Re: Contributions for statehood restoration

Who is this FOOL talking about the Forgiveness of Nfor do you think God is that foolish to listen to your lies?
Taku Moses the deceitful pastor it's outragouse that you are talking about God i believe with my whole being that you are worshiping the god of evil and evil does not know forgiveness.
Taku you need to repent before you continue to call the name God for if you don't do that as fast as possible i tell you  one day before you say G you will be strike by God's anger.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Taku A. A. Moses <> wrote:
Dr. Atang-my senior brother,

I do not want you to respond to any of my mails as you people do not like to hear or read the truth. we are joining our efforts not with them that have no integrity to their deeds. Did you not see or read my mails of forgiveness to NFOR NFOR when he was sincerely involved in the Buea affair of the celebrations that took him to the hospital? Did you not read my prayers and healing scriptures forwarded to our brother Martin Yembe who was visiting him regularly.? Do you want me to include you in the group of NW elites who see wrong and do not correct because you have a blind eye to sins being committed by any church member of yours from NW? you do not know the bible more than me as that is my own domain where I have a PHD in it. As old and as learned as you are, including some knowledge of the basic 10 commandments,do you have to wear blind eye-glasses so as not to see what your people are doing in the life of the struggle-I ask?. United we shall stand but divided as your brothers have done in the SCNC we prolong our victory and not fail. God has said YES, no one will stop it from happening.

My bible says-Rebuke them that are sinning openly for others to fear-Titus 2:15; Prov.28:23. I am not allowed to rebuke you or Dr. Gumne as being Elders to me-1Timo.5:1, but i will rebuke Nfor nfor because he is not my senior. I can equally rebuke Dr. Susungi as he is not older than me. Why have you not seen that my rebuke to Nfor Nfor has brought repentance to him and he is now signing for one office and not double offices. Dr. Atang, can't you see that I am doing a job to straighten him for his own good?. I am not a Rev,Father/Rev.Pastor of PCC of your churches that cover sinners in their congregations. My senior brother-please take sides with them that are saying and acting the Truth as the Truth saves. We are proving that our union was not Truthful according to the laws of the UN. Nfor Nfor of recent wrote a brilliant document of Truth about Resolution 1608 which I printed it and put it on my Altar for the Lord to bless him and also send Angels to take and effect that Truth of the matter in the offices of the UN/UK.
I do not take sides as you guys who know the Truth but decide to wear black goggles not to see the Truth of this matter and the sins of your fellows. You should not reply my mails as you might reply in a manner that will hurt you in the presence of God as I am not writing my mails with human knowledge as I am not humanly educated but spiritually Anointed as Peter, John and James who were ordinarily fishermen but could baffle the learned Sanhedrin in the nation of Israel in the Bible.

I have requested you to go to your friend and childhood schoolmate and get the Truth about what I am talking. You do not need to pay a flight ticket to where he is for the info I have asked you to procure from him. You can talk to him by phone, email or ask him for his mailing address. Why are you shying away from the responsibility that will help all of us?. You should appreciate my services in this matter as Daniel of old to the tribe of Judah. He refused to eat the king's meat-(bribe) which would have made him not see and stick upon the Truth and continue to have upon him the Anointing for service to his people. You are expected to correct us all in this matter as you were more older than us and your brother inlaw was the one who has put us all into this mess because of covetousness, but he repented before going to be with Lord. You were not on the day in 1995 in Victoria's community field where they all asked for forgiveness and I prayed with sincere tears coming from my eyes and the eyes of the population present. Nfor Nfor was not there  as he was on the side of SDF then as a bona-fide member preaching Federalism which has not succeeded as a result of the Truth of our case back to Self-rule. Where is SDF with their doctrine of Federalism? They have become a Provincial Party based in NW only as the SCNC of Nfor Nfor.

Dr, please be sincere as an Elder and follow the TRUTH and not taking sides in this matter with your brothers of NW. You are a devout RCM Christian and you should be a light to the young ones who do not see far as at now. Are you not surprised that the SCNC of Nfor NFor is just as SDF very limited only to the NW province. I have no reason to hate NN as far as he is doing the right thing as a freedom fighter. Why am I not talking about Paa Dr. Gumne? he is doing his SCAPO without disturbing me as he is far from me as he doesn't mess up with the original freedom fighters internationally known group called-SCNC.

