Re: [ACEsthetics] Non Dental Posts on ACE

Read Bob's paragraph carefully; I think it says it all.  We're human beings first, dentists second.  Bob and I fell in love on the LVI and ACE forums, and nothing can keep us apart!

BTW, I use a 986Z (Course) for onlay preps.

From: Bob Perkins <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:13 AM
To: Ronald Smith <>
Cc: Gregory Sawyer <>, "Gary L. Henkel DDS MAGD" <>, Jack Weiss <>, Sander White <>, ACE <>
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Non Dental Posts on ACE

  Grant Ritchey is one of my best friends.  We live half a country apart but we have made a half dozen or so trips to hang out ONLY because of what we shared on this forum that was NON DENTAL.  Knowing what kind of diamond he likes to use when he is prepping for an onlay is great, but it doesn't transcend dentistry.  


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