They are good to eat if you just take out the big ones. I got one out of the bottom of my pool last week that I swear was a small lobster that had fallen out of a plane. I measured him and he was five inches long…biggest damned crayfish I’d ever seen…belligerent as hell too. We have bait but we save them to catch warmouth perch.
Guy W. Moorman, Jr., D.D.S.
The Swamp
Douglas, GA 31533
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From: [] On Behalf Of Tony Soileau
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:39 AM
To: Guy Moorman
Cc: 'Rod Strickland'; 'Craig Callen';; 'Ace'
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Profit per hour
Yeah but are they bait crawfish or good to eat crawfish?
On 2/26/2013 6:25 AM, Guy Moorman wrote:
Hell, Tony, there are millions of crayfish in the ditches in Savannah. Get a rake, Rod and coon up a batch.
Guy W. Moorman, Jr., D.D.S.
The Swamp
Douglas, GA 31533
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From: [] On Behalf Of Tony Soileau
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 1:14 PM
To: Rod Strickland
Cc: Craig Callen;; Ace
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Profit per hour
"and bring some crawfish when you come"......Hmmmmm, is that doable? I could have some shipped for the course if you have a burner and pot.
On 2/22/2013 4:27 AM, Rod Strickland wrote:c'mon Tony, come over to Savannah and let me show you how to add one more profitable procedure... and bring some crawfish when you come
Rod P Strickland, DDS
mobile: (843) 290-8584
On Feb 21, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Tony Soileau wrote:
I have not taken Rod's course yet. So unless they are getting implants expect a lot of crawfish gumming patients heading your way!!
On 2/21/2013 2:55 PM, Craig Callen wrote:Tony,
I looked at this a while ago and found that dentures are one of the most profitable procedures for me. Charge a fair fee, have good systems and materials and delegate all that you can. Put out a quality product and word will get out. While once in a while a patient drives you a little nuts, overall we have it down to a science. Most dentists hate doing dentures. Send them my way.
CraigOn Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Tony Soileau <> wrote:
I started looking at profit per hour when we built a new office last year. I have been in my new office for 14 months now. We we started looking a building and designing 2 years ago I sat down and looked at total profit from all my procedures. I took the emotion out of it and ignored the traditional way of looking at profit for a dental practice. I got advice from my accountant and relatives that have multimillion dollar businesses. As an example I learned that I am much more profitable doing 2 quadrants of posterior crowns than 8 anterior veneers when you look at total overhead for both cases. My crown and veneer fees are the same. For 2 quadrants of 4 crowns each it takes me a lot less time than to make an 8 unit anterior veneer/crown case. But also the total cost is less. It takes very little marketing to do posterior teeth. But I was spending a lot on marketing to do anterior cases. All marketing, lab fees, doctor time, assistant time, total chair time, everything associated with the case was evaluated as one cost then subtracted from collection. When you factor in marketing cost, consultation time, fabrication time, lab cost, everything associated with getting the case done 4 posterior teeth are way more profitable than 8 anterior teeth. At least in my office. So I started looking at all my procedures from a total cost and not just from a production gain. I truly believe it is better to make 1 million and keep $500,000 than it is to make 2.5 million and keep $100,000. Now I am like everyone else and my ego would really like me to only do anterior cases on the pretty people and talk about my production numbers only. But once I am not around a bunch of dentists I prefer to do low stress procedures that generate the most total profit and give me more family time. For my practice that is Lava Ultimate veneers to replace bonding. Posterior quadrants. Six Month Smiles. Endo. Sleep Apnea. I still do all the other stuff but don't focus on it. I am shooting TV commercials tomorrow. We are updating my Six Month Smile commercial and my sleep apnea commercial. And now after one year and I get two more free commercials shoots we are shooting a veneer commercial. But it will run far less than the other commercials. Its a different way of working and not great for the ego but really good for the family life. And remember I dont have the luxury most of you have. I MUST buy lots of shotguns shells every year. And a new 4 wheeler every other year. And dont get me started on tractor hitches as those damn things break for no reason and I have to keep replacing them! So I have over head many of you dont so I must be profitable.
On 2/20/2013 7:58 PM, Rick Coker wrote:I know that a lot of us have gone to hear Bruce Baird and PDA, where the production per hour is featured, but how many have gone further and monitored the gross profit per hour on a regular basis? That would essentially mean subtracting out the lab fees for all your treatment, I guess. Seems like a simple thing, but the more I talk to Tony Soileau, the more I realize that gross profit per hour is where it is at! And Net profit per hour isn't far behind!
Anybody doing it?
Dr. Rick Coker, DDS, FACE
Director, Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics,
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Craig C. Callen, D.D.S. & Associates
552 South Trimble Road
Mansfield, Ohio 44906
Cutting Edge Seminars
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