RE: The Gumne Proposal

It comes to the open that some comrades are still imposing groups even without followers on the people, which have been the stumbling  block on the road to our liberation. Most of these groups have done little or nothing by way of going down to the people to preach the good news of  freedom.  In the years before the SCNC/ SCAC, CAM (SCARM) had a  Roadmap that was to carry the struggle to the four corners of the Southern Cameroons and beyond to sensitise, mobilise and organise the masses. Early results of these field works  as executed by  the SCYL (1995-1996) can be seen  in areas that are still carrying the flag of the struggle today.
The liberation struggle took a nose dive when members of the  National Council, the Advisory Council and the Youth League sensing eminent victory  began strategizing to seek leadership and began the slander and blackmail of  some leaders from the SZ.  The so called ordained group believed that leadership must be in their hands and any other must be a sell out or traitor! This negative and selfish attitude blinded all forms of collaboration and left the masses without a dynamic leadership as was during the early EMA Leadership.
With due respect to the Ambazonia Movement that have done much in the legal domain since 1985,  I believe the people owe much to our legal  legend Fon Gorji,  but to hold the same people hostage  because of legality of  a naming an unborn child  remains unorthodox in the history of liberation. The Ambazonia leader failed to convince the AAC  in 1993 to adopt the name Ambazonia  when  several legal interpretations were advanced why the former status and name of the territory be maintained, and the Ambazonians Movement was dully represented in the Standing Committee and the Council.  If the name was adopted by the standing committee, it could have been
As for the creation of SCAPO, the excuse was to use another organ other than  the SCNC,  to play down on sabotaged SCNC leadership after the so called Rev. Ayuk / Achidi mission. The same members of the erstwhile  SCNC standing committee became members the new organisation to replace the SCNC without respecting the gentleman's agreement on the leadership arrived at in the Standing committee in 1993. The mission to Nigeria was widely supported by Southern Cameroonians grassroots organs who assigned SCAPO  to continue with the foreign diplomatic and legal missions while the SCNC concentrates on the field.  Legally speaking SCAPO was created to be an organ like an assembly while the SCNC remains an executive government. An attempt to combine the two organs by the same people created more confusion and disorder to the chagrin of those who raised their voices against this violation.
That said, what the people need  is a selfless leadership that will revamp the 1990s momentum, by building  constituted organs from the grassroots upward with primaries at the precincts, county, , zones and then National and Special commissions. The backstabbing  and unreasonable accusations of  others as traitors or sell out ( except in flagrant cases ) creates an air of insecurity and disrespect  in leaders who are willing to sacrifice for the Cause. Personally I don't believe in the creation of any government as a legal tool, without the  mobilisation and participation of the people who need the government. The real spirit of collaboration will be one of  working together, participation and focusing on the restoration and Independence of our fatherland despite  our different approaches. 
George Ebai
Sent from Windows Mail
From: Edith Ngang <>
Sent: 27 February 2013 04:57
Subject: Re: The Gumne Proposal
It most be a deliberate act not to mention Ambazonia , ALIM, or APEM in your list of groups of importance. It does not diminish the importance of the Ambazonian group . Those deliberate insults will not bring the unity that is needed to defeat the enemy . It is said that only equals can have an agreements so since you are demoting any liberation movement that carries the name Ambazonia, i should say congratulation to Dr. Atang and co, as they keep up the good work of trying to bring "all" the liberation groups together. 

From the desk of Chief Edith "HIMSELF"

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 26, 2013, at 3:24 PM, "Dr. Christopher Atang" <> wrote:

Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am always pleased to learn about moves designed to advance our case.  Doing nothing (as most of us have experienced during the past year) is definitely detrimental to our justified cause.  I therefore commend Dr. Gumne for coming up with this proposal designed to rejunevate action leading towards attaining our legitimate goal.  That said, I invite everyone to respond to Dr. Gumne's request - providing ideas to help bring back life to the struggle.  I suggest that SCYL, The Way Forwards Networking Committee, the Chairpersons of SCNC, SCAPO (in the Diaspora), Dr. Anyangwe's Restoration Government, Mr. Martin Yembe and Mr. Ofege (in the home front), and other liberation groups to respond to the Gumne Proposal, with the intention of proposing concrete ideas to push our cause forward.
Congratulations to those who gave Nigeria the ultimatum to honour it's Abuja High Court Ruling - taking our case to the UN and ICJ.  Suggestions following the results of this ultimatum may be the springboard for our independence. 
---My two cents!!   Let's keep hope alive!!!
Christopher Atang, Ph.D.,
5507 Pipingwood Drive
Houston, Texas 77084
The mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work unless it's open.

From: ngwang gumne <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: The Gumne Proposal
Mr. Kaavi,
Thanks for your observation.
As you mention the Abuja case, it is for the same reason that I did not separate SCNC from SCAPO.
 Abuja merged all participating parties under SCAPO. In our proposed meeting, 
there will be one large delegation from the SCAPO end that includes the present SCNC.
It is a pity that the Abuja Truths were hidden from compatriots for selfish reasons.
I decided not to harp on it in order that we may not be distracted.
I remember that you once attacked me on the Abuja issue when you read only the names of some participants.
I understand that you are just near me in Belgim. If you ever want to talk to me, just send me your telephone number.
Best wishes.
ngwang gumne
----- Original Message -----
From: kaavi melchizedek
Sent: 02/26/13 04:38 PM
Subject: Re: The Gumne Proposal
Dr Ngwang, thank you for the good job you have been doing this far, for our nation.
May I know for what reason then  you did not include the SCNC we all know back home?
The SCNC that was with SCAPO for the Nigeria case? I noticed that, but did not want
to ask less I start a new war amongst us. But after you write giving reason as to why you
did not include SCYL and SCAPO on the list, nothing was said about the SCNC who's
members are being tortured and arrested every day. This I assure you is just my observation.
Thanks for your time.

. mk

Chairman SCNC Belgium
Melchizedek Kaavi
Melim City(LGA)
Northern Zone Bui
County Southern Cameroon

From: ngwang gumne <>
To:; mbatu4 <>; ambasbay <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:12 PM
Subject: The Gumne Proposal
Hi All,
May I thank Dr Atang and Mr Ngwa for exhuming the modest proposal I made some months back.
No one responded to it before, even the leaders mentioned therein.
I did not include the SCYL and SCAPO for the simple reason that they have been 
working together for a long time and are resdy to be in any enlarged group.
They are still working together.
I will be happy to reeive suggestions on how we should proceed fron compatriots. 
This incudes agenda,venue, costs timing, etc
Best wishes
ngwang gumne
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