Re: [MTC Global] [Forwarded] Ratan Tata : a role model for India Inc

The triple bottom line (abbreviated as TBL or 3BL, and also known as people, planet, profit or "the three pillars".

Ancient wisdom was also spelt out this was (as in Chief Oren Lyons talk; details below).

"When you sit in your Council for the welfare of the people  think not of yourself, nor of your family, nor even your generation, make your decisions on behalf of the seventh generation coming... if you do that you yourself will have Peace"

Chief Oren Lyon's Sol Kanee lecture The Politics of Human Beings Against Mother Earth: The Nature of Global Warming  - expresses very interesting views about the environment and  'climate change' and about the processes in developing leaders who have the much needed and important sensitivities for such issues.

Chief Oren Lyon:

This from a message earlier today: about "Chemical Pollution and Human Health":

"The granularity of rules that holds ecosystems together are very, very fine ones.  The rules of the system that hold human beings and societies together even finer, transient and sometime difficult to measure.  This fabric, most times invisible, needs to be respected and nurtured.  Leaders who identify and promote and make and take decisions that respects such rules have to be identified and grown."

Chief Oren Lyon's Sol Kanee lecture The Politics of Human Beings Against Mother Earth: The Nature of Global Warming  - expresses very interesting views about the environment and  'climate change' and about the processes in developing leaders who have the much needed and important sensitivities for such issues.

Chief Oren Lyons' 2007 Sol Kanee Lecture on International Peace and Justice (University of Manitoba) where he also describes the 'process of raising leaders' is at:

Starting approx. 13:00 into the talk is this comment (I found confusing at first but clearer on contemplation):

"When you sit in your Council for the welfare of the people  think not of yourself, nor of your family, nor even your generation, make your decisions on behalf of the seventh generation coming... if you do that you yourself will have Peace"
- also several other comments about the Law of Nature and climate change as appreciated and predicted by the elders and several other scientists.

The seventh generation coming at any one time is always in the soil and the water and the air around us as atoms and molecules that have yet to be transformed and converted into biomolecules and to be drawn in the chain of events that will make life in the generations to come.  Hence the reason for such deep reverence and respect.

Details about Chief Lyons is at:

and details about the lecture series is at:

Royal Society´s "People and the Planet" report & Sir John Sulston ( 

John is Chair of the Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation (iSEI) at the University of Manchester (

John has recently completed the Royal Society´s "People and the Planet" report (
) - an unusual commitment for a genome biologist, Nobel Prize Winner but a deeply committed "Humanist".  (In an earlier message this week  I had mentioned that Kerala provides several important messages for mankind on how to live in a ´crowded planet and in harmony with Nature - not completely true but people of Kerala seem to have a higher level of such sensitivities.  I suppose they do not have a choice - with approx. 33.5 million (6 times the population of Scotland) in half the land area!!

Scotland: 5.3 million in 78,772 sq km. (30,414 sq mi),
Kerala: 33.5 million in 38,863 sq km. (15,005 sq mi)

Very crowded - and just imagine the state of the commuter trains .. very, very, very crowded!

Such issues about crowding and respect and use of land and other resources requires guidance from exemplary leadership (something that Kerala lacks).

On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:
Dear All,

The analysis done for the role model of Ratan Tata is absolutely right. The countries like Japan and China who worked on the foundation of their inner values and traditions could build the empire.

Tata Group was founded in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata as a trading company. It has operations in more than 80 countries across six continents. Tata Group has over 100 operating companies each of them operates independently out of them 32 are publicly listed Tata has immensely contributed, mind well, in other social wings as well. For example:The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) was conceived as a ´Research Institute´ or ´University of Research´ by Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, in the final years of the 19th century. A long period of almost thirteen years was to elapse from the initial conception in 1896 to the birth of the institute on May 27, 1909, other noteworthy contributions are: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Triple bootom line associated with the leadership competencies is a an operational part that derives vitality (spirit or Prana) from the inner values of the leaders like Jamsetji or Rata Tata who have been always striving for higher and higher goals directed towards social well-being

This is the core of the role model that has been forcefully brought out by Mr.Santhosh Babu. My heartfelt thanks are due to him!

Management education in particular and Higher Education, in general need to keep no stone unturned to inculcate these (Indian) values adopted by Tatas, amongst their graduates. Let us take up the challenge.




