Re: Re: [MTC Global] Corruption undermining higher education in India

Unbelievable? In the country of Gandhiji, in the name of Gandhiji, under his
nose, what has been happening in India since independence? Education sector has
become wealth creating sector and every body is after it to mint money. Nothing
surprising when our model ministers are involved in such corrupt practices.

This corruption in education is going on since long. The country where the
corruption has entered into education sector-the sector that gets corrupted the
last- it is an acid test the whole country is embraced by corrupt-cancer.

Jai Ho!




On Tue, 01 Oct 2013 14:54:24 +0530 wrote
>Dear Professors and Eminent Academicians
What Professor Bholanath Dutta is absolutely right. The corruption is luting the
academic scenario in the country and hence the quality has been deeply fallen
down to ditches. 

Let me make it clear about the verdicts made beloved Prof. Dutta, it is true
that the appointment is purely made on the basis of money paid the one who wish
to become a Vice Chancellors of Universities. 

Some information about the appointment of various positions in the Universities

Vice Chancellors  -                                                            
                                                    Rs. 15 - 50 Crores
Syndicate Members nominated by the The Honourable Governor(Chancellor)          
                                   Rs. 25.00 to 50.00 Lakhs

                                                            Rs. 8 - Rs. 10

Professors and Head of the Departments                                          
                         Rs. 25 - 50 Lakhs.

Just couple of days before I happened to meet a sincere employee of a leading
universities in Tamilnadu.
According to the information received 
The Benevolent Vice Chancellor of the particular University had prepared a list
and respective demands by those who approach him for things to get done.

Grating Centre for Participating Programmes                                    
       Rs. 10.00 Lakhs (in fact the fees this is Rs. 1.00) 
Additional Courses (Based on the demand for the course)                    Rs.
5.00 to 10.00 New Institution affiliation                                      
                                             Rs. 25.00 
Purchases made by university its various departments                        
20.00 percent to 30 percent on the value of the                                
Unqualified personnels are placed in the top category asDirectors/Deans/Heads of
the Dept by collecting                                      Rs. 25.00 Rs. 50.00

Please note some of the officers even do not know the basic rules and
regulations of the University, poor in communication, and in fact they
themselves declare that they are in power steering positions of the University.
They act as the collection agents for the vice Chancellors. Apart from the above
the respective Minister must also be paid the respective share from the above

I am surprised how a person charged in a smuggling case and put in Tihar Prison.
Do the government is aware or unaware of it?    

If this is the situation how come we prove ourselves that we are talented in the
Global Level and compete with rest of the world. 

It is well noticed that only because of few dedicated institutions and honest
faculty members we are able to produce quality candidates to the corporate

My sincere and humble request to all the members of the forum is let us keep
ourselves from this act and continue to do the best to the students and
education arena.

Thanks for this opportunity to share my view to the subject taken by Prof.
Bholanath Dutta                                         

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Corruption undermining higher education in IndiaBy M Anandakrishnan [The writer
is chairman, Board of Governors of IIT Kanpur]
People of India are deeply concerned about the form and extent of corruption in
almost all walks of life. What is particularly alarming is the conspicuous
corruption in higher education undermining the foundations of society. It has
become so pervasive, making it difficult to assess the root causes.
The general perception, however, is that the increasing degree of political
interference in higher education is a dominant factor. It occurs in many
insidious forms, making it appear almost legitimate.
For instance, the state legislations on appointment of Vice-chancellors (V-C).
In a few states, the chancellor, who is generally the governor, is required to
consult the state government in selecting the name of a person from the panel
submitted by the search committee. It is an open secret in some states that the
ministers demand from the persons in the panel to shell out a few crores to be
appointed as V-C. Currently, in one state the amount ranges from Rs 5 crore for
smaller universities to Rs 50 crore for large universities with hundreds of
affiliated colleges.
V-C aspirants accept the bait as the amount could later be collected from the
affiliated colleges and from the various appointments and promotions in the
university. It is sad that in several instances the chancellor/governor is also
known to indulge in such collections through intermediaries. It is not difficult
to see the spiralling effect of such a practice deeply penetrating every level
of the academia.
For aided colleges, the state education ministers delay the sanction of faculty
positions against existing vacancies till the college managements pay up the
amount on the basis of number of vacancies. The logic is the managements should
collect the amount from the selected teachers. The teacher in turn would engage
in all forms of illicit practices to recoup the sum from the students and
others. This is one reason for many competent persons not choosing to apply to
some of the aided colleges.
Likewise, stories about demands made on PhD scholars by research guides sound
like fiction but, unfortunately, are too widespread to be ignored. Besides
demanding sexual favours, thesis supervisors and examiners extract sizeable sums
from the helpless students before final approval.
Another cause for concern is the corruption in granting approval for new
institutions. Many worthless institutions had obtained the status of deemed
universities through bribing. So is the case with technical institutions.
Of late, the establishment of private universities under state legislatures has
become a lucrative venue for huge illicit collections in some states. Many such
universities tend to resist any form of regulation to maintain quality and
standards of academic programmes. Hopefully, the proposed mandatory
accreditation process will help raise the credibility of academic programmes of
such institutions.
These are matters that need urgent attention at a time when the higher education
system is poised for a steep growth. Fortunately, such undesirable practices are
confined only to a few states in the country, though the number of institutions
and persons affected are significantly large. In general, the institutions under
the purview of the Central government are largely, though not entirely, free
from such atrocious practices. Examples of several Central, state and private
institutions which have demonstrated their ability to function unaffected in
such a vicious environment can be emulated by others.
Fortunately, the regulatory authorities concerned with higher education at the
Central level and in some of the progressive states are conscious of the
prevailing malady and hopefully some of their initiatives will bear fruit.
Educate, Empower, Elevate
Prof. Bholanath Dutta


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