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On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 4:01 PM, Valy Nfon Tameh <> wrote:
Tried in vain to access your breaking news, which has actually been the hottest rumour on the beat these last three weeks in Bamenda. Can you "decode" it before sending it again to the forum so that some of us with mastodons for computer paraphernalia can also benefit from the bit? I mean the Pa Yong snippet, please.
On Monday, December 30, 2013 2:25 PM, Eugene Nforngwa <> wrote:
Pa Yong is dead? Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 5:58 AM, Mishe Fon <> wrote:
--I wear glasses when I read and I know Google translation when I see or read one. This Cameroon Government 1968 Law on "Nationality" was translated by seasoned "Bernard Fonlon" types. The English is by and large well written BUT I am one hundred percent certain this translation is of another document and not the Nationality Code Decree of 1968. Come to think of it...You mean the Federal Parliament in those days were actually doing Government Legislative work as opposed to present day hand clappers? I am impressed....READ the English translation here below and tell me if I am behaving like Goal keeper Shawa of PWD Kumba or Fielding of Cammark Abakwa who when they were accused of having chopped "Soya" from an opposing team, will complain after their teams are defeated that "we be dey see three balls at the same time and did not know which one to catch. Their Mungang be trong pass we own".Mishe FonLoi n° 68-LF-3 du 11 juin 1968 portant Code de la Nationalité Camerounaise*CHAPITRE PREMIERDISPOSITIONS GENERALESDecree n° 1968 DF-478 of the 16th December 1968 to Establish Rules ofProcedure Under the Nationality Code, THE PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC,Mindful of the Constitution of the 1st September-1961; Mindful of law No. 68-LF-3 of the 11th June 1968 to set up the Cameroon Nationality Code:HERERY DECREES AS FOLLOWS:Article premierLa loi détermine quels individus ont, à leur naissance, la nationalité camerounaise à titre de nationalité d´origine.CHAPTER I: Procedure for the acquisition of Cameroon Nationality by marriage.
The declaration provided for by section 36 (a) the Nationality Code shall be signed in three copies before the President of the District Court or the Judge of the Magistrates Court or the diplomatic or consular representative Cameroon abroad either before or at the latest, at the moment of celebration of the marriage between a Cameroonian and a foreign woman or one presumed to be foreign. The original of this declaration shall be transmitted to the civil status registrar responsible for the celebration of the marriage, the second copy shall be handed to the declarant and the third copy shall be gummed in a special register.Article 2La nationalité camerounaise s´acquiert ou se perd après la naissance, par l´effet de la loi ou par une décision de l´autorité publique prise dans les conditions fixées par la loi.Article 2(1) Before the celebration of marriage, the civil status registrar shall inform the woman whom he presumes to be foreign of the conditions for the acquisition of Cameroon nationality.(2) He shall notify her in particular of the provisions sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Nationality Code.Article 3Les dispositions relatives à la nationalité contenues dans les traités ou accords internationaux dûment ratifiés et publiés s´appliquent au Cameroun, même si elles sont contraires aux dispositions de la législation camerounaise.Article 3) After the celebration of marriage, the civil status registrar shall transmit to the Ministry of Justice, within the month following the celebration, a copy of the marriage registration together with the declaration made by the foreign woman for the purposes of registration.Article 4La date de la majorité, au sens du présent code, est l´âge de vingt et un ans accomplis.Article 4) Where the marriage is celebrated by a foreign civil status registrar, the competent diplomatic or consular representative of Cameroon shall be responsible for implementing the provisions of articles 2 and 3.Article 5L´attribution ou l´acquisition de la nationalité camerounaise s´étend de plein droit aux enfants mineurs non mariés de l´individu considéré.Article 5) The spouses may themselves ensure and undertake 1 need be the transmission provided for in article 3.CHAPITRE IIDE L´ATTRIBUTION DE LA NATIONALITE CAMEROUNAISE A TITRE DE NATIONALITE D´ORIGINEParagraphe premier : En raison de la filiationArticle 6Est camerounais:* Source: Journal official de la République fédérale du Cameroun, 15 juillet 1968(1) The registration of the declaration referred to 1 section 36 (a) shall be refused if the person concerned does not satisfy the conditions laid down by law or if he does not comply with the prescribed procedure.(2) This decision of refusal, showing the grounds therefor shall be notified to the declarant who may where applicable make a new declaration in accordance with the prescribed procedure.a) enfant légitime né de parents camerounais;b) enfant naturel, lorsque les deux parents à l´égard desquels sa filiation a été établie sont camerounais.Article 6(1) The registration of the declaration referred to 1 section 36 (a) shall be refused if the person concerned does not satisfy the conditions laid down by law or if he does not comply with the prescribed procedure.(2) This decision of refusal, showing the grounds therefore shall be notified to the declarant who may where applicable make a new declaration in accordance with the prescribed procedure.Article 7Est camerounais:a) enfant légitime dont l´un des parents est camerounais;b) enfant naturel, lorsque celui de ses parents à l´égard duquel la filiation a d´abord été établie est camerounais, si l´autre parent est de nationalité étranger, sauf la faculté pour le miner de répudier la nationalité camerounaise dans les six mois précédant sa majorité s´il n´est pas né au Cameroun ou s´il peut, conformément à la loi nationale de cet étranger, se prévaloir de la nationalité de celui-ci.Article 7) If, within the six months following the celebration of marriage, there has been neither a decision to refuse registration nor a decree establishing the opposition of the Government, the Minister of Justice shall transmit to the declarant, at his request, an attestation having the force of a registration of the declaration.Article 8Est camerounais:a) L´enfant légitime d´une mère camerounaise et d´un père qui n´a pas de nationalité ou dont la nationalité est inconnue;b) L´enfant naturel, lorsque celui de ses parents à l´égard duquel la filiation a été établie en second lieu est camerounais, si l´autre parent n´a pas de nationalité ou si sa nationalité est inconnue.Article 8) The validity of a registered declaration may be contested at any time by the Legal Department or by any person concerned. In this case, the Legal Department shall be made a party to the suit.Paragraphe 2 : En raison de la naissance au CamerounCHAPTER II Conditions for the examination of applications for naturalization and restoration.Article 9Est camerounais l´enfant né au Cameroun de parents inconnus. Toutefois, il sera réputé n´avoir jamais été camerounais si, au cours de sa minorité, sa filiation est établie à l´égard d´un étranger, et s´il a, conformément à la loi nationale de cet étranger, la nationalité de celui-ci.Article 9(1) An application for naturalization shall be addressed to the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals.