N
> Susungi <> and 373
> others<>
> this whole argument is slowly but steadily loosing focus. Saint is our
> point of focus here. some one gave a great point earlier that we should
> strive to understand contextually before we can make accusations and
> lets ask ourselves this question. do we have grand parents,
> friends , family members, political leaders, public figures, social
> activists and so on whom we remember? this is how i think we can begin
> to
> contextualize the whole idea of saints. But who are really saints, these
> are not the people who did only the great things, no but the people who
> did
> very common things in extra ordinary ways. THIS DOESN'T PUT THOSE WHO
> GREAT THINGS OUT OF THE PICTURE. and the catholic church has made it
> clear
> times without number, that there are so many other saints. we may only
> get
> the opportunity to meet if we get that chance to go to heaven. saints
> are
> real. put them in the context of your ancestors maybe you'll understand
> them better. i mean ancestors who did even the smallest things in extra
> ordinary ways. and to you hyacienth nguh if any one claims to respect me
> but does not stand up when my mother comes in, that person is a liar. i
> don't need to write it in front of my office as a post. Mary is the
> mother
> of Jesus. love Jesus and refuse to acknowledge Mary, i call you
> confused.
> January 22 at
> 9:54am<
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> Southern Cameroons Ambasbay <> Whose
> REPORT do we believe? The Lord God's or the Roman catholic Church? The
> Word
> of God is the Will Of God and the word/will of God is in the Bible.
> Saint
> means HOLY or Righteous or Sanctified and, as far as God is concerned,
> every BELIEVER ie ALL who Believe and CONFESS the Lordship of Jesus is
> HOLY+Sanctified+A Righteousness of God. In fine, every BELIEVER of
> Christian is HOLY and a SAINT. God says the BELIEVER IS HOLY. NOT will
> be
> HOLY. 1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an
> holy
> nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him
> who
> hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Why then does
> the Roman catholic Church, which, incidentally, put the Bible together
> turn
> around and violate the same Bible? This is RELIGION - False teaching and
> preaching. By the way, do we all know that by INVOKING dead people and
> spirits (in the name of Saints) to ANSWER our Prayers we are not only
> slighting the NAME of Jesus but we are actually indulging in witchcraft,
> wizardry and vile satanism?
> January 22 at
> 10:32am<
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> Southern Cameroons Ambasbay <> I will
> expose further on the NAME of Jesus and how it applies to our prayers
> and
> boons to the almighty God IN THE NAME of Jesus rather than in the name
> of
> some obscure saint but the second part of Mr. Bara's query is equally
> intense: "Are there Saints as there are Christians names?". At times
> with
> the names of some saints, I want to believe thus! Can anyone clarify
> this!
> Jer 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou
> camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a
> prophet unto the nations. The Lord God creates us FIRST in His SPIRIT
> before he FORMS us in the womb of our respective mother. And, to date,
> Papa
> God has made circa children and NO TWO bare the SAME.
> Every
> one of God's children has a UNIQUE PERSONALITY. There is only one Jesus,
> ONLY ONE Ambe Nkanwi Fokwa <>.
> Only one Bara Lainso: ONLY ONE. Not even IDENTICAL TWINS are the same.
> Reason why every man/woman/child has a UNIQUE set of Fingerprints! Now
> when
> we die, if we are BORN-AGAIN or REGENERATED to have BELIEVE our now
> eternal
> SPIRIT returns to the maker, the body is dust but we can lose our SOULS.
> I
> am stating emphatically that NO TWO SAINTS or BELIEVERS or Christians
> are
> the SAME. The Heavenly Father not only knows those who are HIS BY NAME
> but
> he knows the name of each HAIR on their head. Hence there are as many
> SAINTS as There are the NAMES of Christians..not Christian NAMES. By the
> way do you want to be a believer? Do you desire ETERNAL LIFE? THEN READ
> to God
> *4 Steps to God: God Loves
> You!<>
> *
> 4 Steps To God: seeking God, the Four Spiritual Laws is an invaluable
> tool for all
> January 22 at
> 10:52am<
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> Preview<>
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> <>
> Southern Cameroons Ambasbay <> Persons
> who indulge in praying to dead so-called saints and who request these
> so-called saints to pray for them are engaged in divination and
> necromancy.
> Deu: 18: 10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his
> son
> or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or
> an
> observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11 Or a charmer, or a
> consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For
> all
> that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of
> these
> abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 13
> Thou
> shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. Joh 11:22 But I know, that even
> now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. Joh 14:13
> And
> whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may
> be
> glorified in the Son.
