Re: Chairman's Quarterly Report on MECA-USA, Inc.'s projects and activities

Dr Besong
I am surprised that all the MECA Chapters are mentioned above except my sister organization here in New England, MECA New England. Make the correction please.
Tabong Kima

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 1, 2013, at 11:36 AM, "Samuel Besong" <> wrote:

> Dear ****
> **· **Coordinator of Council of Chiefs (COC)****
> **· **Chapter Chiefs****
> **· **Advisors to the Chairman****
> **· **Members of MECA-USA, Inc.**
> **o **MECA-California****
> **o **MECA-Dallas, Texas****
> **o **MECA-Delaware****
> **o **MECA-Houston, Texas****
> **o **MECA-Georgia****
> **o **MECA-Maryland Tristate****
> **o **MECA-Reno, Nevada ****
> **o **MECA-Tristate (Chicago)****
> **· **Community leaders ****
> **· **Well-wishers of MECA-USA and Manyu Division around the world **
> **
> ** **
> We have arrived at another quarter that requires that my Administration
> gives you an up to date report on the status of MECA-USA's activities. I
> am very happy to inform you that we have made significant progress on the
> construction phase of the on-going Public Restroom project in Mamfe (see
> attachments). This progress was made because of your financial
> contribution, and for that, I say, Thank You. We worked on this project
> because we were drawn together by a shared belief that those of us who are
> blessed are obligated to give something back to our brothers and sisters
> who are less fortunate. Let me assure you that we are on track to complete
> this project as planned and will meet your expectations. ****
> ** **
> ****
> ** **
> *Restroom project: Accomplished task*
> As of January 28, 2013, I am proud to inform you that we have:****
> **· **Raised approximately $30,000****
> **· **Completed 50% of the construction phase of the Public Restroom
> project****
> **· **Restroom Accessories listed below were purchased from USA and
> shipped to Mamfe in November 2012 (see attachment).****
> ** **
> *Items*
> *Quantity*
> 1****
> Toilet bowls and accessories****
> 7****
> 2****
> Double sinks (men and women toilet)****
> 2****
> 3****
> Shut-Off Valves &
> Connectors<>for
> sink
> ****
> 8****
> 4****
> Supply Lines & Drain
> Hoses<>for
> sink
> ****
> 8****
> 5****
> Faucets****
> 4****
> 6****
> Toilet Tissue dispenser****
> 6****
> 7****
> Paper tissue dispenser****
> 2****
> 8****
> Mop bucket****
> 1****
> 9****
> Mop and handle****
> 1****
> 10****
> Liquid nail (tube)****
> 7****
> 11****
> Rubber Globes (packets)****
> 3****
> 12****
> Broom with handle****
> 1****
> 13****
> Dust pan****
> 1****
> 14****
> Water hose (100 feet)****
> 1****
> 15****
> Water hose storage****
> 1****
> 16****
> Water shut-off connector****
> 2****
> 17****
> Water hose spray (head)****
> 3****
> 18****
> Trash containers (50 gallons)****
> 3****
> 19****
> Trash bags (rolls)****
> 2 ****
> 20****
> Small trash can for female waste ****
> 3****
> 21****
> Toilet tissues (rolls)****
> 20****
> 22****
> Plunger****
> 2****
> ** **
> ****
> I am happy to report that all the items listed above were safely
> transported to Cameroon and are currently in Mamfe. An inventory of the
> items has been conducted by the Diocese and the items are ready for
> installation.****
> ** **
> ****
> ** **
> ****
> *Recommended Project Modification*
> During the NEC-COC leadership conference call held on January 20, 2013, the
> leaders unanimously agreed to:****
> **· **Fence the facility in order to reduce the volume of
> trespassing ****
> **· **Install a borehole water system and place a water fountain
> (Tap) near the facility to provide the community with access to drinking
> water. Water supply is a major problem in Mamfe and this will provide a
> resource which is so vital and necessary to the families in Mamfe. ****
> ** **
> My fellow brothers and sisters, even though a significant amount of work
> has been achieved, much is still left to be done, therefore we will
> continue to ask for your prayers, ideas and financial support as we move
> forward. To accomplish the task ahead, I will also like to appeal to those
> who are yet to support this project, to join us as we continue the second
> and last phase of this project. ****
> * *
> *The State of the Multipurpose Center Project (MPC)*
> Based on recommendation from the COC, the keys to the MPC have been handed
> over to the Mamfe Diocese. The Diocese and other religious groups are now
> using part of the building to operate a Health Insurance Scheme (BEPHA),
> and also maintain the facility. I strongly encourage all Manyu sons and
> daughters to purchase this health insurance for their family members back
> home (*see a detailed description of the insurance scheme attached*). A
> Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is currently being revised to outline the
> agreement between MECA-USA and the Mamfe Catholic Diocese (the leading
> religious group). This agreement will ultimately benefit the general Manyu
> community for whom the project was initially intended to serve.****
> ** **
> ** **
> Dear MECANs, we have successfully shaped a new image for MECA-USA, improved
> her credibility and made the association more productive. Through your
> loyalty, trust and support we were able to focus our energy on issues of
> common interest. For that, I am forever grateful and indebted to you. I
> would like to thank my administrative team (NEC), the COC, my advisors (Dr.