(2) The applicant must set out clearly in his application the grounds for his desire to acquire Cameroon nationality.(3) The following documents shall be enclosed with the application:1. The curriculum vitae of the applicant;2. A copy of his birth registration;3. A copy of his marriage registration or civil status booklet, where applicable;4. Copies of the birth registrations of his minor, unmarried children;5. Where applicable, any document allowing it to be determined in full knowledge of the facts that the measure requested is justified from a national point of view.Article 10L´enfant nouveau-né trouvé au Cameroun est présumé, jusqu´à preuve du contraire, né au Cameroun.Article10(1) The Minister of Justice shall cause a police inquiry to be conducted into the morals, conduct and loyalty of the person concerned, his degree of assimilation to the Cameroonian Community and the interest of his naturalization from a national point of view.(2) He shall cause to be delivered the No, 2 bulletin of the police records of the applicant who shall furthermore be subject to a medical examination of his physical and mental capacities by a board, the composition and functioning of which shall be fixed by joint order of the Minister of Justice and the authority in charge of Public Health.(3) The Minister of Justice shall request the opinion of the Minister in Charge of Federal Territorial Administration with regard to the naturalization application thus constituted.Article 11Est camerounais, sauf faculté de répudier cette qualité dans les six mois précédant sa majorité:a) L´enfant légitime né au Cameroun de parents étrangers si l´un d´eux y est lui-même né;b) L´enfant naturel, né au Cameroun, lorsque celui des parents étrangers à l´égard duquel la filiation a d´abord été établie y est lui-même né.Article 11The Minister of Justice may declare the application to be unacceptable through a decision which shall be notified to the applicant.Article 12La nationalité camerounaise est en outre acquise de plein droit, par le seul fait de la naissance sur le territoire camerounais, à toute personne ne pouvant se prévaloir d´aucune autre nationalité d´origine.Article 12In case of the admissibility of the application, a duty of 30,000 francs shall be paid to the Treasury before signature of the decree of naturalization.Paragraphe 3 : Dispositions communesArticle 131) L´enfant camerounais en vertu des dispositions du présent chapitre est réputé avoir été camerounais dès sa naissance, même si l´existence des conditions requises par la loi pour l´attribution de la nationalité camerounaise n´est établie que postérieurement à sa naissance.2) Toutefois, dans ce dernier cas, l´attribution de la qualité de camerounais dès la naissance ne porte pas atteinte à la validité des actes passés par l´intéressé ni aux droits acquis à des tiers sur le fondement de la nationalité apparents possédée par l´enfant.Article 13(1) An application for restoration shall be addressed to the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals.(2) The following documents shall be enclosed with the application:1. A copy of the enactment whereby the applicant was granted foreign nationality;2. any paper or document establishing that he was in possession of the status of Cameroonian national;3. A certificate of residence issued by the Mayor or Sub-Prefect of his place of residence;4. The curriculum vitae of the applicant;5. A copy of his birth registration;6. A copy of his marriage registration or civil status booklet where applicable;7. Copies of the birth registrations of his minor unmarried children;8. A medical certificate not more than three months old.Article 14La filiation ne produit effet en matière d´attribution de la nationalité camerounais que si elle établie dans les conditions déterminées par la législation ou les coutumes camerounaises.Article 14.For the purposes of sections 26 and 28 of the Nationality Code, "probationary period" means the obligations referred to in section 25 (b), (c) and (d) of that Code, subject to the justification of residence provided for by section 28.Article 15La filiation de l´enfant naturel n´a d´effet sur la nationalité de celui-ci que si elle est établie durant sa minorité.Article 15: Proof of Nationality before the Courts.(1) The burden of proof in matters of nationality shall rest with the party who, by an action or by an incidental plea of defence, claims that he possesses or does not possess Cameroon nationality.(2) Provided that the burden of proof shall he transferred to the party who, by the same means, disputes the Cameroon nationality of a person in possession of a certificate of Cameroon nationality issued in pursuance of section 42 of the Nationality Code.(3) Refusal to deliver a certificate nationality shall be established by an attestation of the authorities referred to in section 42 of the Nationality Code.Article 16Les dispositions contenues dans l´article 11 ci-dessus ne sont pas applicables aux enfants nés au Cameroun des agents diplomatiques ou des consuls de carrière de nationalité étrangère. Ces enfants ont toutefois la faculté d´acquérir volontairement la qualité de camerounais conformément aux dispositions de l´article 20 ci-après.Article 16Proof of a declaration to acquire nationality shall be established by the production of a registered copy of such declaration or, failing this, of an attestation delivered by the Minister of Justice, either certifying that this declaration has been duly signed and registered or issued in lieu of registration.
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