Look at this video carefully. You will see the same Cameroonians who stand in intertwining long lines in front of the French Embassy, quartie General in Yaounde from as early as 4am to BEG for Entry visas to France with all kinds of Dokky's, Adoro's and le Faux Bank Statements to convince suspicious rude and unfriendly French Consular Officers; that they will return to Paye. Once they arrive Paris, London, Holland, Washington DC or all the other hot capitals in Europe and Americas; they immediately blend into the society and FORGET where they are coming from. They forget their parents, sisters and brothers, family members, their "Fiancés" their "Ibuanes", Deuxieme Bureaux, their Ngonderes, Coups "Pliez",...AND START ENJOYING. They even forget that tonton Paul Biya is still the President of Cameroon and going no where anytime soon. Do they care? So long as Coco Argentee the very hot Paris based singer can dish out the erotic Bikutsi stuff, giving Cameroonians an opportunity to have more avenues for debaucherie and promiscuous sexual pursuits...Who cares about what President Paul Biya does? So long as they can wear "White and White" in a Paris Club and expose their nudity and sexual proclivities with impunity and reckless abandon; Who cares whether the 25,000 young University graduates who were promised JOBS are still in "ChaumenCam" two years after the "Grandes Ambitions/Realizations" promises. Who cares whether Grande Realizations become Grande Diabolizations or that Grandes Ambitions transform into Grande Perditions. Some man bisham?
Don't get me wrong. I love dancing Makossa and Bikutsi and even love what follows the very suggestive Bikutsi Banja(I go kill you today) dance...BUT...for Cameroonians to think that the whole world revolves around 24/7 AMBIANCE AGOGO...simply means we still have a very long way to go to change mentalities. Paul Biya has every reason to remain where he is as Cameroonians are NOT INTERESTED IN ANY FORM OF CHANGE...YET. I see it here everyday: Baptism, 1st Communion, Graduation, 30th, 40th, 50th Birthdays, One year "Cry-Die" anniversary, House Warming, New Uniform inauguration, Uncle appointed Senator in Cameroon, Knock Door, Fund Raising Gala, Baby Shower and First Belle Celebration , End of Year(in May) Party etc etc. Everything and ENJOY.
Enjoy all the same, the talented artist...COCO ARGENTEE in concert in Paris.
Scan through the hall of attendees: Of the approximately five hundred beautiful crowd, there are approximately Six women to One guy. What is going on here? Man go well so? Are women going to kill us? Where are the men?
Mishe Fon


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