> Julius Enoru, Dr./Mrs. Ann Assam, Mr. Bissong Jackson Bissong, Sessekou/Dr.
> Peter Ako and Sessekou Sammy Arrey-Mbi) for the sacrifices that they have
> made throughout this difficult but worthy journey. More still, we wouldn't
> have been able to make this significant in-road without the folks on the
> ground in Mamfe, and for that, I would also like us to continue thanking
> the Mamfe Diocese, Mayor Ayuktakuchung and Deputy Mayor Tabi Betek for
> being a trusted and a reliable partner for this worthy cause.****
> ** **
> *MECA-USA Convention 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia*
> The National Executive Committee (NEC) of MECA-USA cordially invites all
> sons and daughters of Manyu and friends of Manyu Division to the 23rd
> Annual MECA-USA Convention which is scheduled for July 5-7th, 2013 in
> Atlanta, Georgia.****
> ** **
> As we look forward to this important gathering in Atlanta, let us think of
> what we can offer to strengthen the MECA-USA Union for future generations
> of Manyu sons and daughters. Enlightened men and women never destroy what
> has been handed over to them; they improve on it and make it better before
> passing it on to their successors. It is therefore a moral obligation on
> our part to pass on a more prosperous association to our children and
> grandchildren. Let us resist the temptation of being part of a larger
> problem; rather let us find ways to be part of the solution to our
> challenges and to forge a relationship that enables us to use opportunities
> in this land of plenty to shape our own destiny and that of our community. *
> ***
> ****
> My dear brothers and sisters, let us reflect on our own personal journey or
> struggles, and think of how we can use this wealth of experience to inspire
> young Manyu sons and daughters to greatness in this land of opportunity.
> We are a blessed people with shared culture, lifestyle and value;
> therefore, it is in our common interest to work collectively with a common
> purpose for a stronger Manyu community, that can serve the needs of our
> children in the United States. ****
> ****
> I strongly encourage those who are looking for the best place to spend
> quality time with love ones, to join their Manyu brothers and sisters in
> Atlanta, Georgia (July 5-7) so that we can chart a new course for our
> MECA-USA community.****
> ** **
> *Convention venue*
> **· **Comfort Inn Conventional Center, ****
> 2001 Clearview Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30341****
> Phone Number: 770-455-3700 or fax 770-986-9977 ****
> ** **
> Group Name: MECA-USA****
> Group Rate: Single/Double - $72.60 Triple/Quad - $72.60: (all taxes
> inclusive)****
> ** **
> **· ***Note:* A block of rooms has been reserved at a special rate
> at the Comfort Inn Hotel. You must reserve your room(s) by June 20, 2013,
> to guarantee the rate and availability. ****
> Please mention the MECA-USA room block to receive the special
> rate. ****
> ** **
> *Election Year Convention (Convention 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia)*
> I would like to use this opportunity to remind members of MECA-USA, Inc.
