Cameroonian leader snubbed Obasanjo over Bakassi – Duke

Cameroonian leader snubbed Obasanjo over Bakassi – Duke By Tunde Opeseitan/Lagos  Donald Duke Former Governor of Cross Rivers State, Donald Duke, on Monday, narrated the high-powered underground intrigues that characterised the...


Another Herakle farm or good news for Africa: Oyo state in Nigeria, Canadian firm sign $1.3bn (about 4 times Herakle farms in value) pact on mechanised agric

Oyo, Canadian firm sign $1.3bn pact on mechanised agricOctober 1, 2013 | Filed under: Company News | Posted by: Editor The Oyo State government has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) involving a sum of $1.3 billion with a Canadian agricultural company for the development of its agricultural sector. The Canadian firm is committing $1.3 billion towards the development of agriculture...


Re: [MTC Global] Corruption undermining higher education in India

Education is the prime element for social reforms.  Corruption cannot be done away with a group of people, with or without political backing. So first let us visualize a corruption free education system, the products coming out will then have a  cause for keeping away from corruption. But regretfully today, appointments can be obtained with out the necessary qualifications and...


terence fuam (@borosanghi) has sent you a direct message on Twitter!

@borosanghi - Its Cool! … o       ngwng gumne, You have a new direct message.         @media only screen and (max-width:...


Re: [MTC Global] Corruption undermining higher education in India

Dear all, Corruption unfortunately percolated down to our very character in our society.  It has in a way been accepted by common men and women alike. Large number of parents of daughters would be eager and happy to find a groom with earning capacity of potential to earn extra money. Most govt officials expect money for work or protection for noncompliance of laws. In a away it has become way...


[MTC Global]

A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Languages, like our bodies, are in a perpetual flux, and stand in need of recruits to supply those words that are continually falling through disuse.  -Cornelius Conway Felton, educator (1807-1862)  -- MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Management Teachers Consortium, Global"...


[MTC Global] 2 Days to go @ Sankalp 2013

Dear FriendsAs you are all aware, 3rd MTC Global Annual Convention (Sankalp 2013), dedicated to the memory of late Prof. Rooshikumar Pandya, is being held during 04-06 October 2013 in the natural surroundings at the sprawling 100 acres green campus of Aravali Gurukul Ashram, Jodhpur. Its theme ENVISIONING MANAGEMENT EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE is highly apt as a unique opportunity to learn for management...


RE:Apple Passes Coca-Cola as Most Valuable Brand

A New York Times Report. Apple Passes Coca-Cola as Most Valuable Brand By STUART ELLIOTT Published: September 29, 2013 APPLE is the new most valuable brand in the world, according to a closely followed annual report. ...


[MTC Global] Be Happy

Respected allBe Happy Negative Thinking Is As Importnt As Creative Thinking. because If Creative Thinking Invents Aeroplane, then Negative Thinking Invents Parachute. -- Thanks and Regards--Ashu JainAssistant ProfessorAmity University Founder - Udaan - The Motivation -- MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate --- You received this message because you are subscribed...


[MTC Global] Useful Tips to cure Back Pain

Dear friends,Good morning.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Useful...


[MTC Global] Thought for the day

Dear friends,Good morning."Good friendship is like a tree;It demands attention and care in the beginning.But once it blossoms, it provides shade and protectionin all situations in life"Have a happy day.With regards, Dr. K. Sampath Kumar,  B.A....

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