> Joh 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. Joh 15:7
> If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will,
> and it shall be done unto you. Joh 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I
> have
> chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit,
> and
> that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the
> Father
> in my name, he may give it you. The Lord Jesus himself taught us how to
> make our boons and prayers directly to the FATHER in HIS NAME. Not in
> the
> name of Mary or the Name of some obscure so-called saint. In fact, we
> indulge in using other names because we do not know the POWER in the
> Name
> of Jesus and because we do not know who we are in Christ Jesus. You see,
> when you ask anything IN THE NAME of JESUS, you are STANDING IN THE
> calls
> you..the Christian... a ROYAL-PRIEST..because you can now MARCH into his
> presence and TALK LOUD! This is why the veil in the temple that
> separated
> the Lord God from man got torn.
> January 22 at
> 11:33am<
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> <>
> Tanyu Elvis Shey <> @Ambe take this
> scripture 1 Cor 1:18-29
> 18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are
> perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For
> it
> is written:
> "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
> the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
> 20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher
> of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For
> since
> in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God
> was
> pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who
> believe. 22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23
> but
> we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to
> Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks,
> Christ
> the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is
> wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's
> strength.
> 26 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of
> you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many
> were
> of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to
> shame
> the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28
> He
> chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things — and the
> things that are not — to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one
> may
> boast before him.
> January 22 at
> 11:39am<
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> Tanyu Elvis Shey <> @Ambe, you claim all
> the other churches descended from the catholic church. Where was the
> Catholic church on the day of pentecost when Peter preached this first
> gospel message in Acts 2 after Jesus' resurrection? I don't see catholic
> church mentioned anywhere in the Bible. I see house churches and
> synagogues
> that the Apostles preached in. By the way Peter was married. Matt 8:14
> "When Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw Peter's mother-in-law lying
> in
> bed with a fever" and 1 Cor 9:5 "Don't I have the right to follow the
> example of the other apostles and the Lord's brothers and Peter, by
> taking
> a Christian wife with me on my trips"?. The bible remains the standard
> by
> which everything is examined. We should be careful what we believe in.
> Mary
> never died on the cross for our sins. She also had to be born again in
> order to go to heaven according to John3:3-5.
> January 22 at
> 12:07pm<
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> Cliff Forsang <> Mr. Ambe is a good guy,,
> he is fighting for what he thinks is right.Saul did too but it took
> divine
> intervention to redirect his zeel towards the right thing. When that
> heppened he he preached to the people he was with and helped them. When
> Mr
> Ambe becomes Brother Ambe he will save alot of people. Let everyone be
> kind
> and nice to him, teaching with wisdom the Word og God. He has qualities
> and
> will have to use that in the body of Christ when he joins. Mr. Ambe I
> love
> you
> January 22 at
> 1:09pm<
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> <>
> Ntemfac Ofege <> This is the principle:
> What you know will condition what you think. What you think will
> condition
> what you BELIEVE. What you believe will condition what you say. What you
> say will condition what you do. And what you do will condition who you
> are.
> Knowledge FIRST. We are no longer in the days when the Roman catholic
> Church burnt people on the stakes for READING the Bible. The BIBLE is
> Available to ALL and sundry. Rather than BLINDLY following Church
> doctrines
> and dogma..we should PAUSE, take time off..and actually READ what is in
> the
> Bible. Ac 17:30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he
> commands
> all men everywhere to repent,
> DeeperLife Bible Church-New England <>.
> Most statements made here just came out because some people have not
> seen
> what is actually in the Bible. Except they are atheists who do not
> believe
> that there is a God let alone that the Bible is the Word and the Will of
> God. William Mankefor <>. Lily
> Williams <>. Cecelia
> Williams<>.
> Ayouni Williams Godinme
> Yelen<>.
> William Etta <>.
> January 22 at
> 1:21pm<
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> <>
> Joseph Oscar Wanye <> no body
> is perfect thats what i know as for the saints my point of view are
> young
> childrens
> January 22 at
> 1:30pm<
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> <>
> Tanyu Elvis Shey <> Saints are simply
> those who are born again and living an obedient life in Jesus Christ.
> You
> do not become a saint after death but before death. Same as you cannot
> become born again after death but before death. The bible says in
> Hebrews
> 9:27 that "it it appointed unto man to die once and after that the
> judgement". So after death is judgement not repentance so purgatory is a
> big deception. It is here on earth that you decide on your eternal fate.
> God bless you all brethren and future brethren in the Lord. I love u
> all.
> January 22 at
> 1:50pm<
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> <>
> King Ade-nche <> Everyone can read
> the bible insofar as you are literate...intepreting the words of the
> bible
> is what makes the difffference! some reason it through their teachers,
> some
> through thier perceptual filters, some through bodies they believe on.