> that the 2013 Convention is an ELECTION YEAR convention. Therefore, Manyu
> sons and daughters who have an interest in serving this association are
> strongly encouraged to: 1) get a copy of the MECA-USA constitution that was
> revised in July 2008 and read it thoroughly, 2) comply with all eligibility
> requirements and 3) complete an application form and submit it on time as
> stipulated in the constitution.****
> ** **
> My brothers and sisters, I know quite well that the journey has been long
> and difficult, but you've stood and walked with me on this difficult and
> worthy journey. For that, I say THANK YOU, THANK YOU. When I look at
> where we started and picture the things we have accomplished together, I
> see a future full of hope and optimism for MECA-USA Inc. This is certainly
> not the time to give up or walk away. This is a time to continue to pursue
> what we believe in, a time to join forces so that together we can overcome
> the challenges of our time, and accomplish the work we have ahead of us. I
> will continue to ask the Almighty God to give us wisdom and the courage to
> overcome any forces that promote chaos so that we can collectively build a
> stronger MECA-USA Union. ****
> ****
> ****
> Long live MECA-USA****
> Long live Manyu Division ****
> Long live Cameroon****
> Long live the United States of America****
> ** **
> Samuel Ayuk Besong, PhD****
> Chairman, MECA-USA, Inc.****
> 594 Hampton Hills Dr.****
> Camden, DE 19934 ****
> Phone: 302-883-1363****
> ** **
> *Mamfe-Market Restroom-Fundraising efforts as of January 31, 2013*
> *Individual Donation*
> * *
> *Dollars*
> DR. MARTHA EYA EYONG TASINGA of California****
> ****
> $2,000.00 ****
> Mrs. Pamela Ekortarh-Eyambe of McAllen, Texas****
> ****
> $1,500.00 ****
> Dr. Esther Etta of Chicago, IL****
> ****
> $1,500.00 ****
> Sessekou Edward Assam & Dr./Mrs. Ann Assam****
> ****
> $1,200.00 ****
> Dr. Fritz TABE TAMBI of Douala, Cameroon****
> ****
> $1,000.00 ****
> Dr. Emmanuel Mbi ofWashington, DC****
> ****
> $1,000.00 ****
> Dr. Samuel and Dr./Mrs.Besem Besong of Delaware****
> ****
> $700.00 ****
> Mr. Chris Mbelem & Mbelem Family of Maryland****
> ****
> $600.00 ****
> Annonimous & Undisclosed Contributor from MECA-DE****
> ****
> $600.00 ****
> Mr. William Tabot Esq, of Virgina****
> ****
> $550.00 ****
> Dr. Arthur Aduma of Kent General Hospital, Dover, Dlaware****
> ****
> $530.00 ****
> Mr. Ben "Ayuk" Fonlon of Bowie, Maryland****
> ****
> $500.00 ****
> Dr. Peter Ako/Mrs. Vivian Ako of California****
> ****
> $500.00 ****
> Mr./Mrs. Manfred & Mirabelle Tambe of Laurel Maryland****
> ****
> $500.00 ****
> Dr. Ferdinand Orock of New Jersey****
> ****
> $500.00 ****
> Mr. Oben Besong of Tulson, Arizona****
> ****
> $400.00 ****
> Mr. Cavin Besong & Mrs. Ernestine Takang-Besong of Arkansas ****
> ****
> $309.00 ****
> Mrs. Verna and Mr. Jackson Bissong of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $300.00 ****
> Ms. Sheila Enoh of McKinny, Texas****
> ****
> $300.00 ****
> Mr. & Dr./Mrs. Enowmbi Tanyi of Maryland****
> ****
> $300.00 ****
> Mr./Mrs. Joseph and Glory Eyong of Maryland****
> ****
> $300.00 ****
> ****
> $250.00 ****
> Mr. Peter Aiyuk and Mrs. Martha Aiyuk of Nevada****
> ****
> $250.00 ****
> Ms. Patience Ebini of Maryland****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> CHIEF IRENE AGBOR-TABI of California****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Mr. Samuel Assam of Chicago, Illinois ****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Mrs. Rachael Ako of Maryland****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Sessekou, Shey Ebini Christmas of Maryland****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Mrs. Sarah Fulbright of Missouri ****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Professor Gregg Asu Agbor of Virgina****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Ms. Josephine Akoh and the Akoh family ****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Mr. James Mbide of Maryland****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Mr. Brado Tabenyang Etchu of Maryland****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Ms. Debra Orock of Maryland****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Mr. Ebini Tambe & Mrs. Mary Etta-Tambe****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Dr. Badika Ndofunso of Charlotte, North Carolina****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Dr. Ambrose Anoruo of Kingsville, Texas****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Dr. Erika Rust of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $150.00 ****
> Mr. Victor Etta of Maryland****
> ****
> $150.00 ****
> Mr. Jean Claude of Maryland****
> ****
> $150.00 ****
> Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Akombi of New England****
> ****
> $150.00 ****
> Mr. Moses Aiyuk of Reno, Nevada****
> ****
> $150.00 ****
> Mr. Gabriel Nkengfack of Baltimore, Maryland****
> ****
> $150.00 ****
> Mr. Thomas Ojong of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Ifeanyi Anadu of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Evelyn Arrey of New England****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Joseph Nkwanyou of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Professor Ekema Agbaw of Pennsylvania****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Grace Ndenge Ngandjui of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mandem Achale of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Charles Tita of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Bakari Bissong of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Mary Eyong of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mrs. Arah Owan of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Ellis B. Beteck of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr Elvis Etah-Ayuk and Family of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Lionel Etta of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Cletus Ayuk of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. George Ashu of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Gerard Mengang of Delaware****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Alice Tanyi of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Arreymbi of Atlanta, Georgia****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. & Mrs. Sinke and Clementine Okie of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Celestine Fosung of