On Sat, 05 Jan 2013 12:26:01 +0530 wrote
>On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Mr. Govind Autee wrote:

Why Ratan Tata is a role model for India Inc.
By Santhosh Babu; Founder and Managing Director,

Organisation Development Alternatives (ODA)

Who all could be role models when it comes to Organizational Leadership in this country? Is the leader’s capability measured only within the context of the financial performance of his or her organization?

Enough is written and known when it comes to the business success of Tata Group, the global acquisitions and Ratan Tata’s role in it. Let’s look at Ratan Tata not just as a successful business leader but an ideal role model for Responsible, Authentic and Integral

(Integrating inner values and outer actions) leadership.

Ratan Tata is example of a leader who is committed to Triple Bottom line. In my opinion he is the most prominent Indian leader whose inner values and outer actions demonstrate an evolved higher level of responsible leadership.  Triple bottom line suggests that

companies should be preparing three different (and quite separate) bottom lines.

One is the traditional measure of corporate profitâ€"the bottom line of the “P&L Account†. The second is the bottom line of a company's “People Account†â€"a measure in some shape or form of how the organization contributes and deals with people inside and outside
the organization. The third is the bottom line of the company's “Planet Account†â€"a measure of how environmentally and socially responsible has the company been.

Most leadership theories in a number of leadership books and programs focus on three outer aspects of leaders, that are: Leaders - 1. Have a powerful Vision, 2. Align every stakeholder around the vision 3. Execution excellence. While Ratan Tata did all the
three things, what makes him different and superior is his inner qualities that I call the being part of leadership.

While launching Tata Nano, Ratan Tata and his group held their bigger purpose; Nation building and employment close to their heart, while driving operational efficiency and profitability.  The purpose statement of Tata says “At the Tata group we are committed
to improving the quality of life of the communities we serve†.  Anyone who visits Jamshedpur will know the meaning of this purpose statement and how well this statement is expressed and executed there.

There are three characteristics that I have noticed among leaders that make them conscious, responsible and effective leaders. Ratan Tata demonstrates all the three characteristics.

1.           Leader has a bigger, higher purpose for you and your organization that expresses responsiveness to community. While some organizations do create the higher purpose, they do not operationalize that. In the absence of translating the higher purpose

into actions, these statements become static and meaningless, limited to websites and decorating boardrooms. Individuals and organizations that have imbibed their higher purpose experience more meaning in their life and fulfillment.

An organisation that has a well articulated and operationalized higher purpose would create sustainable business success, employee loyalty, satisfaction and a sense of pride. Tata group is an ideal example of all that.

2.           Leader uses creative tendencies than reactive tendencies to get results. Some people achieve results using reactive competencies and tendencies like controlling, manipulating, pleasing and complying. While some others would achieve similar or better
results using creative tendencies like relating, self awareness, purposeful actions, and authenticity.  If an organization is only interested in driving financial results, they might be doing this by using reactive competencies. We all know that results can

be achieved using multiple motivational drivers. Someone who is extremely insecure and controlling will use those tendencies to drive results.

While most competency mapping assessments and exercises measure behavior and competencies to get results, the intent behind the behaviour is often missed out. When we go beyond the visible behaviors and understand the intent and internal drivers of the individual,
we would know whether they are using reactive competencies or creative competencies to win. Ratan Tata used more creative competencies to lead the organization.

3.           Leaders operate from higher order values.  Robert Kegan, a professor at Harvard Graduate School proposed a range of “orders†of the mind and of the need for leaders to scale their abilities to the higher orders so they can solve complex problems
and create personal transformation. Richard Barret, author and expert on values talks about seven levels of consciousnessâ€"a model he developed as an extension of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs.  While survival, selfish wealth creation, power, greed,

status, being liked can be considered as lower order values; self actualization, service, trust, honesty and Integrity can be considered as higher end values.

Because of the above three leadership qualities, it is evident that India needs more Ratan Tatas and Indian organizations that follow the Tata’s footsteps for social responsibility and conscious capitalism. We need a movement involving the senior corporate
leaders of this country to align businesses with long term sustainable practices and social contribution. There is none other than Ratan Tata who could drive this. Ratan Tata’s retirement from active business role should lead to his spending more time on helping
organization’s articulating and operationalising a higher purpose.

MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate



Dr P H Waghodekar
I/C Principal & Adviser HR IBS Marathwada Institutute of Technology Aurangabad
(o) 02402375113 (M)7276661925
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