> the
> prolem now is that some people are claiming that they know the bible
> more
> than others, who told you you are better is what wanders me till
> date?????
> make your sense and leave it to others to see it their own way...if we
> debate lets do so, only to share our views, no forcing of your shit
> points
> unto anyone here...whatever u re am not interested, i read you from what
> you say and what reason you make out of what anyone can see his own
> way,yet
> none is wrong till then.
> January 22 at
> 5:49pm<
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> Ambe Nkanwi Fokwa <> King
> Ade-nche has said it all for me. To "me" the manifestation is to
> wonderful
> to limit my reasoning to the perception of "my holy book' is better than
> yours. This is the New Age and many who still hold to past orthodoxies
> will
> only find their logic, well, is outdated except to those who will force
> themselves to remain ignorant of the wealth of wisdom the world has
> expanded into in the last let's say 60 years. I respect everyone's point
> of
> view especially when they can back it objectively. To not respect
> someones
> point of view because they don't reason ONLY from the Bible as the ONLY
> self professed word of God is pigheaded. Jesus himself befriended
> Samarians
> and members of other religious points of view because he knew unlike
> those
> professing to be his die-hard believers, Salvation is not something you
> merit just by being a "Christian." Many have fallen into this trap of
> being
> self-righteous because they can quote verse such an such, but their
> intolerance makes them no better than the Pharisees and even far worse
> than
> those who wear bombs to kill others because they don't believe in the
> supremacy of their "holy book" and prophet.
> January 23 at
> 12:39am<
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> King Ade-nche <> Ambe my bros, like
> your insights... what amazes me is are we trying to bring to light our
> own
> meanings of the SAINTs or we are out to disprove others way of using the
> same? Tell us what it is to you, I mean just you or your mentors(those
> who
> gave to you that pipe to see it through like another, or are u seeing it
> through your own perceptual filters bring it on!!! Someone may learn
> something from you if you come void of insulting or trying to disprove
> what
> u have completely nothing to make heard from that stance. Yes you are a
> saint..tell us why u believe so, support it with the word if you want
> but
> don't become "biblistic" or "churchistic" this a disease of the
> ignorant,
> the worst form of foolishness....spiritual blindness....
> January 23 at
> 12:47am<
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> Ambe Nkanwi Fokwa <> Im not
> insulting anyone, Ade-nche, just deflecting un-based assertions. We
> should
> not be fast to judge who is a "believer" or who is "saved." To do so is
> self-righteous and casts off the impression one is certain they are on
> the
> Path while others are perishing. Jesus himself said the only way to know
> his true followers would be by their works and by the LOVE they would
> show
> for all. So this is the mark of "Sainthood." AS FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The
> false
> apostle Paul came along and formed the first Church in Antioch and then
> was
> abandoned by Barnabas and the other true Apostles the Messi had taught
> personally because he sought to mix all sorts of corrupt ideas into the
> Way
> Jesus had established as the Path to the Kingdom, starting with a
> conflict
> over circumcision and whether it was OK to eat food offered to idols, a
> practiced denounced by the 10 Commandments. The Church you have today is
> based on his philosophy of condoning apostasy where Jesus would not have
> leading to the clash in doctrines existing today. Until you can see
> this,
> you might as well be a "Roman Catholic Christian" or a follower of a
> lesser
> Protestant denomination, but not a true follower of Jesus. The head of
> the
> Roman Catholic Church is the Pope and protestants indirectly adhere to
> their pastors and the pope. lol. Total recognition of division indicates
> a
> lack of total love. Jesus never started a Church in the organized sense
> understood today. He was a Jewish rabbi who expounded on the teaching of
> the Kingdom of God from the understanding of the initiate Essene
> teachings
> men like John the Baptist preached. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on
> his disciples at Pentecost AD 30 (or AD 33) was the beginning of what
> may
> be considered the church of the Messi (Aramaic) or Church of Christ, but
> his disciples were still Jewish and held to the Hebraic Law of Moses,
> converts were called proselytes and they were referred to as "the sect
> of
> the Nazarenes." Jesus said anyone who broke away from the Mosaic Law or
> commandments would be considered least in the Kingdom of God. Paul did
> just
> this. So according to Jesus I guess Paul should not have been a
> "canonized"
> saint. Jesus said many will come after him to his disciples saying "I am
> he" or claiming to have been sent by Jesus, but Jesus said they would
> all
> be false prophets, disguising themselves an angels of light. Paul
> claimed
> to have had a vision of Jesus justifying himself as more of an authority
> on
> the Way Jesus taught, than the 11 remaining disciples who he had lived
> with
> for 3 years teaching. Yes Paul had a purpose to be used by God so at
> least
> a glimmer of the work of the Messi would reach the rest of humanity
> today,
> but this is the source of all of this debate about what is right from
> the
> basis of the "Bible" or not and has lead to the clouding of the teaching
> from the Messi that all of God's created people who live by the highest
> commandment that totals the others, "Do unto others as you would have
> them
> do unto you" are the true saints. Understanding and practicing this law
> alone makes the Bible and everyother spiritual text null and void.