Delaware****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ako-Arrey of Glendale-Arizona****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Peter Tabi Mbi of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr Ted C.Ndiyob of Rancho Palos verdes,California****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Cecilia Ayuk Ashu of Massachausetts****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. & Mrs. William Ashu of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Charles Salako of Delaware****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Promise Otaluka of Cambridge, Massachusetts****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Marikis Alvarez of Delaware State University, Dover, DE****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Etengeneng Ebot of California****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. William Chu of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mrs. Ernestine Takang Nee Besong of Auburn, Alabama****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Dr. Celeste Williams of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Fidelis Arrey of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Stanley Tabi of Massachaustts****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> DR VIKRAM J. PATEL/ MRS POOJA PATEL Esq of California****
> ****
> $101.00 ****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> MR OJONG ENOW of California****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mrs. Evelyn & Mr. Simon Mbi of Joliet, Illinois****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Peter Takim of Atlanta, Georgia****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Dennis Awu of Atlanta, Georgia****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> The Enoru children of Concord Ohio****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. and Mrs. Mbelem of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Obi Akoh Arrey****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mrs.Ashu and Pa Lot Ashu of Maryland****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Mirriam Ashu of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mrs. Felicia Tanyi of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Bernard Tanyi of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Margaret Mhlanga of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Lazarus Mhalanga of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Mary Eta of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Godfrey Eta of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Freda Agbor of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Ms. Agatha Ayuk of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. John Ayuk of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Samuel Ndip of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Joseph Nchor of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mrs. Yvonne Etta of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Chief John Etta of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Mr. Vilan Tambe of Chicago, IL****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> Annonimous & Undisclosed Contributor from Chicago, IL****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> ****
> $75.00 ****
> Ms. Sheila Lambi of Chicago, IL****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Mr. Naveed Khan of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Mr. Ashu Arrey of Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Dr. Andrew Krytzer of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Dr. Susan Muhumuza of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Dr. Janelle Caruano of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Ms. Angel Tabe of Maryland****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Dr. Julian Obi-Wilson of Pennsylvania****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Dr. Ben Arrey of Virgina****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Professor Kenneth Ojong of Maryland****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Mrs. Mercy Arrey Mukwenye of Maryland****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Mr. Eric Eyong of Delaware****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Ms. Patience Mbeng of Maryland****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Dr. Augustine Bessong of New Jersey****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Dr. Zachary Senwo of Madison, Alabama****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Annonimous & Undisclosed Contributor****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> MR LARRY BESONG of California****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> MRS MARY CHRISTIAN of California****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Sessekou Augustine Tambekong of UK****
> ****
> $50.00 ****
> Mr. Donoran Manga of Long Beach California****
> ****
> $40.00 ****
> MS ELIZABETH B. TARKANG of California****
> ****
> $40.00 ****
> Dr. Kidane Geda of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $30.00 ****
> Ben (Dr Mary Eyong's Son)****
> ****
> $30.00 ****
> Dr. Margraret McEvilly of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $25.00 ****
> Queen Achale of Maryland****
> ****
> $25.00 ****
> Mr Ugo Ofor-Nwoko ****
> ****
> $25.00 ****
> MR JEROME / MRS JEROME of California****
> ****
> $25.00 ****
> Ms. Ono Achale****
> ****
> $25.00 ****
> Dr. Gulnihal Ozbay of Dover, Delaware****
> ****
> $20.00 ****
> MR HENRY EYONG of California****
> ****
> $20.00 ****
> *Group Donation*
> * *
> *Dollars*
> *MECA-TriState (Chicago, IL)*
> ****
> $3,000.00 ****
> MECA-Delaware Chapter ****
> ****
> $1,800.00 ****
> MECA-Houston, Texas****
> ****
> $1,000.00 ****
> NOMA New England Chapter****
> ****
> $500.00 ****
> Mamfe Central Subgroup in Maryland ****
> ****
> $500.00 ****
> MECA-Georgia Chapter ****
> ****
> $500.00 ****
> ACCDF by Ms Justine Mbianda of Maryland****
> ****
> $300.00 ****
> MECA-New England Chapter****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> Eyumojock Family Group ****
> ****
> $200.00 ****
> President Mbakop "Safe Bridge to Health"****
> ****
> $100.00 ****
> ** **
> ** **
> --
> Samuel Besong, PhD
> Associate Professor and Chairperson
> Department of Human Ecology
> Delaware State University
> 1200 North DuPont HWY
> Price Bldg, RM#103
> Dover, DE 19901
> Phone: 302-857-6440
> Fax: 302-857-6441
> --
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