Where is that Santa Sub-shection Preshident?
Porotique na Njangi, where are you?
Come Out..let me show you something!
I know you read Frogese.
See this below.
This is an STILL CUT of a La Republique document pertaining to a
region, two regions actually, where some mineral has been uncovered.
See What it says.
That for the next 25-30 years the MINE company will pay USD 700.000 to
local councils.
That the MINE Company will pay 0.75% of its Net Revenue to the regions
involved for their PERSONAL UPKEEP.
Jobs, etc etc.
Then I ask you: How much have you and your PALS paid to Victoria and
the SW+NW for every barrel of oil since 1978.
You see why Self-Government is imperative?
I hope you are not in one of your DENSE moods.
No, you do see.

Gestion de l'impact social :

- Mise en Ĺ“uvre du Plan de Gestion environnemental et Social (PGES)
dès à présent;

- Mise en place d'un Fonds de Soutien aux Communautés Locales;

- US$ 700 milles par an, dès le début des travaux de construction,
pour les projets communautaires.

- 0,75% des profits nets après impôts de chaque société de projet sera
prélevé pour le financement à long terme du Fonds de Soutien aux

Développement régional

- Étude, dès 2013, pour un schéma directeur d'aménagement de l'Est et le Sud;

- Mise en place d'un Fonds Spécial de Développement de l'Est et le Sud (FSDES);

- Investissement de US$ 800 millions pendant cinq (5), dès le début
des travaux de construction, pour la construction des infrastructures
de base. Cam Iron contribuera pour US$ 100 millions et l'Etat pour US$
700 millions pour la période;

- 0,75% de la commission de la société de commercialisation du minerai
sera retenue pour le financement à long terme du FSDES;

- US$ 112 millions pour le bitumage de la route du projet, de Mbalam à
Kribi, dès la fin des travaux de construction;

- D'autres ressources tirées du tarif des services de la mine, du
chemin de fer et du terminal portuaire vont également alimenter le

On 12/31/13, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
> Government and governance or governing = the use of commonwealth
> resources to provide basic services unto the governed.
> The governed can only be folks living within their own legit territory
> which territory has recognition under International Law.
> Basic services = schools+hospitals+roads+jobs+the economic wellbeing.
> Government and governance or governing is not about gendarmes+military
> governors+unelected sous prefets and subservience or public order.
> And whenever a government becomes destructive to the provision of
> basic services it behooves upon the citizenry to rise up in MIGHT and
> abrogate that government.
> Especially when the so-called government is nothing but a colonial
> contraption enforcing
> colonisation+neocolonisation+assimilation+anexation+subjugation+slavery
> and enslavement+economic cleansing+structural violence+genocide on
> the annexed and the colonised.
> International Law speaks of self-determination or the right of every
> people to cast out colonissation and modern slavery.
> In that lofty quest for self-gvernment.
> In the picture attached do note that the enslaved children are in BLUE&
> Just as Freedomland is about the blue skies of a FREE and FREED PEOPLE.
> On 12/30/13, jtagne <> wrote:
>> Massa Agbor
>> More and more interesting. ..Please let him know that again about our
>> unified Cameroon. ..
>> Tell him that in his USA Denver for instance people self govern reason
>> why
>> they can grow and sell their green while in Virginia they can't for now
>> all
>> this in the same country call America.
>> Hahaha I may join your party with my good friend Sam Esale former what so
>> ever of this evil regime of biya paul call cpdm. ..
>> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note® II, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: Agbor Enow Augustine <>
>> Date: 12/30/2013 11:22 (GMT-05:00)
>> To:,
>> Cc:,Cameroon SDF
>> <>
>> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] My 2014 Challenge on Southern Cameroons
>> Can you tell this forum why self-rule is bad for Southern Cameroons? I
>> get
>> the argument that other Cameroonians are not better off, but how does
>> that
>> make self-government bad for Southern Cameroonians? How, in the absence
>> of
>> self-rule, is the current situation different from colonization? (Boh
>> Herbert)
>> The so called Southern Cameroons can not talk of self-rule,
>> because it lacks the legitimacy and sovereignty to do so; and would be
>> secessionist movements like the SCNC lacks the mandate from the very
>> people
>> they claim their subversive activities shall benefit. The coalition of
>> the
>> discontent few, who have constituted themselves into would be
>> secessionist
>> movements without followers are anti-nationalist. Their actions do not
>> reduce the capacity of junta Paul Biya's regime to plunder state
>> resources,
>> but in effect sustain the regime by pitting Cameroonians against one
>> another, strengthening the divide-and-rule tactics of the dictator. This
>> distracts attention from the actual problems faced by the people in their
>> daily lives.
>> Former Southern Cameroon has genuine expressions of cultural,
>> economic, and social grievances: Poverty and inequality of opportunities,
>> a
>> situation that affects 100 percent of the country, including the Littoral
>> and Central provinces is one of them. Another is the attempt to make
>> Cameroon a French speaking country, which I have said before will never
>> work.
>> Yes, it is true that the government of junta Biya has
>> deliberately ignored legitimate grievances from minority groups, but who
>> wants to listen to such grievances if the under 500 people behind the so
>> called Anglophone movements propagate callous secessionist claims.
>> We are finalizing the manifesto for the newly constituted
>> Cameroon Peoples Nationalist Alliance and Mr. Boh Herbert will read more
>> about this question. But the Republic of Cameroon remains a unified
>> nation
>> or cultural community with a shared history, languages, religions arts
>> and
>> music etc. The question of whether Southern Cameroons can govern itself is
>> a
>> distraction, because Southern Cameroon died in 1961.
>> Augustine Agbor Enow
>> Founder and Convener
>> Cameroon Peoples Nationalist Alliance (CPNA)
>> The outcome of my life is not more than three lines:
>> I was a raw material
>> I became mature and cooked
>> And I was burned into nothingness.
>> Rumi
>> On Monday, December 30, 2013 7:55 AM, Herbert Boh <>
>> wrote:
>> Happy New Year 2014 to all!!!
>> For years, advocates of self-rule and the restoration of Southern
>> Cameroons
>> have argued the merits of the case they make while opponents have
>> generally
>> said "No", "No Way", "No How".
>> This is my 2014 Challenge for those opposed to self-rule (not
>> decentralization) for any people (in this case, Southern Cameroonians):
>> Can you tell this forum why self-rule is bad for Southern Cameroons? I
>> get
>> the argument that other Cameroonians are not better off, but how does
>> that
>> make self-government bad for Southern Cameroonians? How, in the absence
>> of
>> self-rule, is the current situation different from colonization? Please
>> don't recycle the "Balkanization" argument because Africa was never ONE
>> to
>> start with. Secondly, various countries across the continent did not say
>> "No" to independence (another word for self-government) claiming that
>> African unity will be harmed by piecemeal independence.
>> Opponents of self-rule, please take advantage of this challenge in 2014
>> and
>> let us gear YOUR CASE. Who knows? You just may convince millions of us
>> with
>> your arguments.
>> I will be waiting.
>> Happy New Year 2014 !!!
>> Boh Herbert
>> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
> a thing makes it happen.


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.

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