Re: [MTC Global] Succession Planning & Manusmriti

Plannings times the mentor realizes that the mentee does not have the right stuff to carry on with the heritage business ( the Samsung Story I circulated today drives home the point as how Mr.Lee found his two older son's not fit for management and fired them but could see his daughter had the abilities to fit his shoes ....but she was a female....and then the youngest son was made his successor ).
In a parallel....Ratan Tata decided to hang his boots...rather the media speculations were so rife with different equations..finally the mantle fell on Cyrus Mistry...while media speculated on Noel Tata.... so you see the change need not be successor chosen from the lineage or progeny who has to be compulsorily groomed....
Going by the current educational set-up...I guess the Gyan Ashram ( Education ) should be revised to 30 years.... as after Graduation students still plod on for 2 more years for MBA...I have had students aged 30 and 32 in earlier batches.....and would often wonder : When they would earn a decent living and settle down in Life.
CSR is for successful professionals who retire from active work and realize they have trodden down lot of people in the zeal to reach the top ladder so as a pay back they perhaps do social work.... I'm sure it would not be acceptable to many....( do I already hear the roar of protests ).

Warm Regards,

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Raj Mohinder Pal Verma <> wrote:
Dear All

As per Manusmriti average life is 100 years. Saint Manu described phases of life as :

Brahmacharyashrama                        :     25 years                                           Grihasthasrama                                  :     25 years                                                  Vanaprasthasrama                             :      25 years                                                   Sanyashrama.                                      :     25 years

Converting in to Management Concepts with Life say 60  years (retirement life)

Gyan Ashram (Education)                   :    25 years                                                     Grihasth + Karam Ashram                   :    25 years                                         Vanaprasthasrama ( Mentor ship)      :    5   years                                             Sanyas Ashram                                    :    5   years and after 60 years

Succession Planning must start say at the age of 45-50 years and by reaching the age of 50 years you must have handed over your position in corporate and business to next generation. After 50 -55 years remain in mentor ship role and after 55 years disconnect yourself from mentor ship also and leave your successor alone to manage his / her affairs independently. You focus on CSR / Societal responsibilities. In some families this practice is prevalent where parents are given social responsibility  or advised to go for religious tours.


Raj Verma


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