Scarcity of "Ibo coco"cause hikes in food prices

The result of the disappearance of the coco yam species commonly called Ibo coco has attracted hikes in other foodstuffs. This situation has worsened things for many who consumed Ibo coco, which used to be in abundance during the rainy season, as a substitute to plantains, maize, and other species of coco yams because of their high cost.

The population now has to grabble with hikes in the prices of most foodstuffs as a consequence of Ibo coco scarcity. Most of the farmers had discovered that the lack of colocassia may become a problem to them and preferred to allow their corn for their families.

Although no official statement has been made either by MINADER or IRAD on the blight, some agric workers are concerned with the situation in the field.
The 1 minute film ( on the link below)  " Bring Back Ibo Coco" is an attempt to presume the causes of the disappearance of  the food crop and possible solutions. This is also to call on the International community to probe into the matter for an urgent solution before it becomes the turn of other food crops. Food security is at stake.
Click on this link and share the video to as many people as possible.

Together, Let's Bring Back Ibo coco"

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