Re: [MTC Global] comments please?

The first reaction after reading the original mail was to "react"!! On second thoughts, I decided to await other member comments - I'm glad I did.Gulzar ji's name and work are exemplary, no doubt, and as pointed out, he's one of those who personify excellence, and also better than having a non-academic politician heading a university!!However... for example, let's appoint a very senior Supreme Court...


Fw: [MTC Global] comments please?

yesssssssssssVC post  is political post and it is gr8 step for such type of suggestion is that  for VC post,  person from army background orperson from civil services should be preferred.thanks and regards Ms. Sunita SukhijaAssistant ProfessorJCD Institute of Business ManagementJCDV, Sirsa-125055 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: shanath kumar <>...


RE: [MTC Global] comments please?

If not education he will at least bring poetry into the troubled North East Cheers Ganesh ________________________________ From: [] on behalf of Ashok Kumar [] Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 10:58 AM To: Subject: RE: [MTC Global] comments please? I have the highest regards for Gulzar. He is one of...


Re: [MTC Global] comments please?

Point of discussion is now  how much benefits an legendary Artist like Gulzar can give to an education Institution? Considering the fact that a University incorporates Sciences, Technologies besides arts and humanities subjects. :)On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Ashok Kumar <> wrote: I have the highest regards for Gulzar. He is one of those people...


Re: [MTC Global] comments please?

A step in the right direction.Happy that powers that be at last started reasoning out- Dr A Jagan Mohan Reddy Hands that serve are holier than the lips that prayOn Wed, May 1, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Virendra Goel <> wrote: Famous lyricist and poet 'Gulzar' has been appointed as vice-chancellor of Assam University. Comments from learned members solicited....


Re: [ACEsthetics] treatment planning help

I've been seeing a bunch of terrible Cerec crowns and inlay/onlays lately that were done recently in my area.  Is there something new going on with them? ------- Ash ------------------------------------ Ashley Goodman, DDS 8736 Lake Murray Blvd.#108 San Diego, Ca 92119 Phone: 619-697-6677 Fax: 619-697-6632 Email: Web:

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