[MTC Global] Student-centred teaching practices

The author seems surprised when she titles her article, "An Indian School that Demonstrates 21st Century Education".
*:)) laughing

<"My role in the classroom is not to deliver content," Newcomb says. "It's all about listening -- and listening some more. You listen to find out, what do students wonder about? What are their frustrations, their passions? My job is to listen and then make connections, to turn them into knowledgeable networkers as opposed to knowledgeable workers."
Newcomb credits a former colleague from an international school in Venezuela with teaching her about the importance of relationships: "A teacher named Rich Lehrer taught me that the connection with kids is the first and only thing that's important," she says.>


Best wishes.
The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. ~ Herbert Spencer

Dr Vinod Dumblekar 
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