The reason I did not want him (NN) to be involved in this new financial approach is because his record has been soiled too much with the demonic anointing of Mormon-Money. He himself knows this and is ashamed to present himself any where as Act.chairman/Vice chairman until now that he has repented to take one title to the glory of them that are learned from NW. Anointed Preachers must speak out-Truth.
You are the ones who are causing him(NN) to be making all these errors as you the Learned Elites of the NW are all contributors to his leadership covetous errors. You of the NW Elites are held accountable for Nfor Nfor's covetous selfish leadership. He has seen his errors that I have pointed out and he has started his faithful path to repentance and reads a mail as this one from you, it will go to harden his heart again for more covetous sins. Now that he has taken his rightful position as Act.Chairman, then that of Vice is open for election or full Chairmanship position. If a servant of God holds brief for a matter do not challenge him as he is dealing only with the Truth of the matter.

Thank you my senior brother and silent freedom fighter from afar of-Amen. Pls don't reply for your own good and safety from Heavenly Anger of God.

Yours freedom fighter-not with human weapons of AK47 & F16 but with Spiritual Missiles.
Rev. (Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses-alias Daniel to his people in captivity in Babylon-LRDC.

From: Dr. Christopher Atang <>

To: "" <>; Cameroon Network <>; Henry Fossung <>; "" <>; Ayah Paul <>; Mathias Ayuk <>; Services du Premier Ministre <>; Dr. Susungi Nfor <>; Nfor Nfor <>; Njoh Litumbe <>; Atanga John <>; david banyong <>; Diony George <>; Chief Charles Taku <>; Manyu Net <>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 3:47 PM

Subject: Re: Contributions for statehood restoration

Dear Rev. Taku:
I am writing to distance myself from the contents of paragraph 6 of your e-mail.  I do not confirm what you wrote especially about me.  For your information, being either a class-mate or school-mate of anyone does not qualify one to make categorical statements about such a school or class mate.  Additionally, your scathing remarks about some leaders of our struggle (particularly Mr. Nfor Ngala Nfor), leaves a lot to be desired.  You know that we need concerted efforts (all hands on deck) in order to succeed in all aspects of our emancipation struggle.  Your unpalatable and damaging remarks definitely helps to slow down, and/or even destroy all the efforts and achievements gained so far. 
Can we learn to work together for the common good of our marginalized Southern Cameroons?  Remember that if the founding Fathers of this great nation (USA) developed such negative attitudes about some of their leaders or compatriots before, during and after the civil war, they would not have laid the solid foundation on which this great country is now built on. 
Finally, as a person of God, you are expected to show love through your utterances and actions, and at the same time, refrain from judging for fear of being judged.  Be informed that I will not respond to any mail about this matter again!
Accept my best regards.
Christopher Atang, Ph.D.,
5507 Pipingwood Drive
Houston, Texas 77084

The mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work unless it's open.

From: Taku A. A. Moses <>
To: "" <>; Cameroon Network <>; Henry Fossung <>; "" <>; Ayah Paul <>; Mathias Ayuk <>; Services du Premier Ministre <>; Dr. Susungi Nfor <>; Nfor Nfor <>; Njoh Litumbe <>; Atanga John <>; david banyong <>; Diony George <>; Chief Charles Taku <>; Manyu Net <>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: Contributions for statehood restoration

