[MTC Global] A Professor's Self- Appraisal

Dear All,


Ask these few simple questions to yourself at the end of the semester/academic year, and assess yourself………………


With respect to what is expected of me as a professor:

§  Did I prepare conveniently the classes?

§  Did I come to class on time? Did I go motivated or by mere compliance?

§  Did I correct/present the academic grades and other administrative documents on time?

§  Did I take the time to research and publish in academic journals? Did I seek to innovate in my research and contribute to the literature with my papers?


With respect to the others, students and colleagues:

§  Did I attend my students properly and with interest in their education?

§  How did I treat my peers? Did I willingly collaborate with them or did I just do the bare minimum required to meet my objectives?

§  Did I help other professors, for example from countries with fewer resources, to improve and publish, by providing my advice?

§  When a journal editor asked me to be a peer-reviewer, what did I do? Did I only accept if the journal had high impact factor?


With regard to myself and my goals:

§  Was I concerned about my training and reading to be a better teacher and researcher?

§  What was it that inspired my academic life: the others, improving the world, or else were the prestige and money?

§  Did I act as a professor normally in consciousness or was I driven by other motives such as obtaining publications, fear of losing the job, or what peers/students could say?

I understand that (academic) life is tough and stressful, and seeing how the things go in the world I’ll settle for the next course to fulfill my duties as a professor with students, to collaborate with my peers and to devote some time to study and research. And you?


Best Wishes…………

Educate, Empower, Elevate

Prof. Bholanath Dutta


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