Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

   Why is it that its really only been THIS president that raising the debt ceiling has been such a big issue. Since 1960, there have been 7 Republican 4 yr terns and we are in the 6th Democratic term. The republicans have raised the debt ceiling 49 times to the Democrats 29 times. Reagan raised it the most number of times, SEVENTEEN times, nearly TRIPLING the debt. Bush 1 raised it 4 times in 4 years, while his son raised it 7 times in his two terms, nearly doubling the debt. Clinton and Obama, including this one, has raised it 4 times in 8 and 7 yrs respectively. Obama has increased the debt by 26% after the third time. Look at this site. Its the Republicans that doubled and tripled the debt. Clintons 8 yrs and Obama's 7 yrsa are less than any of the Republicans did  in four years.                  There was no big fight when any of the other presidents did it because it was bad for the country to default, and everyone knew it. Its only this president that it has become an issue. 
     Just more Republican truthiness.

From: Bruce Finnigan <>
Reply-To: Bruce Finnigan <>
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2013 4:37 PM
To: Jack Weiss <>, "" <>
Cc: "David R. Boag, DDS" <>, Bob Perkins <>, "<>" <>, John Highsmith <>, Rick Coker <>, Guy Moorman <>, ACEsthetics <>
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

How do you reconcile what you write about Republican intransigence when it is reported that Obama called Boehner and said he is not going to negotiate over the budget and the debt ceiling. This was reported in all the non-Fox News media.

From: Jack Weiss <>
To:; "" <>
Cc: "David R. Boag, DDS" <>; Bob Perkins <>; "<>" <>; John Highsmith <>; Rick Coker <>; Guy Moorman <>; ACEsthetics <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

   Bruce, I agree, we need to get a better control on the deficit, no question. However, when one side won't even discuss raising the tax on the top 1%, the very people that have done so well over the past 20 years, mores so than the other 99%, then they are putting the burden on the poor. All the Demos are saying is lets go back to the Clinton tax rate, not 50%, not 90% where it once was, but just back to the Clinton years. Instead, the Right refuses to negotiate.
     Everything should be on the table, even a tax hike, coupled with a budget cut. Remember , every Repub presidential nomination said they would veto a bill with a 10:1 budget cut to tax increase. That's plain stupid and intransigent. Every economist said it needs to be cuts and a tax hike. Neither cuts nor tax hikes  will work alone. Moderate republican and Democrats could come to an agreement. Unfortunately, the Right wing of the Repubs have taken control and have prevented meaningful discussions.

From: Bruce Finnigan <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2013 11:58 AM
To: Jack Weiss <>, "" <>
Cc: "David R. Boag, DDS" <>, Bob Perkins <>, "<>" <>, John Highsmith <>, Rick Coker <>, Guy Moorman <>, ACEsthetics <>
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

This is where you are wrong. We have to balance the budget. Cuts will need to come from everywhere - everywhere. Spending will have to be curtailed. The debt limit has to cease being increased. Spending is crack to congress. Upping the debt ceiling is like giving congress more crack.
Right now, the biggest line item in the federal budget is national defense. #2 is entitlement programs (social security, medicare, etc.) #3 is the interest on the public debt. Within the next few years, the interest on the public debt will be the #1 line item. I believe that in 20 years, it will dwarf all forms of budget sending combined - all of it - national defense, entitlements, etc - all of it combined.
Yet, the guy in the White House wants to increase the debt limit on the budget. Do you seriously think this is a good thing? Seriously?

From: Jack Weiss <>
To:; "" <>
Cc: "David R. Boag, DDS" <>; Bob Perkins <>; "<>" <>; John Highsmith <>; Rick Coker <>; Guy Moorman <>; ACEsthetics <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

   See Bruce, this is where you are wrong. Its not about reducing the debt or balancing the budget. Its bout HOW to do it. One side wants to spread the cuts out with more of the burden going on those that can afford it, on those who have done EXTREMELY well over the past 20 years. The other side (or maybe the more extreme wing, but they are calling the shots) want to make more of the cuts on the middle class and poor, by cutting food stamps, by decreasing unemployment benefits, by cutting school lunch programs. 
    I've always believed that both sides, or at least the moderates on both sides, want the same thing for the country. Its how we get there that's the difference.

From: Bruce Finnigan <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2013 11:21 AM
To: "" <>, Jack Weiss <>
Cc: "David R. Boag, DDS" <>, Bob Perkins <>, "<>" <>, John Highsmith <>, Rick Coker <>, Guy Moorman <>, ACEsthetics <>
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

You are right! Only mindless fanatics would want a balanced budget and a managed national debt. We all know that it is good and moral to saddle our kids with an onerous debt burden and the prospects of default. That is the smart way to manage our country's finances and our own finances.

From: Jeff Rodgers <>
Cc: "David R. Boag, DDS" <>; Bob Perkins <>; "<>" <>; Bruce Finnigan <>; John Highsmith <>; Rick Coker <>; Guy Moorman <>; ACEsthetics <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Healthcare costs

Yes…those freaking Tea Party morons that only want to spend money they have.  They are freaking destroying America.  If they were smart they would realize that doubling the national debt every 8 years is the way to get this economy cranked up and whirring.  Haven't they EVER seen a Michael Moore movie?  Freaking idiots.  Plus you know GWB was a moron.  W really should be M for moron.

And wait a sec…Cruz is stupid too.



Jeff L. Rodgers, DMD, PC
Atlanta, GA

On Sep 26, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Jack Weiss <> wrote:

The problem is that the Tea Patiers

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