My brothers and sisters of S.C.
I have not contributed by my pen to the lofty contribution idea that was put in place last month by our patriotic brother-Mr.Tumanjong in Britain untill now. This idea was well appreciated by many and sundry waiting SCians for the bell to be rung for the Restoration.
i am suprised that Nfor Nfor has come from no where to start analysing the contribution and its usage.
I want to warn here that Nfor Nfor should not come into this lofty sincere idea of our brother who has thought it sincerely to plan this contribution. Nfor Nfor is hereby requested not to have anything to do with this recent financial plan as he had in the time past squandered all that was ever contributed for the course as he will tell the NW surffering people to contribute as he is invited to attend a UNPO meeting in Belgium,Switzerland and the US respectively with no results for all these years untill things started falling apart in his self ruled NW SCNC. His involvement in this financial plan by our brother, will cause many not to contribute as he has soiled his financial INTEGRITY in dealing with the SCNC matters fraudulently. He has been like Bia who controls the nation's Treasury alone without any accountibility. When prayers were answered accordingly against his behaviours, his anus was blown open as a graffi hen by the breeze of Truth, and there was confusion in the open in his camp, and things started falling apart till now.
He knows that I will surely challenge him so he could not include my Email address to them that he had copied this his willing plan for fraud. Why did he not copy me as I have been copying him too?. There is an adage in my village of Eyang-Atemako in Manyu, that if snake bite you, you will see milipede and you run too far thinking it is a snake. so my brother Nfor Nfor, you have bitten so many and should no longer be accused of financially trying to be bitting any one again. Remove your hand this time from what we are trying to do. Your own SCNC has fought with peoples' money in the yesteryears, with no results that can be attested by any one out of Bamenda. If I were you, I will no longer speak publicly as I have failed my people as Bia has failed his people too. Hands off from this new wine in new bottles and not new wine in old fermented bottles of yours. This arrangement is new wine as it has  some new minds-bottles at work. Let your presence not discourage intending contributors who will want to make good contributions but with you having a record that has bad referrence, they will not. You have no INTEGRITY that can be trusted by any one except the one from your division with the same spirit. If there is no NW guy who is seeing with me in this advice to Nfor Nfor, then I will ask the Angels who work with me to see with me on behalf of Heaven. There is nothing that is hidden from the Lord.
This time around in this matter, you have signed as Acting Chairman only, and no longer as Vice Chairman/Acting Chairman together. This is as a result of my hammering on the matter as if you are not a learned Elite from Nkambe a division noted for blacklegging in this restoration matter. Thank God you have repented from that covetous error that could be seen only by a non-academician like me. Why did the NW guys with MAs and PHDs not advice or challenge you, but allowed you to be humiliated internationally thereby causing all your letters to the UN/UK/US be thrown in the trash basket in their offices because of this willful and covetous error. So do not get involve in this matter now as we are not dealing with your failed SCNC but with a group to be selected to oversee the collections and safe keeping. A group that will not embezzle the money as Dr.Yongbang who is now in a Spiritual imprisonment, as having embezzled SCNC- Church money and he is in trouble now. I do not know why NW elites see sin and don't speak out but condone with it for the destruction of their sons. Even my brother Martin Yembe and Prophet O.Ntemfac whom I reagrd as sincere Believers decide to pretend as a bought-over Referee giving a blind eye to the handball at the penalty box. Heavenly FIFA is watching you all for reward-take note.
I have been invited to attend a meeting in Abuja in regards to the Bakassi and Southern Cameroons matter.
I am not able to go because of no money in my pocket. if this account were full with Silver & Gold, I would have invited one person to come with me and we will be able to submit our own contributions and thoughts about the matter. I wish also to state here that Ambass. Fossung had sued UK in London and hired a London based Law firm and paid the consultation fees and presented the facts. When Bia got wind about the matter, he sent NN Mbile to go spy and know the Law firm, but God killed him right from the foot of the plane. Ambassador H.Fossung could not continue with the case because of no money in his part. He again in 2005/2006 consulted an international law firm in Washington DC for the same Case of our matter, but now  against the UN. The consultation fees he paid to just present the matter, was charged at $ 350.oo per hour as you know there they work only on hours. He paid for many hours of the consultation time, but when it got to the filing of the matter in court he had no money as he had no where to turn to for financial help.
This is pending in the Lawyers' offices. Can we now jointly revive it-I ask? A committee for financial disbursement will be put in place. So please contribute your own ideas to this matter.
His school mate (not classmate) in GTTC-Kumba who is there with him in U.S-Dr. Christopher Atang can be asked to confirm all this that I have written so that we can be in the same page. We are all looking for victory and could stand behind a scorer who has the ability to score the winning goal for us so that we all shall rejoice as in a football match victory. If his contacts with the UN could bring to Bia the supprise Gift of 2 Framed Maps for the 50th Anniversary of LRDC in 2010, then we should line-up behind him and work together as he has an advantage of having schooled and worked in the US/UN in the yesteryears.
The UN/UK/US all have the handing over document signed by the fathers that be, who have now gone to be with the Lord-Dr.Foncha and Hon Muna but their spirits are watching all that we are doing-whether good or bad for our matter. Any given item of doubt concerning us- the UN calls him regularly to confirm or send to him an email requesting information as such.
May the Lord grant us our hearts' desires in Jesus name-Amen.
Yours freedom fighter-not with human weapons of AK47 or F16 but with Spiritual Missiles that no man can stop on the way.
Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses-alias Daniel/DM Tutu for his people in captivity in Babylon-LRDC.

