RE: [MTC Global] On the job learning Vs MBA

Dear All,

Wish you all and honorable members of this forum a Happy and Healthy New year 2014.

Perhaps, Dr.R.P.Singh has made a made a significant comment regarding the PhD guide; that one of the co-guide should be an industry/ professional expert guide or faculty with PhD and industry background with at least 10 years experience, besides Academic Guide from the university stream.

The PhD work should be preceded by a one semester research foundation course that contains advanced subjects, research methodology and statistics followed by a case study and a comprehensive exam. It should emphasize new knowledge base creation, application of research methodology, genuine data collection (primary and secondary) and research outcomes. Each chapter development should be shared in a seminar with other faculty and scholars and students, assesed by external expert and blind review by the scholar in the presence of the guides. We follow this procedure at our university. We should ensure its applicability for society and industrial/ corporate opportunities or that could be used as models for further research! The honest and professional approach is conspicuously lacking. And perhaps , as I gather from the mails that many Universities have become PhD generating factories with no regulation in quality, since it has become mandatory to have that qualification for a proper recruitment as Assistant professors in deemed, state and central universities!

This forum with so many experienced and well versed persons, can become an active body to suggest UGC on education and research in management higher education on regular basis and I would request and urge Dr. Bholanath Dutta and other long time members to initiate efforts in that direction so that it can make their presence felt for a larger cause of improvements.

warm regards,
New Delhi

Subject: RE: [MTC Global] On the job learning Vs MBA
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 12:39:23 +0530

Dear all,

Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2014.

I  fully agree   with Dr Prabhakar on the quality of Research in the country today.  Ph D theses  in many cases have been  inferior than even MBA summer training reports unfortunately. I have personally experienced  that  during my  30 years interaction with many Ph D Scholars and MBA summer interns incidentally.

I have also seen many a  Ph D scholars, including some of them being faculty members themselves in  colleges,  distributing data collection instruments directly photocopied from  books, without much relevance with the topic. Many Ph Ds are awarded by  universities on the reports prepared by  scholars on the so called  studies of very common topics in single  organisations with very small sample sizes.

I remember one of the Ph D  Candidate accepting to me candidly  that it had not added to his intellectual knowledge / competence  at all  on the day he was awarded the degree.

The standardization in Ph D is woefully lacking. Some effort has been made by UGC in this direction recently but much more innovative initiatives are desired. 

I am afraid, how many Ph D guides are really masters of the subjects on which they are guiding the scholars. They can not  even be expected either. The need for introducing the  concept of Professional co-guide, an expert on the topic, alongwith Academic Guide  is of paramount importance today, specially in management education, to improve the quality of research and learnings to the scholars. 

I understand, some universities have taken such initiatives. I hope many others  will initiate many more innovative approaches to improve the quality of research in the country.


Dr R P Singh

Asstt Vice President - HR & RTC, J K Cement

Regional Vice President - NR, NIPM ( 2010-12)
Fellow and Past President, ISTD,

 Mb 98298 53910 ; 8764311915

Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2013 18:51:30 +0000
Subject: Re: Re: [MTC Global] On the job learning Vs MBA

Let me cite a few cases of PhDs:

In 1985 I returned from IIT, KGP and my friend told me he has received PhD in Personnel
Management from the University, his hypothesis was those students who completed PT Diploma
from the Correspondence Cell Institute of the State were well placed in life, his sample was
25 students and a questionnaire.
One IIT offered PhD in Humanity sometimes during 1995-98 on Quality Factors of Technical
Education, use of a questionnaire, the factors having highest frequency were proposed as
quality factors of Technical Education.
During 1988-92, I had an opportunity to go through one PhD thesis in Economics of the a
University in Maharashtra. The hypothesis was Sahyadri Sugar Factory at Karad has improved the
standard of living of the people. Sample size 12, against 1200 workforce, the candidate could
not answer some queries on balance sheet prepared by somebody else; a part of thesis.

Let me put on record that universities in Maharashtra and Southern States stopped appointinmg
me as PhD/ME/M Tech/MBA examiner because I could not compromise with quality.


On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 09:53:29 +0530 wrote
>Dear MTCians,
The issue raised by Dr.Bholnatha on On the Job Learning vs.MBA
Unfortunately, today's class room learning and education are limited to theoretical studies
only, whether it is Engineering or Management discipline. Leave alone the students, what about
the knowledge level of the faculty members who teach Management and Engineering ? Are they
exposed to practical experience as to what is required in industries once the students who are
taught by them come out of the college NEST?

 The faculty members before getting their doctorate degrees, prepare a nice questionnaire and
post it to several industries and request them to fill and send back which they will use for
the purpose of submission to the examining authorities.These questionnaires are mostly not
self made but downloaded from Google and several Websites.Such questionnaires contain issues
such as Method of recruitment, Training & Development, Attitudinal aspects, Growth prospects,
Canteen and other welfare administration, Product range and market trend, Competitors,
Industrial relations problems, Turn over of the company, Union-Mgt relations prevailing in
that particular industry where they are collating the data.

Once they submit the questionnaires duly filled, it satisfies the Project requirements for
their doctorates. How it really helps the candidate in knowing and understanding the
intricacies of Management or the Engineering  aspects of an industry? Unless they undergo
practical exposure on line in the shop floor they cannot learn anything which is actually
required of an  engineering or a management graduate. What is that they can teach the students
in the management  institutions? MBAs must  be Master of Business Administration and not
Master of BAD Administration.

MBA degrees were once deemed as a coveted degrees but nowadays it is available at a call. Not
that the entire MBA population is average or below average, but there are also outstanding
candidates who do well and excel in their studies  and become efficient managers also. A
situation must come when  all the MBAs become professionals or small entrepreneurs or
management consultants.  Nowadays we find 50 to 60 % of the MBA graduates are hunting for jobs
and underemployed. Students cannot be blamed for this. It is the curriculum that matters.

What is required is more of practical learning rather than of theoretical learning.Regards,

V.NAGARAJAN, B.A., LL.B.,PGDBA, PGDCA,Corporate Trainer & HR Consultant,
Motivational & Keynote Speaker,General Manager-HR (Retd.) TTK Prestige Limited, Hosur,
Former President & Advisor - National HRD Network, Hosur Chapter,(Mobile) +91 9994919619e-
Mail Id:

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 11:43 PM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta wrote:

Graduate degrees, including the MBA, have proliferated in subjects and fields where on-the-job
learning used to be standard. Instead of being paid to learn, you must now pay to learn. So
careers which used to stretch from college graduation at 21 to retirement at 65 are now
compressed between graduate school graduation in your late 20s and early retirement in your
early 50s. You now have two decades to maximise your lifetime earnings rather than four.

The questions this poses for MBA programmes are ethical ones. Do they provide sufficient value
to students whose career spans are shrinking? Is it right for them to charge what they do for
the service they provide? Or are they peddling a qualification which has simply transferred
the burden of educating managers from companies to individuals, who now have ever decreasing
time left to cover its cost?

Prof. Bholanath DuttaFounder, President & ConvenerMTC Global: ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

Participant: United Nations Global Compact
Website: /

Cell: +91 96323 18178 



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