> Someone
> said something about reading the Bible and understanding it being at
> variance. This is true, but to understand what you have not read by
> others
> interpretation of what you read leads one to even more confusion. Study
> the
> Bible as a follower of the Messi, not as a member of some modern day
> Church
> or attached to some quotations about whether you must be "born again" or
> not. Live the life and learn from everyone who has a point to make
> especially those who allow you to speak your "opinion" silently before
> responding. This means you can best read and understand the Bible by
> reading it alone by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not under the
> influence of denominational doctrine. The rest is history. The truth is
> those who LOVE one another are SAINTS. To see this you need accurate
> knowledge.
> January 23 at
> 1:19am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> This is the vain
> arguement the bible talks. It leads us nowhere.
> January 23 at
> 5:25am<
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> <>
> Cliff Forsang <> God so love the world so
> much so that he gave his only so that who SO EVER believes ih Him will
> be
> saved. I do believe in Him and Im sure i am save. You can say for your
> self
> if you are a believer or a doubter or an argue-er. I believe and I am
> saved. Others believe and they are saved. Other don't believe and think
> it
> is impossible to be saved. No. Christ came for that. He opened the door
> for
> ALL who take the firm decision to believe. Let philosophers argue how
> they
> want but it is this simple. When you decide to get simple you will get
> it.
> January 23 at
> 5:34am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> Come and join the
> saints, we love you.
> January 23 at
> 5:34am<
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> <>
> King Ade-nche <> Ambe bro we are
> saying the same thing, my man! I buy all you ideas am totally joining u
> against those who rush into judging others when they know nothing! That
> why
> I refer to them as churchistics n biblistics. Thanks for illuminating
> more
> on this man.
> January 23 at
> 9:22am<
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> <>
> Tanyu Elvis Shey <> @Ambe you seem to be
> undecided or rather unclear about who you belive or what you believe in
> from what I read. Your last line is very true bc the bible says so. No
> one
> can pretend b4 God and love for others is a sign that one belongs to him
> and besides it is the greatest commandment. But when u attack the very
> word by which u exist by saying it is null and void then u automatically
> disqualify urself from being its very judge. Beware what you say about
> the
> word of God bc it shall turn around to proove itself correct to you. No
> one
> can fight against it and not be challenged by it. My question o you is
> who
> do you believe in?. The new age gurus and their new age doctrines or
> Jesus
> who remains thesame yesterday today and forever. Jesus loves and will
> always do. I trust he will touch your heart and that day u will know the
> true measure of your knowledge against his. It shall be a day of regret
> and
> same time joy for you. Jesus loves you.
> January 23 at
> 10:29am<
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> <>
> Tanyu Elvis Shey <> @King Ade-Nche, for
> a fact some people know the bible more than others. In other words some
> peopple know God more than others that is why the bible talks of gifts
> of
> teaching and preaching. Thats the reason why the Israelites depended on
> Moses. What you are saying is you knew thesame like all your teachers
> before they even taught you. Jesus taught his disciples who in turn
> taught
> others and that is how Christianity spread. Who can know about something
> if
> he is not taught that thing by any means what so ever. You can be taught
> by
> someone, or by the Holy spirit 1 John 2:27. God bless u bro
> January 23 at
> 10:40am<
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> Cliff Forsang <> I'm back. Bring ALL your
> sin to Christ and you will become a saint no matter how red your sins
> are,
> he can make you as white as snow. Jesus said so and I firmly believe Him.
> I
> f you think you still have your sins it is because you have NOT brought
> them to him. Once you do that you will become sinless for he takes away
> the
> sins of the world.
> Sunday at
> 10:09am<
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> <>
> Cliff Forsang <> If you keep yours, then
> you will have them till the day you decide (like others) to get them
> forgiven and whipped from your record. Never think that because you
> still
> have yours every body must have theirs too. So brother Christianity it
> that
> simple. Reading the whole bible hundred times without understanding is
> not too helpful, but you can do like the Ethiopian treasurer who was
> reading without understanding. He was honest enough to speak the truth,
> and
> once he did that, Apostle Phillip preached the truth which he grabbed
> instantly and then asked to be Baptized.
> --
> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a
> thing makes it happen.
> --
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Aaron Agien Nyangkwe
Journalist-OutCome Mapper
P.O.Box 5213
Telephone +237 73 42 71 27

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