From: Bri Soucam <>
To: carlany2001 <>
Cc: charles taku <>; Charles N. Forcha <>; Ebenezer Akwanga <>; Dr. Ngwang Ngumne <>; Cho Lucas Ayaba <>; Scnc Austria Branch <>; scncbelgium4freedom <>; scncfrance <>; Henry Nchendze <>; agbor69 <>; kaavimelchizedek <>; mikebarentsen <>; tanton shukwi <>; Wo Kitukelah <>; dilesam <>; Annah Etchi Ayuketa <>; dextelelad <>; vascoakong <>; muluhkk <>; Dabney Yerima <>; Alain Mbock Mbock <>; Paulette Mengnjo <>; bjn20002006 <>; bertrand_nana <>; shebou londo <>; tialeotto <>; mbatu4 <>; Bature E. Mvochou <>; denatem <>; petersonkona <>; Peter Atembe <>; peter teforlack <>; petermanyung <>; PETER W VAKUNTA <>; peter_bungu <>; petersuhngwa <>; asongu <>; drmondoa <>; scncusasouth <>; enkerbu <>; Ndi MANJONG <>; EDWARD KWIYUP <>; "" <>; abakwa <>; Martin Yembe <>; The Post Newspaper <>; chronocle_newspaper <>; thehorizonnewspaper <>; thesun_np <>; Professor Martin Ayim <>; Samuel Welang <>; samatom2007 <>; ambasbay <>; sdf-forum <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:30 AM
Subject: Contributions for statehood restoration

Dear Compatriots,
Determined to pursue the restoration of the statehood of our
fatherland with vigour, time has come for us to march forward with
meaningful and measurable action. Consequently we are launching a
National Restoration Fund Drive (attached mail).
All bona fide citizens of British Southern Cameroons and their friends
are called upon to contribute generously for without the means we
cannot overcome the obstacle challenging us.
My prayer and plea to you patriots is simple; in view of the fact that
Mr. Biya had rejected the Constructive Dialogue let us take the
decisive move that will hence place our legitimate struggle on the
table of international conscience. This is our right, inherent right
and we must defend it.
This money should be saved in a special account to be used just for
the national purpose.
Let us live for tomorrow not just for today.

May God grant you the mercy to rise to the historic challenge.

Nfor N. Nfor
Acting National Chairman


Dearly beloved, here below is the schedule for the contribution by all
Southern Cameroonians for the Restoration of the Statehood of British
Southern Cameroons under the SLOGAN; ONE NATION, ONE PEOPLE, ONE
Do you know that La Republique du Cameroun opposed and did not vote
for the independence of British Southern Cameroons?
Do you know that La Republique voted against forming a federal union
with British Southern Cameroons – UNGA Resolution 1608 of April 21,
1    Parliamentarians    200,000 FRCS CFA
2    Mayors    100,000
3    Councilors    25,000
4    Express Transport Services    300,000
5    Civil Servants    10,000
6    Business men (buyamsellam)    10,000
7    Business women (buyamsellam)    5,000
8    Lawyers    50,000
9    Chiefs of Services    30,000
10    Delegates    50,000
11    Retired workers    5,000
12    Farmers    10,000
13    Non GovernmentalOrganisations (NGOs)    25,000
14    Pastors/Clergy men/women    10,000
15    DIASPORA CHAPTERS each    3,000,000
16    Individual Southern Cameroonians abroad    300,000
17    Fons and Ardos    25,000
18    Custom Officers    100,000
19    Store owners    10,000
20    Contractors    100,000
21    Ordinary Southern Cameroonians    1,000
22    Taxi drivers    5,000
23    Teachers (Primary/Nursery)    10,000
24    Teachers (Secondary/High Schools)    20,000
25    University Lecturers    50,000
26    Okada riders    3,000
27    Highway drivers    7,000
28    Students and others (old people)    100
29    Pharmacies/Clinics    50,000
30    Super markets/Big stores    25,000
31    Police/Gendarme/Army Officers    100,000
32    Medicine stores    10,000
33    Nurses    10,000
34    Any other business or people who are not indicated here should
contribute per his/her category above.

The above payments will be collected and secured as follow:
i). DIASPORA CITIZENS. To open an account in which these collections
are to be deposited and      can only be withdrawn for use as
ii). CITIZENS AT HOME. Payment should be made to designated officials
in your area of residence.
Your contributions will serve as a bullet for the sake of peace
instead of war – which consequences we all know. Restoration of our
sovereign statehood is our inherent and inalienable right.
God bless and enrich you with wisdom and understanding for this
In addition to national tours and aggressive diplomatic offensive to
targeted nations; details are as per the Projected work for the
Restoration of STATEHOOD.
Money raised will strictly and judiciously be spent in your supreme
interest with detail accounts kept for verification.
Nfor N. Nfor
Act. Chairman (SCNC)

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