Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

That's certainly not the picture you were painting in your previous post.

From: Bob Perkins <>
To: Bruce Finnigan <>
Cc: "" <>; Dr. Jack P. Weiss <>; David R. Boag DDS <>; Dean Hutto DDS <>; John Highsmith <>; "Jeff L. Rodgers, DMD" <>; Rick Coker <>; Guy Moorman <>; ACEsthetics <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

well, Bruce...we were attacked by Japan on our soil.....let's skip that one

the Nazi's were hellbent on taking over the world (by attacking our allies and taking over their countries (France, etc.).  They were also determined to exterminate an entire demographic of society...and they did a pretty good job of it...6 million strong.  I think we determined that they were a direct threat to our national security...

Korea...that was questionable the way I see it....I can't debate it but I don't see how that served our nat'l interest in any real way....I think S. Korea should have called Ghostbusters on that one.

Vietnam...totaly waste of lives, money and time...Ho Chi Minh had 80% support ACROSS Vietnam...there were only 20% who opposed him.  Who in the eff were we to prop up a 20% minority??

Humanitarian aid...that is case by case....there are a million injustices being perpetrated by unjust regimes across the planet...if our mission is to right every wrong then we are going to need a lot bigger boat....we will have to devote our entire GDP to fighting wars.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Bruce Finnigan <> wrote:
So, you're saying we shouldn't have fought the Nazis and the Japanese in WWII or helped South Korea when the North invaded or helped Kuwait when they were invaded by Iraq or helped Kosovo and Macedonia when they were invaded by the Serbs. Who are countries going to call when they are in trouble, Ghostbusters?

From: Bob Perkins <>
To: "" <>
Cc: Dr. Jack P. Weiss <>; Bruce Finnigan <>; David R. Boag DDS <>; Dean Hutto DDS <>; John Highsmith <>; "Jeff L. Rodgers, DMD" <>; Rick Coker <>; Guy Moorman <>; ACEsthetics <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 3:52 PM

Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

and hey, what if during our "Civil War" as stupid as it was, what if other another nation had sailed in and decided to kill millions of Americans and blow up everything and tried to influence the outcome?  Would that be cool?  What if that country did that all the time..every few years or decades it just invaded other countries and imposed it's worldview/will on them? 

Would we be cool with that?

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Bob Perkins <> wrote:
I maintain that Congress and Powell were lied to... They were sold a bill of goods.  Still they need to take some blame.  Anyone who voted for W has to take blame!  Anyone who influenced his worldview is partly to blame.

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On Sep 26, 2013, at 12:21 PM, David Sultanov <> wrote:

No fan of the war, ended up helping Iran. Congress voted for it, which is above reproach if it happens to be for Obamacare, so I guess they are also included with the few.


Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 12:12:09 -0700

Don't know details about poison gas locations.  

But you might be one of the few people who justify our invading Iraq on the grounds that WMDs were found.  Even George W and Cheney admit that there was no proven WMD's in Iraq

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On Sep 26, 2013, at 12:00 PM, David Sultanov <> wrote:

Laura Bush agrees along with the rest of the world that WMDs were not found. If Hillary and Kerry were stupid enough to be so easily duped (although I remember Kerry talking about them before Bush was elected) should they have been sec of state? Where did Saddam get the poison gas from to hit the Kurds, this and my other questions are never answered.


Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:45:21 -0700

David, IRaq didn't have BLT's as we deceptively suggested.  Those are indisputable facts.... That even Laura Bush agrees with.

Hey, Reagan did some great things (IMO).  He definitely raised  the standing of the U.S. across the world and he greatly improved morale in this country.

Bush 41 was likable and tolerable.

Bush 43 drove the reputation of Americans into the ground.  He made us a shameful nation and he started a useless and u just war that killed millions (just like Lincoln).

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On Sep 26, 2013, at 11:32 AM, David Sultanov <> wrote:

Yea we do, Obama went on an apology tour soon after 1st election. Before Bush was even elected the Clinton administration was talking about Iraq having WMD's. Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds, so Bob is saying he must have used up his entire inventory and had none left, what are the chances? What was in those caravans of trucks going to Syria before we attacked, Toys for Tots. How did all the other NATO countries have the same intelligence on Iraq? I've discovered on ACE my bad is not an acceptable form of apology.


Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 12:28:51 -0500
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

   'Merica never apologizes, even when we're wrong.

From: Bob Perkins <>
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2013 12:10 PM
To: Bruce Finnigan <>
Cc: "David R. Boag, DDS" <>, "<>" <>, Jack Weiss <>, John Highsmith <>, Jeff Rodgers <>, Rick Coker <>, Guy Moorman <>, ACEsthetics <>
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

Those who voted to go to war, Hillary, and any and all of them, were duped and they were cowards!  I held Hillary responsible for her vote.  I held Colin Powell responsible.  He was a spineless puppet. Obama opposed it.

I am trashing Bush because I think he fabricated false intelligence to the world.  It was staged.  He was looking for a reason to invade... After it was confirmed that there were no BLT's, we stayed there and still slaughtered for 9 more years.

If I attacked you thinking you had hit my sister and then I found out that it wasn't you who hit my sister, would I continue attacking you and pummeling you?  This is why many hate America.  

Wouldn't we apologize and say, sorry, my bad?

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On Sep 26, 2013, at 9:46 AM, Bruce Finnigan <> wrote:

You are so right, Bush acted unilaterally on the invasion of Iraq. Congress voted 100% against it, right.
Nancy Pelosi spoke out about the fallaciousness of the WMD, right?
Harry Reid was against it as well, right?
Here is a take on the Democrat's complicity in the Iraq invasion - despite all of their lies to the contrary. It is from a progressive news source.
Clinton, Biden, Edwards et al voted for this war. So, please, for the sake of honesty, drop this canard that Bush was solely at fault. Our entire government was at fault.
From: Bob Perkins <>
To: "David R. Boag, DDS" <>
Cc: "<>" <>; Bruce Finnigan <>; Jack Weiss <>; John Highsmith <>; Jeff Rodgers <>; Rick Coker <>; Guy Moorman <>; ACEsthetics <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs


I am just saying that Kraut's claims cannot be considered unbiased or even accurate.  I am sure if you asked Obama if he violated the constitution he would say "No".  Kraut's is a characterization of the event.  I am not saying I know one way another but let's not forget that many "reputable" R's have made claims that Obama is a muslim and a non citizen. 

If Obama does break Constitutional laws then he should be held accountable.  But, c'mon, this is nickels and dimes.  Bush took us into a 10 year war that killed millions with false info (that he knew was false).  Selective enforcement of immigration laws (if he is guilty of that) is small potatoes. 

I read Will's piece as well on Cruz.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 4:39 AM, David R. Boag, DDS <> wrote:
Interesting that you could read this:

In 2012, the immigration service was ordered to cease proceedingsagainst young illegal immigrants brought here as children. Congress had refused to pass such a law (the DREAM Act) just 18 months earlier. Obama himself had repeatedly said that the Constitution forbade him from enacting it without Congress. But with the fast approach of an election that could hinge on the Hispanic vote, Obama did exactly that. Unilaterally.

And yet you say this:

I just read Krauthammer's article.  It is not clear that Obama has broken any law, Constitutional or otherwise, from reading that piece.  IF Obama is breaking the law then I will condemn it in every way.  I don't see how Obama, a Consititutional scholar, would deliberately contradict the Constitution.  Again, IF he is then I will find it reprehensible.

I find this fascinating. From his own mouth, this "Constitutional scholar" has said that it forbids him from doing what he is doing. So is he a lousy scholar, or is he contradicting it? You can't have it both ways. He is either incompetent in his knowledge of the Constitution--the very document that is his primary charge to protect and defend and the one of which he is a so-called "scholar"--or he knows what it says, but has decided to do what it forbids. And even if he is the former and he is misguided on what the Constitution says--and has repeatedly said so so

Bob S. Perkins D.D.S.

Bob S. Perkins D.D.S.


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